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Everything posted by Coues79

  1. Coues79

    Plant identification

    I'd rather go through catclaw than locust. 27 is ridden with it on the northern slopes from the burn. Some are huge now. Hate it!
  2. Coues79

    Side by Side Recommendations

    I have a 2021 Polaris 570 crew. Heater. Canvas doors. Full glass windshield. Havent been able to use it fully during the winter but I can't wait to not have cold wind blowing on us. Top speed is right around 50 mph. I personally like the more narrow width on the 570 mid size model along with the shorter wheel base. Better on narrow 2 track roads.
  3. Coues79


    Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don't. If the birds where you're hunting have been pressured, it might be best to not pack them with you. I've had birds humping them, some see them and run the other direction. Hard to say what will happen. More open country some birds like to see what they're talking to. Thicker country seems a little bit easier to get them to come in closer to range. Again, some like them, some don't.
  4. Coues79

    New Mexico results

    1/10. Son drew 23 youth only burro mountains as a non resident.
  5. Coues79

    spring turkey 2021 status?

    A lot of gobbling Fri-Sun in the white mountains. Sunday was shorter lived on gobbling. Shut up around 7 once the storms started rolling through
  6. Coues79

    Unit 15 NM turkey

    I believe the same, at least in the spots I have hunted over the past 6 years. Combination of drought, predators and the influx of hunters, it has become very challenging. Hate to say move it to a draw, but I think that would help the numbers improve.
  7. Coues79

    Unit 15 NM turkey

    Turkey numbers in 15 in that area you're talking about have been declining steadily over the past several years. Seems like once you cross the line, things change in AZ.
  8. Coues79

    Onan 4000 generator

    I've got the same issue with my 5500. Started acting up all the sudden.
  9. Coues79

    Coueswhitetail bullet group buy

    147 ELD-M. Whatever quantity I can get. 140 ELD-M
  10. It'll send everyone down south for a year, which cannot sustain increased pressure. Then the south will be closed next year.
  11. Coues79


    They are in stock on the RCBS website
  12. Coues79

    Alpine-Hannagan meadow area

    There is not a lot of snowpack from this past winter. The recent storms help a little bit, but it is going to be a dry looking spring and beginning of summer.
  13. Coues79

    Missing Bonus Points

    There is no information on my daughters application period when calling the phone number. Have never been able to setup her an account with portal. Frustrating
  14. Coues79

    The rumors are ture

    Their system is a piece of cake. Love the cart feature for all apps.
  15. Coues79

    A bunch of BS!

    Tomorrow's the day 🤣🤣
  16. What do you want to trade
  17. Coues79

    Tick Tock

    Glad they did it on the elk draw cycle. Would hate to have these kids of issues waiting for my javelina results to come out 😆
  18. Coues79

    Tick Tock

    A generalized statement from azgfd would be nice, as we have been accustomed to card hits the day after the update period. Especially if folks are going to need another chance to update their card if it takes a couple more weeks.
  19. Coues79

    Tick Tock

    Seems like they tried to cover the inconsistencies already. Still hard to believe we still have issues in the day and age of technology we are in. Be nice to have these bugs ironed out in a less demand draw cycle.
  20. Looking like I can get a couple boxes. I guess they received one case of 10 boxes. They have limits on their ammo so I will get what I can.
  21. Coues79

    1 LB IMR 4064 $30

    You suck matt 😂 I was in the middle of PMing
  22. Coues79

    Bullets fs/ft all are spf

    Pm sent
  23. My Son's Browning Hells Canyon Speed liked the Berger 156. Best load was R-26 at 57 grains using Hornady Brass. COAL 2.967. Velocity consistent between 2995-3002 over a 20 shot session. I shot the 156 with H1k in my Browning Hells Canyon LR but couldn't get them to group. 57 grains H1k with gunwerks brass. Right at 2950 fps. Both loads using CCI br2 primers.
  24. Long, long, long shot. If you have any you're willing to let go, I could use 100. Shoot me a PM. Thank you
  25. Coues79

    juniors hunt
