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Everything posted by Coues79

  1. Coues79

    Commission recommendations

    I really hope that the proposal to implement money towards "access" really holds true. We have lost too much in accessibility to hunting grounds and that IMO needs to be one of the top priorities or we will continue to see that loss.
  2. Coues79

    we saved this old man a couple months back

    So did this guy walk off the cliff while you guys were there or was he already down there when you drove up? Sure is awesome to see that you were there to help this man out. I can't imagine the desperation he mustve been feeling. Good for you all.
  3. Coues79

    vortex bino's

    This is the best advice that you're going to get. Everyone's eyes are different and like different glass. I for one feel that swarovskis are worth the money as they along with leica are the only glass I can look through that doesnt mess with my eyes and give me headaches. If your eyes like them after a long time observing then yes, they are good glasses. If not, look for something else. Don't make the mistake of ordering a pair without having spent time behind them.
  4. Coues79

    Now the waiting game

    July 11th they'll start hitting cards
  5. Coues79

    Took my boys to big lake

    Those are great pics! Always a lot of fun in these mountains. I can attest to the bite at big lake this year. There is a difference. Finnicky hits and not super aggressive. Still a lot of fun being there.
  6. Coues79

    Brother shoots sibling in Arizona hunting accident

    I was wondering what was going on that early in the AM.
  7. Coues79

    swarovski 15x56's price ???m

    Man thats an awesome pick up right there. Wow.
  8. Coues79

    NM Results Up

    Start passing on LO info. NM didn't like me either this year
  9. Coues79

    big lake 2013

    Cold and really windy! Really really slow last weekend on the lake with as much wind that was blowing.
  10. Coues79

    Anyone else draw a 22 early archery bull tag?

    Only 25 tags for the whole unit. Not much hunting pressure but there are a lot of weekend warriors that are in a lot of the elk country during the weekends. Bulls seem to bugle late into the day with the lack of hunting pressure. It can be a blast that's for sure...... a little on the warm side as well.
  11. Coues79

    OTC elk tag

    I'm not sure that you can hunt the gila river corridor in the tamaracks at all during the OTC hunt per regulations. You need to check that out and see if you can. Its not an easy hunt by any means and you're gonna have a real difficult time killing an elk..... but it can be done.. wink wink
  12. Coues79

    free elk meat!

    If you take one by hannagans meadow you may not have any elk meat. Ol game and fish will be takin it to charity cause you will have taken one in the wrong unit.
  13. Coues79

    Big bull in NM, score??

    I don't know why you wouldnt try to score him. He has great tine length on every tine that is visible. Fronts are great. Curves up well. Thirds are strong. Fifths are good. He looks a solid 370 to me.
  14. Coues79

    End Bonus Points!!

    Apply for new Mexico and you can have your go with no bonus points.
  15. Those people obviously need done to them what they say they support. That solves the problem.
  16. Coues79

    This is our future

    Why work? The government can take care of him.......
  17. Coues79

    ATV Engine Size Question

    How necessary is 4 wheel drive? The first time you need it or tell yourself that "you're not going down that road or up that hill" you'll wish you had it. If you have a choice between the two, I wouldnt hesitate to get a 4x4. You will be fine with a 350 machine.
  18. Coues79

    Teachers allowed to carry?

    I'm sure a very small amount of them when a person sits down and thinks about it. But, it is a start in the right direction.
  19. Coues79

    Son of a &*^$ing *$^#!

    Would it be too much to ask to have a backup card to use as a feature incase the primary card has problems such as this?
  20. Coues79

    Honors Society Night Cancelled

    Ha! That's hilarious. So true about society nowadays. Good one
  21. Coues79

    draw results?

    I think they give it 24 hours to see if the charge will go through then move on to the next person in line. Sure hoping that I'm that next applicant they pull. With the spring results it took nearly two weeks before results were posted after the cc hits. Man that's a long time to hold off for hope!
  22. Coues79

    elk and antelope draw for 2013

    Nov 7th was due date for cards for spring hunts. They started hitting Nov 8th. Hopefully tomorrow.
  23. Coues79

    Mathews Switchback XT

    One of the great bows put out by Matthews. Sweet shooter
  24. Coues79

    Over Scoring
