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Everything posted by peckl1

  1. Yes you will notice the high dollar camo, the carpet shoes so they leave no foot prints, and full backpack of supplies. I have been back in Arizona for a few months now. Spent the last 6 years in Texas. I will be a person who spends a lot of time in 36A on the Marley ranch. I'm retired now. Bought a travel trailer and plan to hunt and fish the rest of my life. If you are going to hunt on the Marley look me up. I have a Milan travel trailer.
  2. Disregard the date. I got this on a camera yesterday. Time is accurate.Insert other media
  3. peckl1

    Hits Started

    My status on the website is still pending. Does anyone know if they are finished drawing or are they trying to fix this card charging mess first.
  4. peckl1


    We had a good rain on most of the Marley Ranch. We still need more. They have used this as an opportunity to recondition most of the water tanks. A couple now have water where they have been completely dry for 2 to 3 months or more. With the rain that is forecasted for next week we might get out of this ok.
  5. peckl1

    Now For The Good News

    Yes it has been raining off and on for the last 3 hours or so.
  6. peckl1

    Now For The Good News

    We had a five minute sprinkle yesterday.
  7. peckl1

    Coues Mount - Habitat Ideas

    You should talk to Gavin at Weller's Wildlife. They do great landscapes.
  8. peckl1

    the draw

    Ok I will ask. When will the draw results show up??
  9. peckl1

    Applying for a New Unit?

    The illegal traffic is picking up again in the 36's. This past week I came across 2 young guys dressed in high dollar camo head to toe. Early 20's and asking for food and water. Wanted to know which way to Amado and Tucson. I told them and then drove away. Called the border patrol a few minutes later. Over the past couple of months I have found 3 different camp sites where they have left carpet shoes, backpacks, blankets. The traffic is picking up.
  10. peckl1

    Blue bucket wicking tubs

    Guys I still have a lot of buckets to get rid of. I will deliver to Tucson Free for any order over 6 buckets. Man we need rain. The rancher told me yesterday we need to have rain in the next 45 days or things are going to go south real fast.
  11. peckl1

    Blue bucket wicking tubs

    If you were down south on state trust land/Marley Cattle Company land you may have seen a lot of blue buckets laying around. The ranch manager asked me if I wanted them. I said yes and found a use for them. Turns out there is a good old boy named Leon that turns these buckets into useful planters or wicking buckets. He has a u tube video program called Gardening with Leon. You can see his video on how to turn them into useful planters. I have a lot of buckets to get rid of. I'm selling them for $5 each. I will meet you in Green Valley or if you buy 20 or more I will deliver to Tucson.
  12. Anybody got a good generator collecting dust in your garage??
  13. peckl1

    Blue bucket wicking tubs

    take to top
  14. peckl1

    Blue bucket wicking tubs

    Take it to the top
  15. peckl1

    Blue bucket wicking tubs

    I have to add a little context to the gate code. 35 years ago when I first started hunting on the Marley the gate was unlocked. As time went by and the gate kept not being closed behind whoever went through it, the rancher had to do something. Back in those days he could use fence and gates to control cattle movement, but over the years he had to install cattle guards and locked gates to try to control cattle movement. Now he needs to use locks to control who can open a gate.
  16. peckl1

    Blue bucket wicking tubs

    Yes he is something!
  17. peckl1

    Athlon Ares price drop

    ok I will do the 375. Where are you located?
  18. peckl1

    Athlon Ares price drop

    would you take $350?
  19. peckl1

    Wanted to buy!

    Looking for a used travel trailer. Under 20 feet long and priced under 10 K.
  20. peckl1

    Wanted to buy!

    Looking for a used travel trailer. Under 20 feet long and priced under 10 K.
  21. peckl1

    36a success

    I haven't hunted in Arizona for 6 years. Working in Texas. My brother calls a couple of months ago. He tells me he has bought my license and put us in for a deer hunt. He wouldn't take no for an answer. So we got drawn for a Coues hunt at the end of November. I talk my boss into 2 weeks off and I drove out the day before the hunt. As you would expect the first few days were spent trying to stay away from other hunters. Then Sunday night all you heard were trucks driving out. Monday mourning we found our selves pretty much alone. My brother shot a spike Monday afternoon and I shot a nice 3X3 on Tuesday. Today we left camp. Always remember trust your brother!