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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. AZ8

    Looks likie good weather

    Yup, I'm jealous too! Looks like it may be a bit on the wet side for the opener depending on what Newton decides to do.
  2. AZ8

    I-17 Labor Day

    It was, until all the antique bikes burned up!
  3. Tough day out in the desert. Good bird flights, but not overly crazy. Enough to keep us busy. Really had to work to get my limit by 9:30am. Both my brother and I limited out. Was good to have the place to ourselves! Love hunting these desert tanks. No worries on getting peppered, and we get to enjoy the solitude! My limit.
  4. Not just dove hunters. All walks of life. Hunters, campers, hikers, patchouli smelling hippies, OHV'ers...etc. Not sure when this changed, but more and more everyday, people just feel the need to not clean up their mess. Most think Waste Mangement will swing by and clean up after them. Maybe it's the generation where mom cleaned up after them all the time. They carried that over as a parent and the kids now learn by what dad does. Maybe it's the selfish entitlement that's prevalent today. Maybe people would rather have their face buried in their phone than to pick up the trash. Bottom line is people just don't care anymore. Really don't know the answers other than teach our kids right from wrong and hope it sticks.
  5. AZ8

    I-17 Labor Day

    We use to leave on every holiday weekend. Several years ago we said screw it. Tired of fighting the traffic. I'd rather head north on a non-holiday weekend. Here's a pic of that back up from Channel 3 news. Screw that!
  6. Dang, I'm jealous! Don't ya'll work?? Haha Won't be able to go unitil this weekend.
  7. AZ8

    Bargain Camo

    That's where I buy all my Natural Gear camo. It's all I wear here and has worked well. Good prices too.
  8. You're gonna hate the heat. It's like nothing you've experienced. You just have to live through one summer to understand. I work outdoors, so it's miserable to me. Like a few others, I grew up in Northern Arizona, but live down here in the valley. Moved here in 1992. My first opportunity....I'm outta here! Lol Based on what you're saying, Prescott seems to fit the bill. Cool enough in the summer, and warm in the winter. Sure, they get snow, but it's gone pretty quick. The snow cover here isn't like Ohio. In Prescott, it's usually gone within a few days after a storm. Maybe a bit longer during a cold spell. But 3 months of snow cover in Prescott will never happen. Remember, Arizona sits at much lower latitude than Ohio. So our winters are pretty mild. That's why our elk become monsters!!
  9. AZ8

    2016 Archery Velvet Muley Down!!

    Congrats on a great buck! Heck of hunt for you guys.
  10. Not just in the Pinals. Headed up north yesterday via SR87. Passed many road hunters from Clints Well and points north. All going about 15mph. A major state highway with traffic, and these boys are putt'n along in their SxS's, bows in hand, oblivious of the 10 car backup they're causing. Long stretches of double yellow lines. People were getting impatient. Recipe for disaster. To each his own, but please get off the highway.
  11. AZ8

    Home Burglarized: Hunting Gear Stolen

    Man, this sucks. Thieves are bottom dwellers! This is about the only thing that will truly prevent most home break-ins. Meet Max.
  12. AZ8

    Goat DOWN!!

  13. AZ8

    My buddy's AZ strip little mule deer

    Goodness gracious! Man I love a big muley! Congrats to your buddy!
  14. AZ8

    Thinking of moving to camp verde

    No experience with Camp Verde. But I did the commute thing for about a year. It got old quick. Losing 2+ hours of my life on the road everyday was too much. Just something to consider. Good luck!
  15. AZ8

    How do I post pics?

    Weird. I use my iPad with no issues.
  16. AZ8

    How do I post pics?

    Click on the "choose file" button. Then once uploaded, click "attach this photo" button. Then "add to post" Pretty simple.
  17. AZ8

    Sheep, Sheep and more Sheep

    Nice pics. All the Salt River lakes are crazy on the weekends! Middle of the week is best!
  18. AZ8

    Nooooo... Jury Duty!

    Never got it. Lost in the mail. Never signed for it...etc etc..
  19. AZ8

    Lightweight quality tripods?

    My backpack set up is a Slik Pro EZ aluminum with the outdoorsman's head on it. Total weight is 2.5 pounds.
  20. AZ8

    Complete archery outfit for sale

    Heck of deal for $350! That's a great setup for someone getting into archery. Good luck on your sale.
  21. AZ8

    Kaibab archery Cow Buffalo - aug 12th---25th

    Good luck! Quite an adventure heading your way!
  22. White 4 door Silverado heading north on 87. You passed me near the Four Peaks turn off at about 6:30 this morning. I was in the white Silverado too! Very uncommon truck! Haha
  23. AZ8

    It's Almost Time

    Yeah. Still had a strong pine smell.
  24. AZ8

    It's Almost Time

    What does this mean? Up on the Rim today checking cameras.
  25. AZ8

    Let's hear it vehicle options for momma ?

    Get out of here, That even broke in for a Hyundai Let me get my checkbook!