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About sidwynder505

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/16/1967

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  1. sidwynder505

    4B North limited opportunity Bull hunt!

    Was the pic of the bull from 4B North?
  2. sidwynder505

    4B North limited opportunity Bull hunt!

    Yes I did, I ran into a real nice guy and his son from Phoenix they had Cow tags..see about maybe 10 hunters all together.
  3. sidwynder505

    4B North limited opportunity Bull hunt!

    Thanks everyone!...it turned out to be great hunt full of memories...and a full freezer!
  4. sidwynder505

    4B North limited opportunity Bull hunt!

    Man Calamado...it was touch and go there for a minute...lol!
  5. sidwynder505

    4B North limited opportunity Bull hunt!

    Man it was hot!..but yeah it's a different kind of Elk hunting for sure!...don't know if I'll ever put in for that tag on purpose tho,?..
  6. sidwynder505

    4B North limited opportunity Bull hunt!

    Thanks Yuma, I did draw a 3B archery Bull tag in September...she said "oh yeah you got your Elk tag just fine"!..so her hunt was really important that she have success after blowing 13 bonus points on a limited opportunity hunt!...life wasn't good around here or awhile...but she is happy!...happy wife!!..happy life!
  7. sidwynder505

    4B North limited opportunity Bull hunt!

    Thanks Bonecolletor!...I couldn't figure it out!..but thanks again!
  8. Wife drew a 4B north limited opportunity Bull tag by accident...well it was my fault punched in the wrong numbers...and nope I didn't buy a point gard....so we made the best of it, ...first time I ever been in that northern part of the unit...looked kinda grim at first!..and with the 2pm thunderstorms moving in every day we were limited to hunt the mornings, and only one evening that was clear we where forced back to Holbrook with a hole in the rear tire. But as luck would have it we found a little pocket that had a group of bachelor Bulls hanging in it tight, with one good 6x6 with the bunch..so we stalked them for a couple of days unit my wife got a clear shot...its real brushy in those little draws...but she finally got a shot on the last day we could hunt!..and she dropped her Bull it wasn't the big Bull!..but like she said it was Big enough ! Congratulations to my wonderful hunting buddy!..my wife!
  9. sidwynder505

    WTB/WTT for .338 RUM or .375 RUM brass.

    Thank you!..unit 31/32 Ram!
  10. I'm looking for at least 50 count of each. 338RUM and. 375 RUM brass !..I have a bunch of different kinds of primers and I have a lot of different components some hard to find!..if you have the brass let me know what you want in trade!..I live in the Northside of Tucson!..
  11. sidwynder505

    WTT Retumbo for SRP

    I have a bunch of small rifle primers and small mag rifle primers to trade with you!...ill be home tomarrow night if you are interested in the trade!..im in North Tucson Marana area! Steve
  12. sidwynder505

    Looking for 6.5 Creedmore Ammo...yeah I know

    No problem!..and I will use new brass never been fired!..if you can ask the previous owner of the rifle what the rifle liked as far as bullet weight!...that if you don't find anything!..just hit me up Amigo!
  13. sidwynder505

    Looking for 6.5 Creedmore Ammo...yeah I know

    Hey there!...if you don't find any ammo!..PM me and I'll be willing to load you up a couple of boxes for free!..I have a pretty good recipe!..i don't mind donating to get the little fella going on his Elk hunt!..no charge!..I just live in Tucson is all!