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Everything posted by n2horns

  1. n2horns


  2. n2horns

    FREE: Camp Coffee ***** NO LONGER AVAILABLE *****

    Is that Trader Joes coffee strong? I have been using the Starbucks Via packs from Costco and usually use 2 packs for my coffee.
  3. n2horns


    Thanks for the free bumps. All you guys including me is bitch and moan about crap. So my price is what a fair and open free market can support. We have talked many times here about prices being too high, how many times we have said the price/deal is in the eye of the buyer, tons of times. Because you don't like a price, too cheap to pay for it, or have stock piles you wont sell, someone will pay prices set and or negotiate a price. I have paid way higher for items because I needed them ASAP, couldn't find cheaper, or wasnt in stock at the time. Was that a deal for me, heck yah, because I got what I needed, even I paid more for it. Do i need to sell anything, no I don't. This ammo, was stuff i got in trade, and not something I use, so therefore I will sell it. I get low balls and people that know how to negotiate and I often will make someone a really good deal or find a price fair to both. On many items i sell, I tell the buyer, I will make things right if something breaks or if I missed a tear, hole etc... I try to always sell exactly what I say in the for sale section. All this is is with thick skin and I too say smack in ads and have fun with it too.
  4. n2horns


    Dang shocked this has lasted this long.
  5. n2horns

    Floor Plate

    Hawkins makes great floor plates, good price too. Are those boxes the same size or is one extended?
  6. n2horns

    Pac boots, any suggestions

    With winter approaching, does anyone have any recommendations on pac boots? Is there differences in hiking/hunting in them vs just more walking and sitting?
  7. n2horns

    Surveillance package!

    I have been looking in to these. IP is PoE and no need to run power lines. https://www.nellyssecurity.com/
  8. n2horns

    WTB Glock 17 or 43x

    trade value is higher than selling price.
  9. n2horns

    357 magnum/ security guard rig

    100% correct, and he doesnt even want the key! All good stuff, how much for the cuffs, wave etc? individual prices? what make are the cuffs?
  10. n2horns

    Snow chains for 35" tires

    What are the best chains to use for 35 inch tires? I have seen diamond patterns, ladders, twisted etc... https://www.tirechain.com/Truck-Tire-Chains.HTM https://konigchain.com/chains/professional2018.html
  11. n2horns

    AZ Lifetime License questions

    I will be buying one before 2021 season.
  12. n2horns

    Macys parade sucked butt

    OMG Macys parade was super lame and they jumped the shark.
  13. n2horns

    Macys parade sucked butt

    Im in a cabin with my nieces 6 amd 9 and they agreed.
  14. With all this crap going on, any recommendations on what body armor to get? Pros / cons to a plate carrier ar500, ceramic, kevlar balcs cuts? Regular kevlar vest?
  15. n2horns

    Stone glacier pack

    I have one and really like it. Took on hunts and travel.
  16. Post up any ammo deals or places that have inventory. Bloomberg and Bezos are quietly buying up ammo mfg and shutting them down. Control raw materials and mgf plants and left wins.
  17. n2horns

    Pmags and 223 ammo

    8 pmags 240 rnds Chest carrier $450.00 Good kit being sold
  18. n2horns

    Post any Ammo deala or inventory

    None under their names or companies, black money and other buyers as fronts. Working on specifics. Similar effort im bloomberg paying of felons debts to make them eligible to vote.
  19. n2horns

    Post any Ammo deala or inventory

  20. I drove by your BFFs (Bruce Caitlin) house after lunch yesterday in malibu.
  21. Yep traah, unless approved to be there and on record, it is trash.
  22. n2horns

    57 years ago

    He is dead. Wonder why Justice Roberts has become a liberal leftists? He was on Epsteins planes manifest. We will never get a Right leanijg vote ever from him now. Look at the Chineese Dr. That was on Tuckers show, she is no longer heard from. People disappear quickly.
  23. n2horns

    57 years ago

    You are right, he was helped.