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Everything posted by Chap2015

  1. Chap2015

    *Monster Goat in the Dirt* 2014 Antelope Hunt

    That is an amazing story, hunt, and outcome.. Congrats
  2. Chap2015

    19a Archery Buck

    Well finally after 3 long days of hunting i was able to connect on a decent buck! I was presented with a nice 40 yard shot and didn't travel more than 50 yards! 2nd buck in 3 years. More than grateful for this opportunity
  3. Chap2015

    *Monster Goat in the Dirt* 2014 Antelope Hunt

    You are going to have one fun hunt. Your prepartion has payed of and best of luck come opening day
  4. Chap2015

    19a Archery Buck

    Well since im the hunter i will tell you what unfolded before my eyes.. I was set up on a fence crossing behind tumbleweed. I was a quarter mile from any occupied building. Also i saw this buck run past me 100 yards up and disappear. I knew other hunters were in the area. I sat with my dad and he decided to back off due to lack of cover and move out to meet up with my dads friend. No more than 15 minutes of his departure i saw a doe coming my way towards the fence crossing i was near and behind her was a buck. The buck was trotting as i will say. No sign of having a fatal shot. The buck ran 40 yards quartering away and i made a clean shot the buck did a whirl and piled up in the fence. Its head was propped up in the fence and to my distance thought it was still alive so i put another arrow in the antelope to be safe. Further inspection of the buck we saw a arrow way high shoulder that wasnt mine but only had contact with muscle. My shot went through the vitals. After carrying the antelope out the hunter who made the bad shot on the buck came up and even said he made a poor shot and was fine with what happened. So before you jump to conclusion you should know the first hand story
  5. Chap2015

    19a Archery Buck

    Only a couple tumbleweeds kept me hidden. I was very surprised
  6. Chap2015

    Bonus points

    Ive drawn two archery tags for a great unit with 7 bonus points and then 3 for the other
  7. Chap2015

    19a Archery Buck

  8. Chap2015

    19A Archery Antelope

    Well its my second opportunity to hunt this unit for archery antelope in just under two years. Very thankful, and would like to hear who else has this tag.. thanks, Preston
  9. Chap2015

    19A Archery Antelope

    Have had many great opportunities and good quality bucks. Have had close calls hopefully can close in tomorrow. As for some intel flatlander.. It looks pretty barren for antelope north of fein. Seen some on the granite dells dont know if you bought a permit.. Best of luck to you
  10. Chap2015

    *Monster Goat in the Dirt* 2014 Antelope Hunt

    Ill be up there for the second archery hunt and labor day weekend if needed.
  11. Chap2015

    Hunting in 19A

    Well if you must know HuntAz i have the second archery season for 19a so i have been out there scouting every weekend. And i dont understand why your getting so focused on everyone else stories. Why cant you just make the best of the hunt. I also have a buddy who lives up in prescott ridge and he is saying there are plenty of big bucks roaming around. Ones that would meet your "80+" standards
  12. Chap2015

    Hunting in 19A

    Dont be discouraged. You have a great tag. There are Plenty of good bucks left as there is EVERY year. Dont get caught up in the so called "high school rumors" on this website. There is no need to get caught up in the drama, especially when its doing something you love. Hunt hard and you will be rewarded
  13. Chap2015

    How many points?

    two years ago i had 6 bonus points and drew the archery tag in 19A, and this year i drew it again with 3 bonus points
  14. Chap2015

    19A Archery Antelope

    Last time i was lucky enough to get one on the last day of the season! hopefully this year turn out is the same
  15. Hey i was wondering if anyone could give me some insite or spots to check out in unit 23. This will be the first time i hunt this unit usually hunting in unit 33. But i would prefer spots to check out that hold more mulies rather than coues cause i have already shot 2 coues deer and would like to try for a change. Any info is helpful. Also check out under youth section to see my first 19A archery goat. Thanks, Preston Davis
  16. Chap2015

    2nd archery coues

    Congragulations on the buck. i would die to be able to shot one with my bow!! let alone 2
  17. Chap2015

    2012 Jr. 23 tag

    Thanks for the tips. I am just looking for my first mule deer noting special i mean if a big one comes along yeah i will take it. wish me good luck and ill post pictures!! Preston Davis
  18. Chap2015

    2012 Jr. 23 Tag

    Hey i was wondering if anyone could give me some cool places to check out in unit 23 that offer more mule deer than coues deer. i am not really familiar with the unit besides the northern part where i turkey hunt. First time hunting unit 23 for deer, usually hunt in unit 33. I would prefer though tips on where to look for mule deer cause ive already shot 2 coues. Anything is helpful. Thanks, Preston Davis
  19. Chap2015

    2012 SCOUTING! 100+ PICS OF BUCKS!!!

    really cool photos of bucks. all of them are really good size..
  20. Chap2015

    First Archery Antelope

    Just got back from my first season archery 19A antelope hunt. I can say it was the best hunt i have been on by far!! I spent all summer scouting so many bucks i lost count. I ended up hunting for 7 days two weekends with the first weekend hunting Friday and Monday. For the first weekend i spent my whole time dogging a antelope that would score probably mid 80"s. I got 2 shots at him one at 95 yards and one at 40 yards. As for the 40 yard shot i was sitting water and he came in real jitery and as he went down for a drank a pulled back and released my arrow. But luck wasnt on my side because the buck jumped the string and my arrow went just over his back. After that i was pretty down but wasnt going to give up. I went back to school for the rest of the week and came back up on friday. Hunted friday and saturday with close encounters but no luck. Now its Sunday last day! i decided to sit a blind that i had not sat at before. Luck would have it, it was the right decision. At about 3:00 just close to quitting time, a buck with does came in right in front of me at about 20 yards. The does where about 10 yards from my blind and talk about being still. Now was my time to shine the does moved off and the buck was there watering at 20 yards broadside. I drew back let my arrow fly and before i knew it my buck was down about 90 yards away. My first bow kill at the age of 15. Extremely appreciative for the opportunity and cant wait to get that tag again. It wasnt the biggest buck in the unit but i will take it. Thanks to Dean, Steve, Randy(Dad) for your help and support. i will post pictures as soon as i get them on the computer.
  21. Chap2015

    Arizona Auction Tag Buck 2012

    ya im 15 had the archery tag i was on him almost every day got a shot but jumped the string. man soo close to a well over B&C buck. but he lives to see another day. i did end up though shooting one last day so im ver y happy and thrilled though. congrats on buck
  22. Chap2015

    Arizona Auction Tag Buck 2012

    That is one heck of a buck. was he taken in 19A there was one in there that was that quality huge prongs nice mass all the way up!