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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. AZ8

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    This has been my main contention. I brought this up at the meeting at BassPro that Arizona has a finite resource and can't be compared to other states. How do we add more tags without removing tags from the general pool? If simply adding more tags to the pool, how's it going to affect the harvest objectives outlined by G&F? These "new" tags will HAVE to come out of the general pool if we want to meet the current harvest objectives.
  2. AZ8

    Bad Neighbor

    Don't escalate it. I had a bad neighbor a few years ago. Total DB! After awhile I just ignored him. He got bored, stopped the harassing and moved away. Eventually I heard through other neighbors that he died. What a miserable man. And now he's dead. Just document everything and keep to yourself. It's a crazy world now compared to 20-30 years ago and we hear stories of neighbors killing each other over stuff that really doesn't matter much. Not worth it.
  3. AZ8

    When to buy Point Guard

    14 points for deer and only applying for one specific unit. I'm buying point guard. haha
  4. AZ8

    Late Hunt

    Heading up in the morning. No tag for me, just going up to drink...err, I mean to help locate birds. Friends said it was very quiet this morning. No tags fill yet. I told them to wait for me!
  5. AZ8

    The tinder fire

    From this afternoon. This should help!
  6. AZ8

    My 1st Turkey

    Awesome! The first one is always the best. Everytime our hunting group is gathered around the campfire and stories begin to flow, the story on how I got my first turkey always comes up! Great times. Congrats!
  7. AZ8

    noisy in the woods today

    Going up on Saturday to help a few friends. Hoping to hear something!
  8. AZ8

    The tinder fire

    Assuming what you have posted is true, it would be nice if the perps could be found. It would be appopriate that they face jail time and then bankruptcy.
  9. AZ8

    The tinder fire

    Just confirmed by Cocnino County Sheriff: Tinder Fire started by unattended campfire off 95 road. Remember there were fire restrictions already in place. So somebody felt entitled to have an illegal campfire.
  10. AZ8

    The tinder fire

    At the community meeting tonight, it was stated that they don't expect it to jump 87. Hope for the best!
  11. AZ8

    The tinder fire

    My buddy's house on the west side of 87 so far so good.....hoping for better news for others. He said it's gonna run all that way north until it runs out of fuel
  12. AZ8

    The tinder fire

    Incident Command Post
  13. AZ8

    The tinder fire

    Just got back from up north. As expected in the early morning hours, SR87 smoke was laying low and thick beginning just south of Starlight Pines. Couldn't see any smoke plume. Heading back south this afternoon, not much smoke on SR87, however a moderate smoke plume could be seen to the east in East Clear Creek. Gusty winds also observed. Pretty big ICP off 698 road.
  14. AZ8

    Conserve and Protect Meeting 4/23/2018

    what has changed, as far as your perspective? I thought there was some solid ideas put on the table.Sorry about the late response. I had to be up a 4am today to make an 8am meeting in Flagstaff. To answer your question, I think a couple guys posted before share my thoughts regarding the board. With the exception of Pete, I feel they are listening to us regarding ideas to move forward. Were they sincere? Time will tell. But Im looking forward to the the next CAPAZ meeting. Although I didn't have much to offer as this was more of a fact finding for me, there were great ideas presented. Flatlander and idgaf presented excellent ideas. I was sitting in front of Bruce. I could feel his frustration when Pete challenged him and then calling him a fool. With that said, I deal with people like Pete in my work almost everyday. They're a dime a dozen. Just accept who they are and move on. The rest of the Board was professional and receptive. Guess we'll see how this plays out. Anyways...I wanted to meet the CWT members there, but my 4am wake up was lingering and I had to get home.
  15. AZ8

    Conserve and Protect Meeting 4/23/2018

    Maybe 30 people....but I didn't do an actual count.
  16. AZ8

    Conserve and Protect Meeting 4/23/2018

    I just got home. Good meeting with lots of ideas. I'm still against raffle/auction tags, but I do have to say, I have a different perspective on this process than I did 24hrs ago.
  17. listen to you guys. First you were mad that you didn't have enough notice on the last meeting, now you don't want to go speak to this group you have concerns about. Go speak your mind. I'll be there.
  18. What's the point? Did you listen to that radio interview? It's clear they have no patience for the "mob" on CWT. That's an actual word they used to describe us.so show up and provide your input as an individual and a sportsman in this State. They don't know who you are. Say what you have to say. I've already stated my opinion to CAPAZ.
  19. What's the point? Did you listen to that radio interview? It's clear they have no patience for the "mob" on CWT. That's an actual word they used to describe us.
  20. The distain for this website and it's "keyboard killers" just drips from those folks on that radio show. They also gave out some disingenuous info. Not sure who said it, but when trying to justify possible auction tags, they mentioned there were something like 680+ leftover elk tags. Pure BS. 99% of those leftover elk tags were for those Kaibab and Strip tags the Department couldn't give away at $35 a piece. If CAPAZ is reading this, I'm trying to keep an objective mind, but when you purposely misinform to move your agenda forward, I lose respect. You guys need to understand we're on your side, but these cheap jabs and condescending radio programs are not helping your cause.
  21. AZ8

    Plantar fasciitis

    I had it in my left foot for over a year. Miserable! My job requires me to be upright and walking all day. It was so bad, I could barely walk. Simple walking had a pain level of 10! What worked for me was stretching. Especially in the morning right after waking. I sit on the edge of my bed and place my foot on a firm ball and roll back and forth, several times. Then in the evening, I'd do the rolling stretches again. It hurts, but feels good at the same time. It took several weeks of this, but it helped immensely. I've been pain free now going on a year. I found none of the OTC insoles really helped me.
  22. AZ8

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    This is what has me confused. The email posted by Jay Scott in the other thread seems to contradict the political nuances.
  23. AZ8

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    Let me get this straight: So the AZGFD can't get involved in any political activities, for or against. No opinions or any financial allocations. A former "tag grab" group forms another committee that will collect funds to fight the political fights. AZGFD is on board and endorses. In effect, approving what tantamounts to a PAC using big game tags as a fund raiser. I'm confused. Thought they can't get involved with anything, even in appearance as being political. Can you say lawsuit?
  24. AZ8

    Pack snacks

    I get the tuna fish version of this, but it's a little too sweet for me. I'll have to try the chicken.
  25. AZ8

    G&F new TAG printings

    Several years ago, I went on a ride along with a wildlife manager during a turkey hunt. Almost everyone he checked didn't have their tag signed. He kindly handed them a pen and asked if they could sign their tag and sent them on the way.