If you buy all the radios yourself, great, but remember people in your hunting party may not want to buy them or cant figure out how to push a button or turn a dial. Programming these are not hard, software is a little cluncky on free ones, but RT Systems has tons of radio support and good tools, CHIRP isnt supported by many radios.
The antennas that come with the radios or ok, but worth an upgrade to a better antenna. You can also get ear piece so the radio isnt blaring.
HAM is great if all are licensed, and usually can get to a repeater if needed.
Legit GMRS like KG-905G / KG-935G (about $150.00) simple to use and can hit GMRS repeaters as well. License is you pay your $20 bucks to FCC or whatever the cost is and you can talk/family share license. (https://mygmrs.com/)
MURS not as popular, so your conversation may be a tad more private, remember no conversation is private, someone is always listening. I had Border Patrol reach me on my MURS freq one hunt near the border.