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Everything posted by 654321

  1. 654321

    This is Bull!

    If results out today they are still 10 days early
  2. 654321

    Tomorow Monday the 7th is the day!!!!

    The results will be out by the 18th.. Pretty clear to me. Thats 2 months and a week to wait, if I remember correctly WY makes you wait 3 months.. I just can't see what the big freakin deal is.. If AZ is soooo bad, move, i hear Commiefornia has some homes for sale. Wyoming is quick. I think the dealine to Apply is Jan 31st and the results were posted Feb 24th. Thats like 3 weeks. Have had my refund check for quite sometime now. Actually they do their draw in stages, deer and antelope deadline is around March 15th and you don't get results until late June or early july
  3. 654321

    Deer draw

    You can look at the proposed fall hunts at the AZGFD website under the hunt guidelines. Very seldom does the commission not approve them. I'm guessing they will approve them at their April meeting and shortly after that you will be able to apply.
  4. 654321

    Wow 2013

    Wildcats thrash Gonzaga
  5. i really dont understand this comment. you do a lot of illegal stuff like killing endangered species? I think you need to go back and read 1uglydude post he seems to have a good understanding of how this works
  6. 654321

    Pretty good day of bass fishing

    I woul I would guess Dead horse State park in Cottonwood
  7. 654321

    How many points?

    Not true. The 10% cap for Non-res is a CAP, not a set aside. That means that AT LEAST 9 of the bonus tags will go to residents, but every single one of the 18 tags could go to a resident if there were not any non-residents with more points. Or, if there were non-residents with the same amount of points, it would just be a matter of who had the better randomly assigned bonus pass draw number. There is no advantage to being a non-resident. I wish I had the draw report that actually showed each unit broke down by residents and non-residents. I would bet that rifle antelope, every early bull tag most archery bull tags and every deer tag north of the big ditch all make it to the 10% cap in fact except for the archery bull I would bet that most of those tags reach the 10% cap in the 20% pass.
  8. I wish I would have been born a 100 years or so ago before there were all these rules and regulations and before the government took over the management of the states wildlife. I would have loved the opportunity to hunt the large populations of elk that were native to AZ. I would have loved being in the forest seeing Turkey's roosting in every tree and the plains covered in antelope. I bet down south the mountains and hills were just crawling with deer and Goulds Turkey's. Yes sir I hope and pray I live long enough to see the good old days again or better yet we let the private sector manage the wildlife I'd bet good money everyone would then be able to afford to hunt.
  9. 654321

    How many points?

    No argument, there are 2 residents with 25 pts. And 5 with 24. If 90 tags 18 are set aside in bonus pass but only 9 will go to residents so if you have 24 pts right now you should draw a tag in unit 10
  10. 654321

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    My bad it is 33 res and 57 non-res
  11. 654321

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    There are 37 resident and 53 non res
  12. The last time the G&F raised fees was 2007 you show me any other form of entertainment that hasn't gone up in the last 7years. I thought a $10 app fee would have been a good compromise 13 seems a bit high time will tell if the extra $3 bucks and $5bucks does any thing to improve access or habitat. Combo hunt great deal for the extra $3 bucks and $5 youth awesome. Tag increases going to sting but hunting and fishing is what my family enjoys to do kids would much rather spend fall and spring breaks hunting or fishing than Disneyland. By the way have you seen what it costs to go there now
  13. People willing to poach are going to poach regardless of the piece of paper the tag is printed on.
  14. 654321

    Baiting Javelina

    Better not forget about hunters A thru Z in units 23 and 22 654321, go back to patrolling your unit and catch some poachers. We ain't paying you to be on the chat forums... Don't worry that was free of charge
  15. 654321

    Baiting Javelina

    Better not forget about hunters A thru Z in units 23 and 22
  16. 654321

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    Nothing like waiting till the last minute, could have bought theses tags anytime in the last 3 months
  17. 654321

    elk regs?

    If you go on GF WEB page you can look at 2014 recommendations, I believe the commission went over them at their Dec. 6-7 meeting. Very rarely do they not approve them.
  18. 654321

    Big Muley!

    In AZ you can't be charged with trespassing while hunting if the property isn't properly posted.
  19. that is correct, if your friend is putting in with a non-resident he is now in the 10% cap. The only way he wouldn't be in the 10% cap is if the non-resident had a lifetime license then he would be good to go.
  20. 654321

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    to bad it legally belongs to the state now, on the bright side they may be able to get it back buying it at auction.
  21. 654321

    Game and Fish shut down too?

    I'm no expert but I would guess there is very little of the G&F that isn't partially funded by the Feds, in fact they get a huge amount of money from the Feds I believe it is about a 3 to 1 match dollar wise. I'm not sure when the Feds give them the money though, G&F cycle is July to June where the Feds go from Oct. to Sept.
  22. 654321

    stratify hunts

    11M has a stratified hunt give it a whirl
  23. 654321

    Lost bull 4b?

    Here's a thought I'm sure everyone will love. If you shoot an animal and can't recover it before the meat spoils and you still want the rack or skull you pay the G&F what the cost of a wanton waste of meat ticket would be.
  24. Ohhhhh no! this was highway not forest rd. 1/4 mile from rd or building. Also leaving shells. Unethical is sitting in my lap. stupid is walking your kid up infron of me when they have no orange and im 260# wearing 2xl orange vest shooting a noisy gun. unethical is also cleaning your birds at a pull off on side of highway.. these are things that cause ujs to lose our priviledges... It is interesting that first 2 comments were in favor of trashy hunters. :-( so disapointing I believe the law is 1/4 mile from occupied building or residence, can't shoot from or across a maintained road or railway. make sure when you clean your birds you leave at least 1 feathered wing for proper ID until you get them home. As for leaving litter take some good pictures of the trash left behind you all ready have their lic. plate and then drive the mile or so to game and fish next time and show it to them. Littering while hunting and fishing is a revocable offense.
  25. It must be horribly scary down south leftovers were all gone by the end of the first day buying them over the counter, and I've never seen so few early 36B leftovers 12 I believe. I wish people were still scared sure puts a wrinkle in my draw strategies.