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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. AZ8

    Spring results

    I imagine CC hits tomorrow.
  2. AZ8

    Super Bonus Point

    I’ve been on board from day one regarding the conservation stamp idea. I don’t understand the blowback from the Department with this idea. I guess we can just keep giving them our comments and see how it plays out!
  3. AZ8

    Super Bonus Point

    They said if the voluntary stamp participation was 100%, it would raise 1M. They acknowledged in the video that a voluntary stamp purchase would be very low, thus discounting it’s effect.
  4. AZ8

    Super Bonus Point

    The presentation said it would most likely take 2 years to implement. Now's the time to express our ideas/concerns as they hash out the pros/cons.
  5. AZ8

    Any quail reports?

    Im sure there will be some pockets of good hunting, but it’s gonna be a rough year for gambels. It’s a long season, so hopefully we can all find a few good spots. https://www.azgfd.com/quail-outlook-a-tough-season-ahead/
  6. AZ8

    Any quail reports?

    Went to my guaranteed hot spot for a few hours. Dead!! The one covey I jumped I let off and let them live another day. Didn't want to destroy the already bad population. This past dry winter and hot summer has adversely affected the gamble quail population. Going to be a tough year. Will go out again in a few weeks to check on my backup spots.
  7. AZ8

    10-22 Owners with scopes Step Inside

    I have a Simmons Truplex 3x9x32. Been working pretty good so far.
  8. AZ8

    Jr. Cow Hunts 2018

    Congrats. My niece filled her tag on opening morning. One shot, DRT!
  9. AZ8

    more rain

    Ton of rain here in Mesa. Never seen so much rain in October. Going to take the side by side out tomorrow and scout my quail spots and see how the coveys faired through the brutally dry winter and hot azz summer. I’m not optimistic.
  10. AZ8

    What to do? Weather for 4a Youth Elk Hunt

    Go and hunt as scheduled. The forecast is changing. It appears the remnants of the hurricane are shifting to the east and most of AZ won’t really feel the effects. Ive helped on many of those 4A youth hunts through the years, regardless of weather, they are a blast! Good luck!
  11. AZ8

    Change in the weather for next week

    Woke up to an inch of snow in Flagstaff this morning! Melting fast tho. What a great start to October.
  12. What a cluster! That's a hack of a detour!
  13. Looks like they're getting pretty close to getting it repaired!
  14. Sounds like they're going to do a temporary fix just to reopen, then go back later. That's positive. https://azdot.gov/mobile/media/news/2018/10/04/closure-of-multiple-days-expected-on-us-89-north-of-flagstaff
  15. Yeah I remember that. I think they actually built a temporary frontage road because of that.
  16. If coming from the valley, I wouldn’t even head north on I-17. I’d head north on SR87 to Winslow, then proceed with the detour.
  17. Yeah, looks to be a prolonged closure. This picture shows what they’re up against. Guess someone died when the fell in the sinkhole. Sad deal. Can you imagine? Driving along in the dark, then...bam! Scary.
  18. AZ8

    Change in the weather for next week

    Yeah, they’re saying 4+ up along the Rim. Let’s see if Hurricane Rosa(remnants) delivers.
  19. AZ8

    Fossil Hunting

    Tons of spots listed here. Scroll down a bit to see specific spots in each county. http://www.t-rat.com/Pages/WhereToFindFossils.html
  20. AZ8

    Coming Home

    Just in case you need a refresher:
  21. AZ8

    Coming Home

    Welcome back. There’s no place like home!
  22. AZ8

    Grizzly hunt cancelled

    Litigation. Litigation. Litigation. Nothing from the left is science based. Their litigation strategy, which can drag on for years and even decades, reaps them good results. This in turn brings in millions of dollars into their coffers waiting on the next case to litigate. It’s a state of perpetual hysteria and a revolving door, not in search of solution, but to pad their bank accounts.
  23. AZ8

    late rifle 4a

    If there’s no snow, you’ll find elk throughout the unit. They’ll just be in places most wont go as they recover from the rut. If heavy snows hit early, your best bet will be in the transition country. Bit early to plan, but I think the weather will determine you strategy. I’ve seen 2 foot of snow up at Woods Canyon around Thanksgiving. I’ve also seen dry, warm hunts. Every year is different.