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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. AZ8


    Tonto creek and the Verde river are cranking out some runoff!
  2. AZ8

    Elk draw website down

    That’s what I did several years ago. Sure makes it nice now. One less thing to worry about.
  3. AZ8

    Elk draw website down

    To be fair, Newberg has never given out unit numbers. In fact, he specifically says and writes in his videos that he won't disclose the unit he's hunting. Now, alot of us locals will recognize landmarks, but nothing more.
  4. Yeah, it’s pretty juvenile. Some of these guys never left Jr High school with their little digs. Seriously, if you don’t like the author of a thread, hit the back button and move on. Seems like a bunch of 30-50 year old teenage boys.....
  5. AZ8

    wild horses

    Problem is, they're not wild horses from the long lost past of Western lore. They are escaped feral horses. Nothing more. Period!
  6. AZ8

    wild horses

    I read an article yesterday and it said that 16 horses from the Heber herd have been found dead since October. Of those 16, they confirmed 10 were shot. Appears some people up there aren't too happy with those horses. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.12news.com/amp/article%3fsection=news&subsection=local&topic=arizona&headline=four-more-horses-found-dead-in-eastern-arizona-bringing-total-to-16&contentId=75-cbe6d515-4bc2-4961-84e2-247aa7624691
  7. AZ8

    The Gordon Buck

    Mule deer hunting is the pinnacle for me. Unbelieveable! Congrats to the hunter.
  8. AZ8

    Elk draw website down

    With the earliest credit card update deadline ever, 2-28, we’ll all know on March 1st if we’re going hunting. Only 22 days away. Crazy!
  9. AZ8

    Elk draw website down

    I applied last night. No issues. C'mon elk tag!
  10. AZ8

    wild horses

    Wait until they get Hollywood status like the Salt River herd. They’ll then become untouchable.
  11. AZ8


    Man, you’ve done some cool azz jobs! Tons of great hunting here in Arizona, including small game. Good gambel quail hunting up your way, especially after good winter rains. Welcome!
  12. AZ8

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    My archery elk unit actually had more tags back then. edit. I was wrong. Was looking at wrong line.
  13. AZ8

    Condolences to Blue Ridge Faithful

    I played varsity in '85, '86 and '87. I lined up opposite of Tim Landers. That boy destroyed me...everytime!...lmao. Sad to hear he passed away in the late '90s. Anyways....Moro beat us all 3 years! He built an incredible program. RIP
  14. AZ8

    My First Southern Border Hunt Experience

    You need to send that video to Pelosi and Schumer
  15. AZ8

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Glad I'm in the Sportsman stage of my life.
  16. AZ8

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Brian, CJohnson started the drama. Just wanted to clarify that This is a great forum.
  17. AZ8

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    I think BC777 would add value to this thread. He's the perfect hybrid: one part cam thief, one part poacher. 😎
  18. AZ8

    My OTC deer

    Man! Great buck. Congrats!
  19. AZ8

    Super Bonus Point

    re: AZGFD, Conserve and Protect If you’re still following the debate on how to fund an education program, it appears a new idea has come up during the initial 30 day comment period. The second 30 day comment period has commenced and they are asking for feedback. Here’s another chance to comment on any ideas/concerns you may have with the Super Bonus Point idea or anything else. https://www.azgfd.com/agency/dedicated-funding-source/
  20. AZ8

    Super Bonus Point

    Even if passed, the Department said it may take up to 2 years to implement. You’ll have a couple draw cycles to burn your points if you so chose.
  21. Hello. Helping my mom sell a few things. Freezer sold. Crosley chest freezer. I couldn’t find any information on cubic ft, but the demensions are 42” L x 22” W x 34” T I’m guessing maybe it’s a 7 cubic feet?? But I could be wrong. This was a backup freezer, but I plugged it in and it worked. Price $50 2 La-Z-Boy sleeper sofas. In good shape. No tears in sofa or mattresses. Sofas are heavy, but I can help load. Price $50 each. Items located in Mesa in Dreamland Villa Retirement community. University and Recker. Local pick up.
  22. AZ8

    Wanna see a huge buck?

    Incredible. I got him at 204
  23. AZ8

    Advice for tripod

    In my experience, one thing to remember, the higher you go with the tripod, the less stable it will be. Regardless of manufactuer or material. I’m 6’0 and when my tripod is set to glass while standing, I notice the little vibrations more. The tripod is much more stable at a lower profile, i.e., when you’re sitting on a chair or your butt. Just something to consider if you’re having difficulty finding a tripod tall enough for you. Plus you can glass much longer sitting down! 😎
  24. AZ8

    Weather report

    People couldn’t get up the hill to Mt Ord. Accidents galore last night. ADOTs twitter feed was blowing up.
  25. AZ8

    Safe Highway Fees

    I read a couple lawmakers are actively pursuing to repeal this fee. How far it will go is anybody's guess.