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Everything posted by 654321

  1. Actually AZGFD does have the jurisdiction to tell people when or where they can fly hence the reason for the ticket. I think it has more to do with how you're flying in a certain area, big difference in flying from point A to point B at a couple thousand feet and circling your hunting area hundreds of feet off the ground. I would have to assume that Mr. Koury hired a lawyer to fight this citation. For this to end up in court I would have to guess the prosecuting attorney felt the evidence against Mr. Koury was strong enough that the state would win its case. For whatever reason it looks like Mr. Koury chose a nonjury trial and a Judge found him guilty not the WM who wrote the citation. I don't know why you feel the WM who wrote the citation should be reprimanded for doing his job which is enforcing the law and rules. There are plenty of citations that WM's write that get tossed out or the defendant is found not guilty, and I don't think I've ever heard of the WM being reprimanded and the department apologizing for it. As for Mr. Koury I'm guessing there is a great deal riding on his appeal.
  2. 9/11/2024 EMAIL RECEIVED D1 9/5/2024 EMAIL RECEIVED D1 8/15/2024 BOND SET IN THE AMOUNT OF:$ 500.00 D1 8/15/2024 Case WorkSheet Event D1 8/15/2024 CRIMINAL CASE DELINQUENCY NOTICE REQUESTED D1 8/15/2024 DESIGNATION OF RECORD FILED D1 8/15/2024 DISPOSITION UPDATED: 70-APPEAL. DATE: 08/13/2024 D1 8/15/2024 EMAIL RECEIVED D1 8/15/2024 FAILURE TO PAY D1 8/15/2024 FAILURE TO PAY COMPLIANCE ISSUE D1 8/15/2024 NOTICE - APPEAL D1 8/15/2024 Receipt# - P00015850 Reversed And Funds Moved To Hold Receip D1 8/15/2024 Receipt# S00000002 generated for the amount of $ 500.00 usin D1 8/8/2024 HEARING VACATED: 11/15/2023 AT 9:00AM IN COURT ROOM 1 D1 8/8/2024 Scheduling event generated for @ 8/8/2024 6:57:47 AM D1 8/8/2024 HEARING VACATED: 11/15/2023 AT 9:00AM IN COURT ROOM 1 P1 8/8/2024 Scheduling event generated for @ 8/8/2024 6:57:47 AM P1 8/7/2024 Scheduling event generated for @ 8/7/2024 2:50:48 PM P1 8/7/2024 Case WorkSheet Event D1 8/7/2024 DISPOSITION SET: 21-JDGMT GUILTY/RESP SENT IMPOSED. DATE: 08 Here are the cliff notes
  3. 654321

    House Rock Wildlife Area Tag

    Don’t believe the Raymond Ranch is open either to the raffle tag
  4. 654321

    House Rock Wildlife Area Tag

    The House Rock Wildlife Area isn't open to the super raffle tag.
  5. 654321

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

  6. Looks like unit 1 is closed for the year already, 16 sows killed in first week.
  7. 654321

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    The Department considers listening and georeferencing technology to be in the prototype phase. To be effective, this technology will require a structured network grid of ‘listening’ or ‘acoustic stations’ to be installed on the ground and synced to GPS satellites for proper functioning. While acoustic location and GPS devices are available to the public, the ability to locate animals with the suggested technology still requires that the acoustic devices be physically retrieved from the field, audio files downloaded, cleaned, and then analyzed through manual or partially automated processes. The retrieval and analytical processes are not evolved to the state where files can be uplinked via satellites or through fully automated steps, though the technology is advancing in that direction. While the current technology does not allow for real-time or near-real-time transmission and analysis to locate an animal on the landscape, the Department recommends amending language in R12-4-303, Unlawful Devices, Methods, and Ammunition, to prohibit the use of audio/acoustic location devices for taking or aiding in the take of wildlife or locating wildlife for the purpose of taking or aiding in the take of wildlife.
  8. 654321

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    OK not breaking AZGFD laws just most littering and dumping laws. Once you remove animals and take them to your house and then return the remaining carcass back to public land that would be considered illegal dumping.
  9. 654321

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    I'm still waiting for a response from one of the employees that was on the team for the listening technology rule, but what I've gotten so far is that the rule is intended to get out ahead of the technology that would allow acoustic recording devices that can gather data linked to satellites and then somehow be downloaded to datafiles that then can be tied to gps technology or something like that. Hearing aids, cell phones and stuff like that weren't mentioned but when I get better clarification, I will pass it on.
  10. 654321

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    This rule is solely to help keep CWD out of AZ. From what the AZGFD vet told me is there were a large number of AZ hunters hunting out of state and returning with cervids and dumping their remains on public and private property.
  11. 654321

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    This is correct, if you harvest an animal and take it home and then process it at your house it is now illegal to go dump it on public or private property. You may do the gutless method on public or private and leave the remaining tissues or bones there. Rule was put in place for CWD purposes.
  12. 654321

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    Guides that have their license revoked for a period of 5 years or more are now not allowed to even assist anyone in the taking of big game. That’s pretty cool.
  13. 654321


    Yep all those smart people banning Bud Light and switching over to Michelob Ultra. Somebody forgot to tell them same company. Didn't hurt them one bit
  14. 654321

    super raffle big bull

    Looks like AZ Custom Hunts client killed a big bull. Pushing 438 with 78" of mass
  15. 654321

    Corner crossing

    Big court battle going on right now in WY.
  16. 654321

    How long until cards are hit??

    Go to the AZGFD web page and look at the draw reports. This years deer aren’t posted yet
  17. 654321

    Lees Ferry update

    Canoes don't have to be registered unless they have a motor.
  18. 654321

    Whitehorse Lake

    I would be very surprised if any trout were caught, it hasn't been stocked with trout in years. AZGFD is managing it as a warm water fishery now.
  19. 654321

    How long until cards are hit??

    If you look at the draw reports there are plenty of units that NR don't hit the 10% cap.
  20. 654321

    How long until cards are hit??

    It's not just AZ, every western state is seeing the same thing and the residents are starting to push back. I believe Colorado ended OTC NR archery elk tags, Wyoming went to 90/10 on moose and sheep and their residents are pushing hard for 90/10 on deer, elk and antelope. Tags are going to get a lot tougher to get from here on out.
  21. 654321

    How long until cards are hit??

    By the numbers: 42,974: The total number of hunt permit-tags issued. 209,320: The total number of those who applied for hunts or bonus points. 168,863: The total number of applications submitted.
  22. 654321

    Early 12a west

    10-25-24 thru 11-03-24
  23. The AZGFD can’t even keep up with hunter ED can you imagine the backlog for this. Of course the AZGFD should charge I don’t know $100 a class should cover it.
  24. 654321

    How long until cards are hit??

    Twenty percent of authorized hunt permit-tags in each hunt number for deer, antelope, elk, turkey, javelina, and spring bear may be issued in this pass. Twenty percent of the total authorized hunt permit-tags (all hunt numbers combined) for both bighorn sheep and buffalo may be issued. Although 20 percent are available, the 10% nonresident caps are still in effect.