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Everything posted by n2horns

  1. n2horns


    Bump, obo
  2. n2horns

    Desert Recluse

    I got bit by a recluse a few years back, ignored and blew it off. Few days later went to hospital and came home with a shoot ton of antibiotics. It cleared up about 5 days later. Scar still visible but fading. I wont mess around anymore by waiting.
  3. n2horns


  4. n2horns

    WTB: Benchmade Infidel

    I am looking to buy a Benchmade Infidel. Located in QC / Chandler Mall area
  5. n2horns


    bump obo
  6. n2horns


  7. n2horns


  8. n2horns


  9. n2horns

    WTB: Benchmade Infidel

    I ended up getting one on sale, but it still hasnt shown up at the door. Problem with these sales, is they may over sell as they don't have a clue on inventory.
  10. n2horns


    sweet deal.
  11. Looking to buy a Lone Wolf Timberwolf Glock 19 frame.
  12. n2horns


  13. n2horns

    A little sausage for holidays

    Ill take a few pounds, paypal you the cash.
  14. I will take both sinks Andrew
  15. n2horns

    Holiday Gift Ideas???

  16. Can you snap a few pics of sinks?
  17. n2horns

    Black Friday Deals

    Gun belts, I buy belts from here too. https://www.bullhidebelts.com/, use thanks10 for 10%
  18. n2horns

    Black Friday Deals

  19. n2horns

    Holiday Gift Ideas???

    First Aid and Trauma kits. I keep 1 in each car. Get first aid, cpr and you never when you will need it. https://mymedic.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAzuPuBRAIEiwAkkmOSM09XpJ4fh_O9T-EAAZFCIVeCy67irNsz7AZbj5f9iN22J5K7tIaARoCvx0QAvD_BwE https://medicalgearoutfitters.com/
  20. n2horns

    Black Friday Deals

  21. n2horns

    Holiday Gift Ideas???

    For starting campfires that may be wet or having issues, these campfire starters/flares are kick butt. I have used them few times and impressed. https://www.govets.com/?subcats=Y&pcode_from_q=Y&pshort=Y&pfull=Y&pname=Y&pkeywords=Y&search_performed=Y&q=DGV-45371426&dispatch=products.search&security_hash=cac9772f2b6541b1a4650ceb68029264
  22. n2horns

    Holiday Gift Ideas???

    For truck/tent camping, the Exped Megamat 10 LXW Outfitter, or any of the megamat series, is super comfortable, and is like sleeping on a bed. I use them for my nieces when they visit and my sister even slept on it and was blown away on the comfort. The outfitter series is more heavy duty ie., thicker material. I have that and the regular and really if you are careful where you lay your tent, the regular mat is good to go. http://www.exped.com/usa/en/product-category/mats/megamat-outfitter-lxw
  23. n2horns

    Holiday Gift Ideas???

    Haven't seen any deals yet, do want to buy more. I have all of the lights i listed, but was going to buy a few more for myself and gifts. Best price I have seen on these H3R extinguishers for cars/trucks. I just bought one. https://www.ecstuning.com/b-h3r-performance-parts/14-lb-black-clean-agent-fire-extinguisher/hg100b~h3r/
  24. n2horns

    Holiday Gift Ideas???

    https://www.batteryjunction.com/striker-mobile-task-light.html https://www.batteryjunction.com/klarus-xt21x-led-flashlight.html https://www.batteryjunction.com/niteize-radiant-100-mini-lantern.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAq97uBRCwARIsADTziyahtSzNHLE_hvIElkyNVZ4nshuVfdpjBIafWHrXhSBvtTGiLtfL4fIaAvvgEALw_wcB https://www.batteryjunction.com/energizer-vision-hd-focus-opt.html https://bigtentoutdoors.com/products/ultra-2
  25. n2horns

    Holiday Gift Ideas???

    Adam take note here - this way you stop borrowing mine.