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Everything posted by Coues79

  1. Coues79

    ** **

    I like El Conquistador
  2. Coues79

    Kuiu, Kings Camo, Eberlestock, Bull-Pac

    Updated: Camo is SPF.
  3. Coues79

    Kuiu, Kings Camo, Eberlestock, Bull-Pac

    Yes. It tucks and folds in at the bottom.
  4. Coues79

    Kuiu, Kings Camo, Eberlestock, Bull-Pac

    PM's replied to.
  5. Coues79

    Thinking of moving

    Make sure to get your lifetime license before you move out of state ;-)
  6. Coues79

    Late Season Archery Hunts - Doable?

    1 and 27 can get snow and a lot of it. The past several years there hasn't been much, if any, but it can and does happen. There could be feet of snow or nothing. Depends on what the weather is doing.
  7. Coues79

    Late Season Archery Hunts - Doable?

    So many variables. Weather plays a huge factor. If it's dry, very possible. If there's snow (which is likely) it can be very difficult. Good luck
  8. Coues79

    Credit card update

    That's awesome!
  9. Coues79

    Is it a tough archery pig season?

    Yea and they almost ate me. I had my 10 year old with so I was doing the calling, he was doing the shooting. Came in to the feet and had to swing my bow at one to fend it off. Pretty western..... could have been real ugly but was an awesome first experience with javis for my boy. On the contrary, had two different herds that did the opposite from the first experience. It doesn't always work. Seems like if they've been messed with at all in the recent past, it can factor in and send them running. Good luck and hopefully they don't eat you. Haha.
  10. Coues79

    Credit card update

    I think it would be great if they could get them out earlier. But I can't see how they'd deviate from what is published in the regulations. I havent applied yet to get any type of confirmation email like you have.
  11. I've got soft feet. I can't do socks, kills my feet and hate stepping on an unknown thorn. I used shoo goo to glue some soft carpet remnants onto some old sneakers. Works well.
  12. Sounds like someone is affiliated with a company that rhymes with swards swoutfitters......LoL. That's pretty funny.
  13. And you were told to what has been shared to others as well. Sucks for the DIY guys when they get the shaft.
  14. Coues79

    cow hunts

    2 down in the first two hours of the hunt. Processed and in the freezer.
  15. Make sure you don't archery hunt until January 1st, then pull out on January 16th.... That unit is closed for December.
  16. Coues79

    Hitting cards already

    Absolutely agree 100% it's a rush
  17. Coues79

    2017 rifle coues biggest buck to date

    Nice bucks. Thanks for the coordinates.
  18. Coues79

    Hitting cards already

    Its a great feeling to be charged to hunt Turkey.
  19. Coues79

    Got a drop tine deer

    Don't see them like that very often. Nice tine length and sweet drop.
  20. Coues79

    Taking my lil buddy to 28 for mulie

    Used to be a great and fun unit to hunt. A lot of stock tanks dry up and force the deer to move. Not a whole lot of permanent water in the unit, but where there is they'll be a concentration of deer. My family has taken some great deer out of there but it's difficult anymore. Good luck.
  21. Coues79

    Elk Heart

    Without a doubt. Don't forget hasbrowns with it. Crazy good.
  22. Coues79

    unit 1 bugles

    Was out Saturday from 4 til dark and there was rarely 5 seconds that went by without bugling. They're going nuts. Been a real strong rut IMO comparing the last several years.