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About 654321

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  1. 654321

    Gila County Wolf Reintroduction

    https://www.azgfd.com/2025/02/28/science-guides-geography-of-mexican-wolf-recovery/ Good read.
  2. 654321

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    By the numbers: 24,584: The total number of hunt permit-tags issued. 245,736: The total number of those who applied for hunts or bonus points. 203,660: The total number of applications submitted. Tags are going to get harder and harder to draw
  3. 654321

    Successful HAM hunt

    Your posts are a "waste" of time. Is that better?
  4. 654321

    And the Card hits will begin

    They’re not all bonus points only, plenty of chances at transfer tags, grand kids and kids,
  5. 654321

    Successful HAM hunt

    I would say by the AZGFD definition of handgun and the picture provided and the fact that there were numerous calls it wasn’t a waist of the probably 5-10 minute phone call.
  6. 654321

    Successful HAM hunt

    I’d be willing to bet 80% or higher of AZGFD cases are due to public tips, if you have nothing to hide or have done nothing wrong a call from AZGFD shouldn’t be a big deal. Obviously Bigbrown wasn’t worried one bit about posting picture and said himself he didn’t mind the call at all.
  7. 654321

    And the Card hits will begin

    😂, I put grandparents, parents, in-laws just about anyone with a pulse. Eventually they’ll all have enough points that I’ll start applying with them, drawing tags, point guarding their tags and then hunting every year for a good period of time.
  8. 654321

    Successful HAM hunt

    Your statement says it all. The buffer tube is necessary for the "RIFLE" to function😂
  9. 654321

    How long until cards are hit??

    Should be the 19th
  10. 654321

    How long until cards are hit??

    Should be the 19th
  11. 654321

    Archery OTC Future?

    Archery hunters on the Bab don’t report.
  12. 654321

    License to apply

    An applicant must have possession of a valid license at the time of entry and the deadline of the application period per R12-4-104. The deadline to apply is February 4th and your licenses don't expire until the 9th so you're fine.
  13. 654321

    Crossbow permit repeal

    How do you think this got to the point it is now?
  14. 654321

    Crossbow permit repeal

    They are excepting public comments until April 2nd. They won’t do anything until after that.
  15. 654321

    Landowner Tags

    They don’t need landowner tags