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Everything posted by n2horns

  1. n2horns


  2. n2horns

    20% off at Kuiu

    Codes FRIEND-CWB-Z4D-79H-N4D FRIEND-7VM-2G9-N35-RX7
  3. n2horns

    20% off at Kuiu

    Any current Kuiu buyers try with a different ema address?
  4. n2horns

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Los Angeles Rams
  5. n2horns

    New Hunting Pack

    EXO, Stone Glacier and Kuiu. I have an EXO 5500 pack and like it, it is original design. Other friends have EXO and Kuiu. All are pricey, but like optics and any high end stuff, buy once, cry once.
  6. n2horns

    20% off at Kuiu

    Good deal.
  7. n2horns

    Sold-Please delete

    Nice scope
  8. n2horns

    Camp Cook Box

    I have various boxes, some for quick short trips and for longer trips. Longer ones have more stuff and more luxury items. I haven't figured out what is best but seems to scale both setups each trip.
  9. n2horns

    New Camo???

    There are some good clothing companies. I like Carhartt for briars and cat claw for desert hunting. I like Kuhl for camping, hiking, hunting and fishing. Kuiu and First lite make good stuff and I have some from each. Mostly bought on the 25 to 30% sales.
  10. n2horns

    New Camo???

    Yeti owners own kuiu.
  11. n2horns

    Its official

    LOL Bob see you have more than me, all the way around, I want to be like everyone on Obamas payroll and get sheeet for free or free as in someone else pays for it. Going to be a great election season.
  12. n2horns

    Its official

    Well, since you both have what I don't have, you need to release your holdings and give it to me. BTW, voting Hillary will be the same way.
  13. n2horns

    "Official Ballot"

    McCain outlived his time. He is so wishy washy and will say anything now to get reelected.
  14. n2horns

    Phoenix CB Radio Repair Shop

    Creative Communications in phx does radios, not sure of CB.
  15. n2horns

    WTB: 9mm Ammo - 147 grain

    Looking to buy ammo in 9mm 147 grain. Looking for up to 1k rounds. East Valley can meet in the valley.
  16. n2horns


  17. n2horns

    bushmaster AR=15

    backpage it.
  18. n2horns

    New Camo???

    Maybe this - Killik Gear Men's Vital Pant
  19. n2horns

    Mossberg 500 tactical mariner.

    Check on line prices. Big 5 normally had sales on Mossbergs. I haven't looked at these in years.
  20. n2horns

    Mossberg 500 tactical mariner.

    125.00 from me, let the bidding begin.
  21. n2horns


  22. Great opportunity for learning something new as well as a refresher.
  23. n2horns

    Gaiters- what are you guys using?

    Got it, thanks for the info. I thought you were using them as snake gaiters. This will be my first time heading out during the august hunt. Not looking forward to the snakes. I guess reading is fundamental, I'm tired of reading this week. Sorry, didnt read the post about snakes.
  24. n2horns

    Gaiters- what are you guys using?

    Not for snakes, I would pick up a pair of dedicated snake gaiters. I have some from Cableas years back, they are hot and loud. Use them for birds and yote callin.
  25. n2horns

    BBQ Smoker For Sale

    im hungry.