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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. AZ8

    Son got it done again.

    Great bull! Congrats to your son.
  2. AZ8

    Fruits of success.

    I disagree with your assessment. I'll leave it at that.
  3. AZ8

    Heads UP!! UPDATE $30K

    Here’s the DPS footage from the takedown. Gets tazed at about the 12 minute mark. Was easy to find the house on Google Earth. I’ve driven by that house thousands of times on my way to and from the Greenbacks. https://www.azfamily.com/news/u-s-marshals-capture-escaped-tucson-murder-suspects/article_d7b167c4-d520-11e9-a538-1fb6ae6c651b.html
  4. AZ8

    Heads UP!! UPDATE $30K

    If you want to hide from the law, ex-wife or psycho girlfriend, east of the creek is the place to be! Been hunting back in there for decades and we’ve always joked how easy it’d be to disappear and live incognito throughout those residential properties. No disrespect to those that live there, but a guy could lay low for years without anyone knowing your name!
  5. AZ8

    Unit 10 my beautiful blessing

    Awesome! Congrats on a great pronghorn!
  6. AZ8

    Heads UP!! UPDATE $30K

    15+ years! Sad for her family.
  7. I think this is his last day according to his very first post in this thread: ......"MY bison hunt sucked the majority of my vacation so my intention is to hunt the first few days then ten days starting just before labor day weekend. either my failure or success will be epic. ....."
  8. AZ8

    Hunter’s Big Chance 2019

  9. Yeah, this would be tough for us working stiffs. Good opportunity for retired guys. “Hey Boss! Just got an offer for a tag up north. Starts in the morning. I need 10 days off effective immediately.”.........”Have fun, I’ll have all your stuff in a box when you get back. You can pick it up at receiving, I’ll need your badge now too.”
  10. AZ8


    Can Am Defender. I have the 3 seater. With a family, I'd look at the Defender Max for the extra seating. Its been a great machine! Built like a tank with a great ride. Comfy cab with lots of leg room. Great gas mileage. Pretty quiet for sxs standards. The engine is under the bed, so the cab doesn't get all that engine heat. Plus there are tons of accessories. It's really limitless on what you can do to it.
  11. AZ8

    Walmart ends all handgun ammunition

    Looks like Fry’s will be joining the ongoing knee jerk reactions. So if you’re grabbing a gallon of chocolate milk and some Doritos, better go in concealed. https://www.azfamily.com/news/us_world_news/kroger-asks-customers-not-to-openly-carry-guns-in-its/article_04b62be0-807e-5f08-bb33-b66800073561.html
  12. AZ8

    Grand Canyon to make second run at corralling bison herd

    I hear this is the fence they’re using! 🤠
  13. AZ8

    Dream Buck

    Wow! What a brute. Congrats!
  14. Best action in years. Slow going at sunrise, but once they started coming in for a drink, it was non-stop. Took a bit to get the rust off, but got it done by 8AM.
  15. Went out this morning to check on the desert tank I hunt to make sure it had water. Out in the middle of nowhere and the area in around was loaded with birds! Should be fun tomorrow!
  16. AZ8


    I usually shoot waste a box getting the early season rust off! 😀
  17. Forest Lakes is in 4B. Just want to clarify since he’s from out of state.
  18. AZ8


    I prefer the solitude of a lonely desert tank. No one else but me. Not as much action or fast paced, but the quiet nature of the desert is peaceful to me. Good luck to everyone on Sunday!
  19. AZ8

    Thoughts on use of point guard

    Not what I meant and you know it. Elk for elk; deer for deer...etc. not interchangeable.......no wonder the department laughs at us. Everything is a joke here on CWT.
  20. AZ8

    Thoughts on use of point guard

    I get that. Thank you. But If you get to start all over again, it’s not a true “one time use”. That’s all I’m saying. If the department really wants to reign this in, then every hunter gets 10 lifetime point guard opportunities. One for each big game species. You use it, then you’re done for life regarding that species. That’s a true “one time use”.
  21. AZ8

    Humans and Elk Calving

    It’s ironic that recreational users of public land, those that contribute zero dollars to the conservation of wildlife, habitat improvements and local game and fish budgets, are directly responsible for wildlife mortality. Yet hunters are the bad guys.
  22. AZ8

    Thoughts on use of point guard

    People are misunderstanding the term...."only use once". Not technically true. Read the last sentence Delw highlighted in his response. In this case, once you draw for that species, you can start again buying point guard for the same species. The key is after you've drawn. So it's possible to keep using it for the same species. Me, I don't have a problem wth it. It's up to everyone's personal risk vs reward. I prefer to be conservative and keep it just in case I really need it, i.e, break my arm 9 days before the season.
  23. AZ8

    Never thought i would turn this tag back in

    I know one thing: If I ever turn in a tag, I’ll never post it on CWT! It’s like running the gauntlet in here! 😃