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Everything posted by hunthard

  1. hunthard

    Best all-around-tripod

    Little Head? The MVH500AH is as sturdy as they come before getting into non hunting tripod heads. The plate is about 2.75'' wide by 5.75'' long. I haven't seen a bigger plate/base on a tripod head used for hunting. I personally use a harris bipod and the triclawps. The bipod is only used obviously when you don't have time to set up the tripod. As far as twistlock. Are you talking about the legs or neck?
  2. hunthard

    Best all-around-tripod

    Amanda is it the 8144 or 8145? Mine says 8145 and I can't seem to find a 8144. Not that it matters I guess, just curious.
  3. hunthard

    Best all-around-tripod

    I have both the promaster and calumet. Both serve their purposes. The promaster is lighter but flexes more. If you're only going to be using 15's and a spotting scope. I would go with the promaster. The Calumet has a max weight of 24lbs and it definitely shows, especially with the triclawps and a gun mounted. I have the manfrotto mvh500ah head and the calumet and it is the best combo I've used hands down. I've used other heads(jim white, outdoorsmans, slik and others) And I will never go back to those after using this. If 3.3 lbs doesn't matter to you compared to 2.7. I'd choose the calumet. Also don't short change yourself with a weak head. The 701hdv or the mvh500ah is the way to go. Good Luck
  4. hunthard

    Which PSE should I get?

    I personally think a brand new bow is one of the worst investments, even though I love to archery hunt. A brand new bow loses half of it's value in 2 years. When I go to get a "new" bow it's always used(2 years old). I can get a higher end bow for the same or cheaper price as a brand new basic model bow. You've probably heard of archerytalk.com There's a lot of bows that come up for sale daily there. It just depends if you can stand to wait till something shows up that you want. Just something to consider. Good luck.
  5. Cabela's has them for $1700 right now. That's what a lot of guys are selling them used for.
  6. Have you checked out the new .17 wsm?
  7. Also a weatherby vanguard 2 backcountry is nice out of the box.
  8. hunthard

    Swaro"s vs Kiabab

    Save your money and get the new swaro HD's that are coming out This might sound bad but I've realized that a lot of people say what ever bino they have is just as good as the as swarovski, zeiss, and leica if they don't have any of those. For example I have two friends that own nikon action 16x50's and a friend that has some kiababs. All three of them say they're just as good as swarovski and they continue to say it even though we've gone out and tested them and there's clearly a big difference. Personally I think the swaro's are the clearest, brightest, and sharpest out there. Also quality too. Just holding them you can feel a difference. Plus the coatings will last a lifetime vortex and nikon's will break down over time. I don't have a pair of swaro's because my eyes are a little too close and yes I can look through them for about 5 minutes with the eye cups fully extended, then I start getting a little uncomfortabe. So I've had to settle for the fujinon 15x60 HB. But the new swaro's that are coming will have a closer interpupillary distance so I'm pretty excited!
  9. Ruben is the best seller I've dealt with on CW. Good luck with sale!
  10. Started this because I didn't want to derail/ take anything away from Brother in Law tagged out post. Great deer by the way.But, I think that this is a perfect example of poor scheduling. I think the G&F needs to push the early archery tags to later. That buck has any easy 2+ weeks of growing. Some of the mule deer are close to being done growing, but all the coues bucks I've glassed up lately and have had on camera have A LOT more growing to do. Maybe it's too hard because of all the other hunts(elk, antelope etc.) but I have no desire to kill a buck right now because they still have a lot more growing to do. What do you all think?
  11. hunthard

    WTB Swarovski 20-60x80 Spotting Scope

    http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=2075407 or there's this one. lol Sorry for blowing up your add.
  12. hunthard

    WTB Swarovski 20-60x80 Spotting Scope

    http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=2075027 Or are you looking for an ATS?
  13. hunthard

    WTB Swaros 15x56

    Cameraland has them for 1699 with the tripod adapter. Good luck
  14. hunthard

    wtb binoculars

    Maybe these are still available. Good Luck http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/40894-swarovski-15x56/?hl=15x56
  15. hunthard

    Early Archery Deer Hunts

    Personal choice my friend. I don't care for the taste of antlers either, but what does anyone have to lose by waiting a week? I never waste the meat, I take pride in quartering it on the spot and not throwing it in the back of my truck for 8 hours and then taking care of it. But why not manage/ schedule the hunts so all the game is done growing?
  16. hunthard

    Spotter or 15's???

    You need both. At 700 yds you'll be fine with 15's but to save yourself sometime the spotter is must. A buck that I glassed up last year that would get anyone excited about killing, was 1800+yds away and 1000 foot decline in elevation. I could tell his frame was built for 100''+ buck and that was what I was looking for. I glassed him up with my 15's but couldn't make out the points well, till I pulled the spotter out. His G2's were maybe 3 inches and G3's were barely coming out of his beams. I decided to pass. But if I didn't have my spotter I would have had to drop off that 1000ft in elevation to get within less than a 1000 yds to tell if it was what I wanted. And please stay away from 15x50's. The amount of light they let in is bad. If you can't afford some higher end 15's go with meopta/cabelas euro 12x50's till you can get some some 15x56 or 60's. The max amount of light that the human eye can let in is 7(f-number) anything that lets in 3.5 or lower is horrible in low light situations aka prime time for the deer to be moving usually. 15x50's let in 3.333 they're fine at noon but come 6 o'clock is when if you compare 15x50 and 15x56 you'll notice a huge difference. good luck
  17. hunthard

    Leupold vs vortex

    I agree AZKiller. I noticed on vortex's rifle scopes that they're cutting some corners, especially on the eye relief. I've witnessed a few guys getting scoped because of it. I'm a leupy fan.
  18. hunthard

    WTS/WTT Vortex Skyline ED 20-60x80

    Scope is sold.
  19. Scope is in like new condition. Only taken out a couple times. Glass is 99%/flawless and so is body. Has vortex's VIP lifetime warranty. Great in low light situations especially with the ED glass. Best bang for your buck in my opinion. MSRP was 800. Asking $490 Items I'm interested in: Outdoorsman pack, 270 weatherby brass, kuiu gear, triclawps, higher end 10x42(swaro, leica, zeiss, meopta hd etc) and who knows what else... Thanks for looking. Text or call (928)245-4860
  20. hunthard

    Vortex Razor 12x50--Question

    The only I difference I see in the non hd razor and the viper's is the razor has an extra coating called armor tek- ArmorTek Ultra-hard, scratch-resistant coating protects exterior lenses from scratches, oil and dirt. but IMO 12x50 would be better than 15x50 because of the amount of light it lets in.
  21. hunthard

    WTS/WTT Vortex Skyline ED 20-60x80

    Scope is back up for sale! Buyer flaked out.
  22. hunthard

    WTS/WTT Vortex Skyline ED 20-60x80

    scope is spf to ProSlayer
  23. hunthard

    WTS/WTT Vortex Skyline ED 20-60x80

    new price