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Eagle mountain ranch

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Everything posted by Eagle mountain ranch

  1. Eagle mountain ranch

    But you didn't

    Um..?? Maybe I've had to many beers ?? But WTH am I looking at here? A dude walking away from the camera with a backpack on?? If so you gotta do wayyyyyyy better than that !
  2. Eagle mountain ranch

    New Arizona Deer Association Raffle. Winner Posted !!!

    Looks sweet , sometimes I wish I had something like this instead of my 30' 5th wheel great raffle I will be getting in on it for sure .. Thanks
  3. Eagle mountain ranch

    2016 Mule Deer Meatpole

    Whoop .. Whoop darn nice buck congrats ...
  4. Eagle mountain ranch

    Tactical Tailor Extended Range Operator pack

    I was hoping so but its been listed on 4 different sites with trade offers for stuff I don't need the only response. I get it. Its not what I would call a true "hunting pack." But it is very capable. I think its way overpriced on TT's website but that's why I'm offering it more realistically here. Thanks for the bump. you got it kinda looks similar to the outdoorsman minus the external frame if you ask me .. Goodluck with with the sale. Bump .. Bump ...
  5. Eagle mountain ranch

    Your best days

    Dont feel bad trust me, we all have or will go threw this I think about it each day as I get older,these comments from all have made me feel alittle better , hopefully it does you too ..
  6. Eagle mountain ranch


    Little does he know his career is over he should tryout for water boy.. I always had a bad feeling about this guy and when he was doing good,couldn't wait to see his bones crunched .... Now I know why !!!this great nation is why he is able to do what he does. Even though he doesn't do it very good!!!I get it but really what true American doesn't stand for his or hers anthem!! Really ... Wtf a lot of people have died and payed the price to be able to enjoy it ... What side do you stand on ??
  7. Eagle mountain ranch


    Little does he know his career is over he should tryout for water boy.. I always had a bad feeling about this guy and when he was doing good,couldn't wait to see his bones crunched .... Now I know why !!!this great nation is why he is able to do what he does. Even though he doesn't do it very good!!! I get it but really what true American doesn't stand for his or hers anthem!! Really ... Wtf
  8. Eagle mountain ranch

    Heads up Huachuca hunters.

    Welcome to what the democrats , and rinos have created.. It's really sad for sure ... Stay safe out there guys
  9. Eagle mountain ranch

    Tactical Tailor Extended Range Operator pack

    Looks like a sweet pack, it should sell quick
  10. Eagle mountain ranch


    Little does he know his career is over he should tryout for water boy.. I always had a bad feeling about this guy and when he was doing good,couldn't wait to see his bones crunched .... Now I know why !!!
  11. Eagle mountain ranch


    Yes he needs to go if you can't stand up for the National Anthem, get out .. You suck anyways,and I'm no 49's fan ...I bet he's cut within the week as should be.Maybe he can go protest with the rest of the hoodlems.
  12. Eagle mountain ranch

    cz 452 american 22 mag w/leupold 2x7 SPF

    Why is all the good sh!t in Tucson ???
  13. Eagle mountain ranch

    cz 452 american 22 mag w/leupold 2x7 SPF

    Man this one has my wallet on standby. Beautiful rifle sorry you hafta sell bud
  14. Eagle mountain ranch

    Is it October yet?

    Love the vapor trail in the first one , nothing like pick a rock I love that game ..
  15. Eagle mountain ranch

    Lots of bullets for sale.

    Interested in the 190 vlds
  16. Eagle mountain ranch

    Mojave or Diamondback?

    That's my exact same story, except I hit mine on the 8th shot from my pistol in the back then dropped a rock on it Your gonna hafta learn to shoot better. Lol , or just bring a shot gun put the bead on his head and pull ... Unless you want the skin if so wait till he uncoils and same thing bead on the head and pull ....
  17. Eagle mountain ranch

    Mojave or Diamondback?

    That's my exact same story, except I hit mine on the 8th shot from my pistol in the back then dropped a rock on ithaha .. Whatever works ...
  18. Eagle mountain ranch

    Mojave or Diamondback?

    My philosophy is if they cross your path and they are poisonous , kill on site to save someone else or their family member from getting hit. Non poisonous I let them pass. But this is just my opinion .
  19. Eagle mountain ranch

    Mojave or Diamondback?

    I know a building engineer at a high school up north that got bit over the summer just doing his job.Reached in somewhere and got nailed at the high school, he's been pretty messed up with all the surgeries and rehab ..
  20. Eagle mountain ranch

    Mojave or Diamondback?

    I'm just glad they are all dead .... I hate snakes green, black&white you name it ...
  21. Eagle mountain ranch

    Hunts for Hero's

    Thanks for the info, and good job keep up the good work.
  22. Eagle mountain ranch

    More BEETLES

    Holy crap looks like they could bite like a Rottweiler .. Yikes !!
  23. Eagle mountain ranch

    Hunts for Hero's

    I've got some on going undiagnosed health issues,and if they can't figure it out,and I can't give 100% on my unit 10 rifle elk tag I will gladly donate it to our fine men and women that have served. Good to know there is this option.
  24. Eagle mountain ranch

    Hunts for Hero's

    How much lead time do you guys need in advance if say a tag was to be donated?
  25. Eagle mountain ranch


    Would of loved to be a fly on that day watching it go down.. Good stuff .. Haha