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Everything posted by Coues79

  1. Coues79

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    Unit / Dates / Weapon (or 2014 hunt numbers), # of bonus points and Res/NR. The number of applicants is important if the hunt has a low number of tags i.e. < 40. All: One Resident applicant and 4 B.P. -3141 -3118 -3007 -3026 -3024 -3025 Thanks for the information and for putting your knowledge together for us.
  2. Coues79

    Rimrock Outfitters

    Good for Josh. That's a great looking buck. I'd like to read about the patterns and what the buck did differently in different seasons. Did he travel distances.... Times of the day seen.... Etc etc etc. One could come up with quite a journal of a buck with that much time spent learning him. It'd be cool to read. Anyways congrats on a slammer buck.
  3. Coues79

    what do u prefer

    If you have a hunting partner, I'd move in as soon as you see the buck... Use radio communication. If he is rutting, cruising or chasing does, you don't know what he will end up doing. I can remember one time watching a good mule deer buck chasing around a doe. They were headed up into a draw so I went and positioned where I figured they'd end up getting to. After getting there i was able to watch them head up closer to where I was. Then, for no rhyme or reason, that buck just did a 180 and completely left the country. The rest of the herd just kept coming towards me. When they're rutting, it's hard to say exactly what they're gonna do. Every situation is different. I guess see what the situation is and assess it....
  4. Coues79

    Havalon knife, which one?

    Piranta. Be careful. These things are amazingly sharp.
  5. Alright, after looking at the hunt recommendations, compared to 2014, they are decreasing tags in quite a few units. For example, -1, 2B and 2C late rifle bull is being decreased by 50 tags (this past year they decreased them as well I believe) -Late 3A, 3C is being decreased by 25 tags -Decreasing tags in 27 (the late bull hunt goes back to 400; I never thought this would happen again, I was proved wrong) - They eliminated a cow hunt altogether in 27 On the contrary, they are piping tags in the 7's pretty heavily.... Do you think they have listened to hunters in the white mountains? Or is it something else?
  6. I know there could be flaws and "lying" to mandatory reporting, but I still don't understand why we do not have mandatory harvest reporting for every species to assist with a more sound "management". Many of states do this, the Native Tribes do this, but, we still do not have this mandatory reporting. Of course, some will lie. However, I like to think that the majority of hunters will in good faith be honest with it and could help to a better management tool.
  7. Tags equal revenue. Its going to be difficult to have decrease in tags due to that revenue. It's just a fact of the matter and g and f won't change it. Period. I personally feel that whitetail will fair the best and more trophy whitetail will exist compared to elk and mule deer. With all of these mega burns that have opened up country for elk, hunters have taken advantage and harvest more animals due to being able to see them. As far as managing wildlife on our part as hunters, it's a good idea but very very very unlikely to happen. Guides and outfitters surely won't do it. Its money in their wallet. All in all, it is what it is. Money talks and the game and fish will not take a cut in revenue by making drastic cuts in tags.
  8. That's a great time right there! I am just getting my son started into squirrel hunting; it's a great activity to get their aim down well. Congrats on a fun hunt!
  9. Coues79

    A Few Good Cyber Monday Deals from Around the Web

    Cabelas has .22LR bulk for .05 cents per round tight now. Pretty good deal.
  10. That's an awesome tradition your family has been able to keep up. Its very difficult to do in today's world. Congrats on some great animals. I imagine the memories are gonna last a lifetime.
  11. Coues79

    Unit 10 Bull Tags to Increase

    They do know how to manage their game. That's for sure.
  12. Coues79

    Unit 10 Bull Tags to Increase

    The number of tags in the white mountains has increased. Look at 27 this year.... They added 100 bull tags to the late hunt, which was already high at 400. The quality of bulls being taken in the near years to come is going to go downward. The number of animals reaching maturity are simply going to decline. Plain and simple. Look at the 22 units as an example....
  13. Coues79

    unit 8 rifle bull

    Awesome! Congrats to your son.
  14. Coues79

    Setting up trail cam

    I setup a camera one time way the crap back in some country in a saddle on a ridgeline. Never thought for a second anyone would mess with it..... About three miles in. My luck it ended up being the one ridge line illegals were using to bring dope in. They stole my SD card and left the camera. We caught them on another camera that was lock boxed and they couldn't get into. I was pissed..... There was good sign on that camera and never saw what was there.
  15. Coues79

    Big bucks... What does it take?

    I agree with the above. Pay lots of money to an outfitter, sit at home and let them do the work for you. Pay enough money and you can kill record class animals every year. Heck, pay enough and you can get a posse picture with 15-20 guys that were glassing the hill for you as you slept, had your gun put on "the claw" and all you had to do is pull the trigger. Yep. That's how to find them big bucks and bulls. $$$$$$$$$$
  16. Coues79

    Anyone like seeing bears

    Man that first bear would make a gorgeous rug!
  17. Coues79

    Isreal's Buck

    Great looking buck. My favorite picture is the third one..... Great smile! Congrats on a great buck!
  18. Coues79

    Post em if you got em

    Congrats. Great seeing you get that opportunity with your family like that.
  19. Coues79

    Giant Non-typical Desert Buck?

    This is what's gone wrong in the guiding bis today. There are so many guides out there grabbing their wifes sisters brothers buck from a long lost cousin who knew uncle larry's uncle who used to drink beer every once in awhile with cousin bob. It's not right and shouldn't be done. Post it if you guided for it , don't post it if you didn't, pretty simple and used to be the norm but not anymore. Nothing personal against shane here, just the new normal of outfitters in general posting other people's animals when they had nothing at all to do with it. i heard the buck was scored at 291 yesterday by a legitimate official scorer. biggest buck of the year and it didnt come from the strip, and didnt involve 500 trail cams. I would bow at the guys feet for pulling this off in the desert. Huge congrats to the hunter who was unguided also.I don't know about bowing at his feet, but, if he didn't pay someone to find it for him and someone didn't walk him to the deer to shoot it, I think that's awesome. Seeing guys get it done without a big name outfitter is awesome. I love it. DIY. Doesnt get any better.
  20. Coues79

    Any credit card hits?

    I wish they'd start already!
  21. Coues79

    late season hunting gear

    In just a little bit of snow, I have used snake gaiters to keep my legs dry from knee down. Seems to help from water seeping through the top end of your boots.
  22. Coues79

    21 roll call

    Sweet buck! Must be some good genes in that country.
  23. Coues79

    Oct. Rifle Hunts 2 for 2

    Its cool to see you pattern that buck like that even though it didnt work out. There will be more that happen that way and most of us here have missed bruisers before. Anyways, it goes to show what hard work and time in the hills can do for you and know what to expect. Even better that it was a DIY hunt.... Congrats on the bucks.