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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. I've been shopping myself. Based on my research, I've yet to find a 5x8 with 15" tires. It seems you need to bump up to at least a 5x10 trailer if you want larger tires.
  2. AZ8

    Why not hunters......What is wrong????

    Wait until the greenies give a bison a cute little name like Biscuit or Ruby Red. The public masses will freak TFO! Just like the Salt River feral horses, the bison will be saved!
  3. AZ8

    Rest upgrade

    Good shooting. I'm still a whisker biscuit fan. Happy with my results, so no need to change. And yes, elk season can't come soon enough!
  4. AZ8

    Coyote on block wall

    There's one that roams in my neighborhood and is pretty efficient. Have seen him numerous times walking down the street with another house cat in its mouth. Then I see the flyers on the mailbox about a missing cat. I don't have the heart to write "she was coyote food yesterday" on the flyer!
  5. AZ8

    Santa Ritas are burning...

    Getting close to Whetstones...
  6. AZ8

    Santa Ritas are burning...

    People are idiots! That's what started the Sunflower fire back in 2012 that burned most of Mt Peely.
  7. AZ8


    Yeah, I'll start calling around in the morning. Just thought I'd see if anyone here has seen them locally. Material doesn't matter. I do prefer a softer sole tho.
  8. AZ8

    A GREAT video ...

    Thanks for sharing!! Awesome video!
  9. AZ8

    First Gobbler

    Awesome. Congrats!
  10. AZ8

    Good hiking

    I believe it was closed in 2005 during the Edge fire. I could be wrong tho.... Here's an account from one of the SAR guys on scene of the drownings back in 1998. http://hardcoreoutdoor.com/the-mission-i-cant-forget-flash-flood-kills-boy-scouts-and-troop-leader-march-28-1998/
  11. AZ8

    Oak Monster

    That's a dead bull on opening morning!
  12. AZ8

    Arizona Unit 4B

    I can't put my finger on it, but there's something going on here with BC777 and unit 4B! I understand his argument. 4B doesn't consistently produce trophy bulls. I get it. He's stated this argument ad nauseam on several 4B threads, both here and other forums. I guess I just can't figure out why he's so concerned with people that actually put in for that hunt as if it's his tag. Why worry about it? It is fascinating.
  13. AZ8

    Tag in the mail today

    Yup! My archery bull tag was waiting for me in the mailbox. C'mon September, hurry up!!!!!!!!
  14. AZ8

    Arizona Unit 4B

    Just because they're not posted online, doesn't mean they aren't there.
  15. AZ8

    Arizona Unit 4B

    I'll be right across the canyon from you in 4A. My friends told me if I kill one in Chevelon Canyon, don't worry about the pack out. Just bring a fork and knife and enjoy my elk down there! lmao! Anyways, good luck!
  16. AZ8

    Where am I

    Saguaro Lake ranch?
  17. AZ8

    FS 300 Rim Road

    Youth turkey starts on the 21st, so worse case scenario another two weeks. If it's like any other year, it'll be open here pretty quick.
  18. AZ8

    New Swarovski BTX

  19. Holy cow! I thought I had a long commute. That's some serious miles!
  20. AZ8

    Buying Used Bow Online?

    Check camofire. On occasion you will see 2016 NIB from PSE and Bear at 50% off. These are great bows. Any modern compound today will give you years of enjoyment irregardless of brand. I'm still shooting my 2009 Bear Truth 2.
  21. Like others, XM radio for the most part. Also listen to iHeart radio. XM: Hair Nation Ozzy's Boneyard Bluesville 80's iHeart Radio: Slippery When Wet
  22. AZ8

    4a antelope tag

    Great hunt. Some big boys in there. It's been years, but the former world record came out of there. But the genetics still exsist.
  23. AZ8

    Point Guard

    I am just guessing here. They may make them available to organizations like Hunts For Heroes. If an outfit like that does not have a taker they probably destroy the tag. I do not expect they have a process to re-issue them to the general public. If they issue a set number of tags based on how many animals they want harvested how does it make any sense that they would just destroy the tags? If the hunter had the tag and did not hunt or the hunter turned through point guard and the tag was not re-issued the end result is the same, no hunter in the field. Tags being drawn and not used is something that has always happened before point guard. They issue a given number of tags, they estimate a % will be filled. They do not expect every tag issued will always be taken into the field by the hunter. And don't forget the PETA loving, anti-hunting hippies. They apply for tags, then shred them if drawn. Their way of saving Bambi.
  24. AZ8

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Lol Everything in this state that has to do with water is cumulative. Aquifers, resevoirs, stock tanks. We'll just agree to disagree.