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Everything posted by n2horns

  1. n2horns


  2. n2horns

    ST MAXX??

    I have run multiple sets of Cooper ST MAXX tires on my 2006 F150, for an aggressive AT tire with good road and off road, it does really well. They do well on wet, snow and havent much time on ice, just a smidge up in Flag. I ran the ST Maxx until I just switched to the Cooper STT Pro, but the truck isnt a daily driver. My backup/spare tires (2) are ST Maxx. I would rotate my tires about 2,500 miles and they always stayed true. Since about 2008 all I have run are Cooper tires on the truck. When I wasnt hunting as much and doing more driving their AT3 did well and still did good in dirt.
  3. Looking to get some sprinkler / irrigation lines that keep breaking fixed in Queen Creek area (Power and Queen Creek).
  4. n2horns

    Need irrigation repair Queen Creek

    Im still looking for someone, anyone recommend a landscaper?
  5. n2horns


  6. n2horns


  7. n2horns

    this gets more and more creepy

    you dont, it is just like the great fear of the flu that is yearly, this govt has crapd the bed so much, who would trust them, Yes, wear, don't wear, 2 ply, 3 ply, only have sex with it on, wear it swimming, wear it inside, not outside, only outside if crowded, inside if you are with strangers, hookers can leave them off they are immune, drop nose it, touch it more, lift it move it, oh yah eat with it, dont eat with it, wear it while driving only if alone in your house, dont swim with it, swim with it if crowds are there. Bunch of crap, what happend to if it falls in the dirts, 5 second rule and eat it? these weak sauce pussified kids are so lame that no wonder they are sick. they werent allowed to eat dirt. oh yah they had masks on.
  8. n2horns


  9. n2horns


  10. n2horns

    this gets more and more creepy

  11. n2horns

    Financial Advisor

    Soon to be yours if you keep asking questions...............hahahahaha I have ripped out a few teeth, but yah I save and invest in Silver, and not the scraps in teeth. Gold and Silver are always good bets. Real Estate is always strong too.
  12. n2horns

    Financial Advisor

    I have been removing fillings from teeth and saving the silver. Should be able to retire in about 20 years.
  13. Looking to get some click/magnetic type of reading glasses. Anyone have any suggestions on brand/company to buy from?
  14. n2horns

    Magnetic/click reading glasses suggestions

    oh yah carrots, well spinach aint helping my muscles either lol
  15. n2horns

    Magnetic/click reading glasses suggestions

    been eating my spinach and well it isnt working like popeye said it would.
  16. n2horns


    I only run CWT
  17. What has the NRA done for you? Nothing, you got that right! They got bump stocks banned, they got "ghost guns" in front of douche bag biden, NRA wants to rid of braces, NRA is about equal to the BLM group. They need to go.
  18. n2horns

    Bye Bye Bennu

    not sure what your watching, but its like watching paint dry.
  19. n2horns


  20. n2horns


  21. n2horns


    Back up for sale.
  22. n2horns


    Open to offers
  23. n2horns

