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Everything posted by n2horns

  1. n2horns

    Southwest Airlines Deal

    Not flying anywhere with a being required.
  2. With today being Flag Day, who isn't flying Old Glory because Biden is in office?
  3. n2horns


    Lol i know, i spent a week trout fishing in the sierras last week and this week im hanging out with my sister at her resort house in so cal "working".
  4. n2horns


  5. n2horns

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Fishing is next. The door is open.
  6. n2horns

    Free used men’s camo

    Ohhhh one of those posts.....gonna have some guys asking about that "camp". Lol Good free bump for free mens 🏕
  7. n2horns

    Flag Day not flying because of Biden?

    The flag right?
  8. n2horns


    Lets hope so, but the more i look at it, it looks like a nipple surrounded by an arreola. Either way moisture is abound.
  9. n2horns

    Crazy observation about this site

    When post here under different handles, just like many men here arent men, well or in private they like to dress up lol. It is what it is. If needing boobs, 8 hit up the clubs, more than that, there are service providers from mild to wild, day to night and even yep GFE.
  10. n2horns

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Fair chase will soon be redefined just like there are 58 different genders now, instead of the normal and usual 2 male and female.
  11. n2horns

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    The real problem is too many people comming from communists states bringing their bad ideas and ruining clean and free states. We can joke about all the crap. But it will happen.
  12. n2horns

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Is AZ becoming the next new California? Will we soon need to ask the pronouns of the critters? Mask up it's for science they say. Dr. Feces has said all along science matters, except in the case of AZ cameras. Are the paper maps and gps we use to hunt now too deadly and not animal friendly and pose a not a fair chase? I am sure Gov Newsome will help out AZ with his leftist ways and provide AZGFD consultation on how to run AZ into the ground.
  13. n2horns

    New Hinsence 5.0 cubic ft Chest Freezer

    Nice set of freezers
  14. n2horns

    UPDATED, Firearms, and Scopes

    Msg sent on henry.
  15. n2horns

    Make sure your HVAC is up to speed...

    Stay cool in the AZ heat, afew pics from trout fishing in the Sierras. Btw this bear walked up 12 feet behind me while I was fishing about 6pm, went thru cooler, nothing to be had.
  16. n2horns

    Crazy observation about this site

    Maybe the Sausage ref is new code for ...... lol, sane goes for white painted piled up rocks on or near people's driveways, that means they are swingers. So a serious sausage fest party means by what sir elton john or libarchi would call it is hugh ball and hammer slammer throat grabber style party. What do i know, im still fishin trout in the sierras.
  17. n2horns

    Crazy observation about this site

    Not a dating site, there are other swipe left places.
  18. n2horns

    Dehydrated food

    And clog you 10x worse than a MRE
  19. n2horns

    Dehydrated food

    I like alpineaire brand, less sodium
  20. n2horns

    Make sure your HVAC is up to speed...

    Heat wave huh? Was up at 10.3k ft in the sierras in the afternoon fishing and got to the cabin at 8,600 with a snow storm.
  21. n2horns

    Save the Hueys and well Cobras too

    Pres harris and vice biden will replenish with the new model and new infrastructure bill funds. No worries, there from the govt and they are here to help us, we must trust them.
  22. n2horns

    Northern CA Property for sale

    In so cal that be 25 billion. How far from free state of jefferson?
  23. n2horns

    Another fire near Superior

    Bored, maybe masks caused them to go hypoxic?
  24. n2horns

    Hyperinflation is coming...

    True, but remember is today to late to buy compared toast week yes, orr last year yes, but it is never to late to start and to start to buy and invest often. I buy pandas, eagles, ingots, rare coins, philharmonic, rounds etc. I rather buy more bullion in bars than rounds, but i wont turn rounds down. I dont like one off billy bob branded bars or rounds. Like ammo buy ealry, buy often and buy deep.