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About top1eye

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  1. top1eye

    30-06 For Long Range?

    I've shot 308's in the service and out, but I always seems to come back to my 30.06's to the tune of 55 years worth. I have 7 of them, plus a couple 308's and a 7mm mag. I've shot just about all my deer, goats, Elk, Moose, and Bear with the 06!! My favorite is a 165 grain with a spitzer bullet. One Mule deer was dropped at a measured 493 yards, clean up shot for a fool, it was wounded in the reat quarter. One of the Elk's I took at 711 yards. That was because of bad weather coming and frankly, I was tired of trying to get closer. The 7mm mag doesn't have the knock down power of the 06 as far as I'm concerned. The 300's are too punishing, just sold mine, and the 308's don't seem to have as many bullet choice. I use the 06 for 800-1000 yard gopher (prarie dog) shooting, as my friends dogs have gotten wise to shorter shots. As my user name suggests, I was a sniper and prefer to shoot a longer distances. But, I much prefer CLEAN shots. I'm not a trophy hunter, I LIKE MEAT!!! If I have my choice, it's a head shot, neck-spine shot, or at real long distances a heart shot. My own harvests were usually one shot circunstances, except my grizzly...use two to be sure, and I don't like to track. Plus, I think my Dad would rise from his grave to kick my butt if I took a...crummy shot!! Ha, ha!! I've shoot my model 700 in 308 and my 700 in 30.06 in side by side shooting The 06 always seems to hold a tighter pattern. Plus, if you use a 180 to 200 grain bullet it's not effected by crosswinds either. The 308 has always been tough to control in windy conditions. But, all things effect a bullets flight, but side by side, the 06 less than the 308. Even my semi-auto Remington has done well, at least on the first shot anyway. My two 700's both hae over 1000 round through them and their barrles are both in great shape yet as well. For Elk, Moose and Bear 180 to 250 grains bullets a best. For all others, including coyotes, wolves, and puma, the 165 grain is fantastic. So far my longest on the gophers is 1012 yards, a header I think...it was gone!!