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Everything posted by Coues79

  1. Coues79

    CC Hits

    So...... anyone with any new hits? Since we are having to wait and news of folks getting hit again, I was hoping to see an antelope hit show up along with the elk tags.
  2. Coues79

    Public Safety Announcement

    Crap. That's crazy! Glad you're OK!
  3. Coues79

    G and F website just went down...

    They're not gonna post this week. I think we all need to come to that realization unfortunately.
  4. Coues79

    Elk Drawing Finally !!!!!

    They're not going to post them. Just gonna have to wait til you get your tag in the mail. New policy.
  5. Coues79

    Enough is Enough

    This is ridiculous azfg should be able to post it by now with all the computer technology it doesn't take this long. I just want to know where I am huntn elk this year. DANG IT CUT LOOSE WITH THE RESULTS ALREADY!!!LOL And just think, you already know you have a tag!!! Man, I'm glad I at least know I'm hunting this year. Be pretty rough still needing to know about the paper apps
  6. Coues79

    Who didn't draw?

    I know WAY more folks that didn't draw than did draw. And i know WAY more folks that applied this year as well. I don't think anything is suspicious...... other than when the draw results will be posted.
  7. Coues79

    G and F website just went down...

    If they'd post at 936 I'd get a new pack!
  8. Coues79

    CC Hits

    Whose charges are still pending? I was hit Thursday and mine still show pending.
  9. Coues79

    CC Hits

    Did you ever figure this one out?
  10. Coues79

    CC Hits

    Dang just tried to call game and fish and can't get through. Wonder if results will get posted today?
  11. Coues79

    tv interview

    It was on again at 10. Cruz did an excellent job pointing out that those that are not in favor of the bill should still be concerned. I'm glad that they brought that to light and it is an ongoing battle as of now. I would like to see exposed how azswf came out with a list of supporters when infarct, they publicly denounced the effort. Provide verification of when the statements were made and azsfw lying about them being supporters. Overall, Thx for those that obtained the airtime and thank you for Cruz doing a good job on her part; Thx to 3 TV for allowing time as well.
  12. Coues79

    CC Hits

    PHOENIX - It’s the time of year when many constituents ask the Arizona Game and Fish Department when the results for the pronghorn antelope and elk hunt draw will be released. The department anticipates that the 2012 results will be available sometime in the next one to two weeks, but there is no set date at this point. For those who applied using the online service, the process of charging the credit cards of successful applicants will begin tomorrow. This process will take several days to complete. Constituents are asked to please not call the department regarding draw results until the results are publicly posted. We will make an announcement of their availability on our website at www.azgfd.gov and through our e-news, Facebook and Twitter communications. To sign up for e-news, visit www.azgfd.gov/signup. This wording seems to be that they are only charging successful cards.
  13. Coues79

    CC Hits

    Wow! 3/3 hits for $114. At least one early bull tag, 2 bull tags and possibly 3 bull tags. I LOVE THIS DAY! Probably by the random draw number or by hunt number possibly is how they hit? Anyone with an antelope hit yet?
  14. Coues79

    Elk Draw Results Update

    Nothin here either. Haven't heard of anyone. 3 hrs left til NM is due. Decisions decisions.
  15. Coues79

    tv interview

    Way to go guys. Way to go!
  16. Coues79

    CC Hits

    I really appreciate the game and fish announcing this. It brings a lot of questions to pass and helps to clarify things for us. I hope they continue with this and keep us informed with draws to come. Thx game and fish! BTW. Its posted FOR REAL on the game and fish homepage. Upper right hand. I guess its safe to say the draw has been completed.
  17. Coues79

    CC Hits

    Their results page will show successfully drawn but due to a lack of sufficient funds, they were denied a tag. This will be handled before they release results. It will all be taken into consideration and run smoothly.
  18. Coues79

    CC Hits

    I am hoping to know before NM deadline. It would be helpful.
  19. Coues79

    What are you gunna get this year?

    Perhaps a muzzle loader. Will have to see what the elk draw does for me..... oh and Probly a new unit. The S.E. part of the state will be waterless in about a month.
  20. Given when, I'd be in to help with labor.
  21. Coues79

    Some decent bucks!

    Couple of good bucks. Nice spot. Thx for sharing
  22. Coues79

    White Mountains Fishing ?s

    There's nothing better IMO than big lake at ice out. There are no problems catching large trout. Its an absolute blast and awesome to be on that lake. You might consider reservation lake as well....
  23. Yes, good for her to take the time and hopefully she will make an informed decision.
  24. "Seems" is a really weak word. What a flippin joke that is. The other side is working really hard right now.