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Eagle mountain ranch

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Everything posted by Eagle mountain ranch

  1. Eagle mountain ranch

    A/C guy needed in East valley

    Mine unit took a sh!t Saturday, now we are staying at my sister in laws till Monday, Tuesday, God help me !!! Funny how much you take A/C for granted until it sh!ts the bed !!!!!
  2. Eagle mountain ranch

    Re-homing our Dog- Lab/ Australian Shepherd mix

    Love it ...... that’s cool
  3. Eagle mountain ranch

    NFL Draft

    “National Felons league”
  4. Eagle mountain ranch

    We're Bombing Syria!!!

    Bless our troops in this crazy time ...
  5. Eagle mountain ranch

    Venison roast Friday

    What time I’ll bring the beer ?
  6. Eagle mountain ranch


    follow the money and you will find the RAT !!!
  7. Eagle mountain ranch

    Dinner in Gunnison Colorado

    It’s only like 70 $ a week ... not bad .. Lol
  8. Eagle mountain ranch

    Dinner in Gunnison Colorado

    900 $ dollar bottle of wine no thanks, I can survive on my beer and vodka for 3 months with that amount, That’s nuts ..... So....$3600 a year on beer & Vodka? pretty much who’s judging? give or take
  9. Eagle mountain ranch


    Makes me sick !!! The unfortunate world we live in , “ all about money “ Sad !
  10. Eagle mountain ranch

    Dinner in Gunnison Colorado

    900 $ dollar bottle of wine no thanks, I can survive on my beer and vodka for 3 months with that amount, That’s nuts .....
  11. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pack snacks

    So Im sitting here waiting for the girls to come home with dinner I could eat the a$$ out of a dead monkey right now. So it got me thinking what kinda snacks yall run in you pack while out in the field?
  12. Eagle mountain ranch

    G&F new TAG printings

    Just use two different colors of pen .... Lmao !
  13. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pack snacks

    Outback is usually pretty good but when I tell the to knock the antlers off and wash his A$$ they still can’t do rare , uh !!!
  14. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pack snacks

    So was this thread some kind of foreplay? LOL. steak and shrimp , I think somebody dropped me some thc in my drink at lunch cause I’m ready to eat .... Haha time for my steak and lobster dinner the ladies finally showed up .....
  15. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pack snacks

    Sounds like most are pretty customary to the norm for years, I thought maybe somebody had a new secret with the new B.S. times good to see some things do stay the same .... snack on see you on the mountain
  16. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pack snacks

    My food finally showed up , thank God ... Lol
  17. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pack snacks

    That’s the problem snacks are good , but while you are out and the tapeworm comes a calling saying ... let’s go back to the trailer make some eggs bacon and Budweiser’s , let me know if you profect this method I’m way in ....Haha
  18. Eagle mountain ranch

    G&F new TAG printings

    It’s all trivial but F.H. Is right it does say not valid till signed. Honestly I don’t get it but it is what it is. I found a new superstition no undies on the first 2 days ... Lol
  19. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pack snacks

    A older guy I hunt with in our camp has kiper snacks, jellied pigs feet and coffee for his snack .... yikes my a$$ hole would fall out if I even attempted to eat that combo but he is a old school Marine from the Vietnam era ....
  20. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pack snacks

    never tried it on my snacks only my nuts I’ll have to give it a try is it spicy?
  21. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pack snacks

    got that way covered trust me got a good flask.I was thinking more along the lines of solid food kipper snacks, cold pizza etc ...
  22. Eagle mountain ranch

    G&F new TAG printings

    I got a good a$$ chewing once when I had to barrow a pen from a game warden. Me too , it used to be a superstitious thing for me not to sign until I’ve killed but I always had a pen in my pack. Not anymore though I sign it right away now. He didn’t site me but ripped on me a bit.
  23. Eagle mountain ranch

    Pups Free to a good home.

    Get rid of the cats and keep the dog, mans best friend. IMO
  24. Eagle mountain ranch

    19a Az first hunt !

    Watch out for them D@mn rattlesnakes , saw 2 dead ones on the road between camp verde and Crt. Jct. on my way home. Good luck on the hunt .
  25. Eagle mountain ranch

    Badger skull back

    Wow , holy teeth Batman , nice looks good...