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Everything posted by 654321

  1. 654321


    pictures on monstermuleys
  2. 654321

    Who's gonna be the first to post their elk???

    What unit is Duwayne's camp in? most likely unit 1
  3. make sure the area you're hunting isn't private property and you're more than 440 yards from any occupied buildings. if you have all day take the willow springs rd. off 77 lots of stock tanks, you can take that rd to freeman rd and loop back to highway between oracle jct, and florence when you get to the junction of willow you can go to the right towards dudleville or left and go towards florencd/kelvin highway. you will see a ton of cool country and should see some dove
  4. 654321

    Bear meat

    sherrif JOE probably be there, meat being exchanged at a large drop house
  5. 654321

    Bear meat

    i didn't know G&F had a swat team
  6. 654321

    Bear meat

    be careful selling game meat, could be wrong but i think you're only allowed to sell buffalo
  7. hopefully you got their license plate and some details about driver and call the OGT hot line
  8. 654321

    Thoughts on Baiting

    i believe by the fall draw of 2014 you will see a price increase in tags and lic.
  9. 654321

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    if you go to the G&F web page and scroll down the side to July 24 spring hunt rec. and open it then open hunt guideline and then spring hunt it has the spring proposals. if you read the paragraph it would appear that you could have 2 pig tags in your poss. as long as their not the same hunt #. so it seems to me you could have an archery permit in 6A&b and also haave an archery permit in 19A as long as you drew one hunt and picked the other hunt first come first serve since they are different hunt #.
  10. 654321

    Turkey in the rain

    lets hope that turkey died of old age and not some disease it picked up on the big ole local bait pile
  11. 654321

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    if i understand the proposal you can only get 1 tag through the draw and then the other one through first come first serve and only one tag per hunt number., not sure if you can get 2 tags for 2 diffferent hunt numbers through first come first serve, hope that makes sense
  12. lots of critters in az. have a season but no limit
  13. IMO the biggest difference is husted SELF-REPORTED, he still broke the law and as a resposible hunter he should have known the law in regards to taking a specific animal before he took it or helped take it. there are plenty of cases every hunting season where laws are broke and hunters self-report and they dont lose their lic. or get the book thrown at them.
  14. 654321

    G&F Commissioner

    go to GF web page it has the 9 page report all about it
  15. 654321

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    sure see alot of comments about gov. regulation taking freedom away ect. don't see to many people complaining about the change that will allow 2 pigs a year, or the law passed last year that opened lots of public land around urban areas to hunting, some people excited about suprresor law passed and magazine capacity, I do think CWD is wrong way to try and say baiting is going to be the reason it gets here, Utah allows baiting and they have CWD doubt baiting is the reason they have it, Colorado no baiting guess what it probably started there or wy., new mexico has CWD, IMO when az. gets CWD it will be from a migrating deer from southern utah, az be better off building 14ft. fence around border to keep CWD out rather than ban baiting, if a harvest issue put units like 23 and 22 to draw to limit harvest, imo.
  16. 654321

    No Archery In December In 34A??

    best guess is the change is to keep some pressure off mule deer, not to worrried about archery hunters hurting the whitetail in 34A
  17. 654321

    New to 36C Area

    haven't hunted that unit in years but there used to be some big bucks, sure there still are