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Everything posted by 654321

  1. The waste of game meat laws only apply to big game, small game and sport fish so you can legally leave predators right where they hit the ground.
  2. 654321


    You can buy a buffalo tag they are $273 and they are for any buffalo
  3. 654321

    The results are up!

    congrats to your girls awesome tags, I'm curious did you put in turkey with your girls or did they put in together?
  4. 654321

    Loyalty point

  5. 654321

    2013 draw results ?

    I have a friend who has 19 bp 's and is still waiting for a strip tag. You must have a lucky horse shoe and a couple of rabbits feet If your friend had 19bps for deer he would have a tag. The max going into this years draw was 16, 13 residents and 164 non-residents.
  6. 654321

    Pig Logic

    I agree with 200" Mulie. It is NOT legal to use a crossbow during anything except General (firearms) seasons. A crossbow is NOT a bow. check page 108 of the new deer regulations, it has a chart with the legal weapons for all species and hunts. crossbow is legal for the general pig hunt and the ham hunt
  7. 654321

    Sedona fishing?

    The catch and release area is basically from June of pine resort north to Call of the canyon, pretty good chance the creek will be stocked today.
  8. 654321

    Sheep Draw Odds

    4Falls asked since the majority of hunts have 3 or less tags available, wouldn't all the tags go to those with max points. I said nope they don't only go to those with max points. I pointed out that last year only 10 of the 42 hunts available had tags in the 20% pass for desert sheep and 3 of the 5 rocky had tags in the 20% pass. My point is people with few points will get tags this year and there will be plenty of people with max points that will not get tags
  9. 654321

    Sheep Draw Odds

    Nope last year there were 42 desert sheep hunts only 10 of those had a 20% pass, Rocky sheep 5 hunts and 3 of those had a 20% pass. I have personally known 3 people who have drawn tags they drew with 7 pts, 6 pts, and 9pts. so good luck because you never know what might happen in the draw
  10. 654321

    Sheep Draw Odds

    It continues to rise there will be people that have 24 going into the draw that won't draw so next year going into draw the max will be 25.
  11. 654321

    Draw Question - third choice

    If it had 90% for the 1-2 pass, that means only 90% of those who applied for 1-2 got permits. It would be 100% if every 1-2 applicant got them. So it's not likely to see any permits even go to the next 3rd-choice draw level, which is a reshuffle of assigned numbers and AN0THER separate one draw for the 3-4-5 choices. I would like to know how last year for the 36B 10-26-11-1 hunt had 800 tags, 631 1st &2nd choice yet only 87% draw odds seems to me it should be 100% I know for a fact there were leftovers for that hunt
  12. 654321

    Sheep Draw Odds

    I could be wrong but I believe Nevada, California , Utah and Colorado also have Desert sheep.
  13. The correct answer is you pay non-res. prices for tag but you remain in resident pool, so the 10% cap will not apply to you
  14. 654321

    Eastman's bowhunting

    Deeded land can and is locked up all the time in Az. often causing loss of access to public land. Leased land can't be locked up unless the land is leased from a private owner which basically means it is deeded land being leased. There are instances where leased land can be locked with permssion from the commision.
  15. There are a few units you could choose that are any antlered deer, the problem with those units are you would really have to put your time in to find whitetail and draw odds probably not real good. For example hunt # 1005. Another option is to put 3 or 4 guys on one app. for mule deer and if they draw the other guys look at getting whitetail leftover tags. This option would force you to split the hunt in 2 segments and you would also have to hope for leftover tags, for example the guys interested in hunting mule deer put in for lets say mule deer in unit 32 which is hunt #1055. Lets say they draw that tag now the guys that wanted wht. check and see that there are leftovers for hunt #1114, this hunt goes from Nov. 8-14th and the mule deer hunt #1055 goes from Nov 15 -21st. Now if time is no problem the whole group comes out together and the wht. guys hunt first and then the mule guys. If time is an issue then everyone can still come out together just have wht. guys hunt the last few days of their hunt and then the mule guys hunt the first few days of their hunt. Hope that makes sense.
  16. 654321

    Wow 2013

    Boys join the ladies eliminated
  17. 654321

    Wow 2013

    TEXAS 6- ASU 3
  18. 654321

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    now that's so funny I spit up my drink -- high harvest - i'll bet you money there was not even 20 bucks killed the whole season !! a close friend lives in the heart of 29 retired ranger - if you believe the harvest quotes for G&F he's got some good beachfront property just south of douglas!! I've said it once and I'll say it again unless there is mandatory reporting for all hunters we will never know what is actually harvested. with accurate harvest data you then need to include accurate survey counts and then you'll have a good harvest percentage to determine tag numbers for the following year If you haven't already read it there is an interesting report on the AZGFD web page called the Hunter Questionaire Improvement Report December 2008
  19. 654321

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    I agree with the mandatory harvest report, all though on this site all I ever see when a new rule is implemented is how stupid that is and we don't need more rules so how does the AZGFD go about forcing people to report. I looked and it appears NMGFD rule is you don't report by a certain time you aren't elgible for the next draw. It must work to a point but they don't have bonus points. Can you imagine the uproar if someone lost their loyal point because they didn't report. Oregon has had mandatory reporting for years but no enforcing of it, they were only getting a 42% compliance so this year they will charge an extra $25 if you hadn't reported again I believe that would cause a huge uproar here. Now there is the question of are they doing that bad of job, it seems to me that if the majority of people weren't happy with the AZGFD they would be getting so much negative feed back that they would have to change something. Lets say they cut tags back no doubt lost revenue so what now, they raise fees they have to, and lets don't kid ourselves the passage of this new bill the department will be changing the fee structure. I honestly don't mind some fee increases lets be honest the cost of doing business is true for the AZGFD too. I guess for me it just doesn't seem like its that bad. NOT THAT BAD? When does it get "that bad, when the deer population is so low you see 20 hunters for every deer, or is it when you get real excited to see one deer all day? I have seen the Mule Deer population diminish significantly over the last 20 years. I used to hunt them in areas that now have hardly any Mulies and what you do see aren't the size they were years earlier. I for one would like to get something changed BEFORE we get to crisis levels....JMTSW The only deer population that is that low is the desert mule deer and if you take a look at any state that has mule deer you will see that AZ. mule deer aren't the only mule deer down on numbers. Also take a look at where mule deer numbers were high 20 years ago you know what I see I'll tell you a heck of alot of those pretty adobe houses that all look the same. You know what else I see in traditional mule deer habitat? Whitetail deer and there numbers seem to be doing just fine. IMO Ok so I'm fine with increased fees as well IF and only IF they decrease the amount of tags being given. You and I both know that isn't going to happen because they want the money. I understand things cost more to operate the department but at what cost? The only animals doing well are the elk and with the amount of tags they are offering for elk this year I see them going down hill to. If the whitetail are doing as good as you say they are then why did G&F close units to archery hunting in December? None of what you are saying makes much sense......... I have already shown that GF has decreased the mule deer tags in 34A for both the rifle hunt and muzzy hunt. What makes you think the whitetail populations are doing so poorly. I have been hunting the southern units for the last 18+ years and can harvest a deer on any of the hunts and the last 5+ years have been seeing some real nice bucks. I think people have these ridiculous ideas that they should be able to drive the roads and see 110" bucks behind every tree. I could be wrong but I thought I read about AZ Groundpounders and how they helped clients harvest 20 100" bucks that sure don't seem to me it's all doom and gloom here in Az.
  20. 654321

    New price increases from G&F?!?!

    I really hope they come down on the app fee, I'm ok with lic. fee $3 increase on combo and I get my urban fishing and 2 pole stamp I've never had either of those, jr. lic a steal at $5. I'm totally against premium tags. I went to wally world for a few items, 2 plastic bags worth $100 and didn't buy any meat. To think the GF can go for ever without ever increasing fees is absurd.
  21. 654321

    Unit 1 or 27? Mule Deer

    Last year 7 pts was a 95% draw for the early hunt, all bets could be off by this time next year depending on what GF does with the whole lic. and tag deal. If I had 6 or 7 pts. right now I would probably try and cash them in on the bab because there is now way I will put in for premium deer or elk if they go that route.
  22. 654321

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    I believe NM has different catagories standard, quality and high demand also WY has regular price and specail price same hunt just pay more for tag for better draw odds
  23. 654321

    Wow 2013

    pretty hard to see how 6th place and a losing record in the conference is taking care of business. guess that is better than 2nd to last in softball. The only thing that matters is did you win the national championship if you can say yes then you have some serious bragging rights over your in-state rivals. If you have to say no then the next best thing is the rivalry so Football neither team champs bragging rights to ASU, Basketball no champs bragging rights U of A men, ASU women, baseball- yet to be determined but very doubtful either team will be champs so right now ASU and U of A split games and so far in the only series U of A takes first game 10-7, now softball- champ still to be determined but pretty confident it won't be U of A so ASU only hope for bragging rights is to win national championship since U of A won the only series they played
  24. I don't believe there is any thing in the works going on that will make anyone happy, this case is over, there will be no citations written the end. You can bet that since this happened AZGFD LEO's have probably had some serious discussions about how things are handeled in the field, ect. ect.. Supervisors have probably had some serious training in policy when it comes to the proper steps in disciplining their employees. As for some of the key players, Romero= Retired, Ordaway=Retired, Cooley= different position with AZGFD, Hovateer= different position with AZGFD.
  25. You won't see anything else done about this because Mr. Wagner has won his case in court the end. If the state tried to come after Mr. Wagner his lawyer would sue again for harressment. I believe if you read the records you would also notice that Ken Clay had also been disciplined, wouldn't be surprised if he had a court settlement in the works.