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Lucky Draw

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Everything posted by Lucky Draw

  1. The Arizona Chapter of SCI is hosting a camp once again to serve the young hunters who drew tags for 36A, 36B and 36C. This is for the hunts that start the day after Thanksgiving. Camp is in a new location this year. It’s near Milepost 4 west of Arivaca on the Arivaca-Sasabe Highway. Look for the big tower on the south side of the road for the turn. The chapter provides breakfast, lunch and dinner on Friday. They also provide breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Dinner on Saturday is a potluck. For more info, visit www.azsci.com/events
  2. Lucky Draw

    Youth Camp in 36A, 36B and 36C-AZSCI

    Not sure why you felt the need to dump on a youth camp post. Maybe it was late. Guess it should be made clear: The chapter provides all those meals to the kids and their families for free. Chapter members volunteer a ton of time to get that camp ready, volunteer as mentors to make sure kids are safe and have the best chance possible to get a deer. There is no cost to participate in the camp.
  3. Lucky Draw

    Bill Quimby

    A life well lived. Thanks for everything, Mr. Quimby.
  4. Guns and live auction items are available for preview on the Arizona Chapter of SCI website. They have 11 hunts in North America up for bid, including a fully guided Arizona mountain lion hunt and Arizona Commissioner's tags for turkey, bear and javelina. Guns: https://www.azsci.com/banquet-guns Live Auction Items: https://www.azsci.com/auction-items The banquet is June 30 at Loew's Ventana Canyon. They have rooms available for $99, but you must book your room by June 18 to get that rate. The Chapter uses the money raised at this event to put on junior hunting camps and many habitat and conservation projects in Arizona.
  5. Early Bird Specials for the AZSCI Banquet expire tomorrow night (May 31). The banquet is on June 30 at Loew's Ventana Canyon. Early Bird Specials: The first special is priced at $700 and includes: -Dinner Tickets for 10 Guests, reserved table -$700 in sweepstakes tickets (Normally comes with $300 in sweepstakes tickets) The second special is priced at $1,000 and includes: -Dinner tickets for 10 guests, reserved table -$1500 in sweepstakes tickets. (Normally Comes with $1,000 in sweepstakes tickets) And they have a sweepstakes special where you can get $100 in sweepstakes tickets for just $60. You can buy your tickets here: https://www.azsci.com/shop Ventana Canyon is offering discounted room rates for banquet attendees once again. It's going to be a great time and the vast majority of proceeds go to projects right here in Arizona.
  6. Lucky Draw

    SCI Chapter Banquets-Phoenix and Tucson

    The live auction items for the Phoenix Chapter have been posted. http://phxchaptersci.com/2018-banquet-live-auction-items/
  7. The Phoenix Chapter of SCI has their banquet coming up on May 5 at The Buttes. Ticket information can be found here: http://phxchaptersci.com/may-5-banquet-tickets-on-sale-now/ The Arizona Chapter of SCI has their banquet on June 30 at Loews Ventana Canyon. Ticket information can be found here: https://www.azsci.com/shop These chapters are both very active in education and youth hunting opportunities because of your support at these events.
  8. Lucky Draw

    SCI Chapter Banquets-Phoenix and Tucson

    Yes, the one in Tucson is probably the bigger of the two. Both chapters should have their lineup of guns, hunts, etc posted soon. Will share it here when I see it.
  9. Lucky Draw

    Lady Luck on the Kiabab, bull down 2018

  10. Lucky Draw

    Time to start shooting the bow!!!

    Congrats! Looks like I drew an archery antelope tag, too. I drew one about 10 years ago and threw the kitchen sink at 'em. Antelope decoys, cow decoys, ambush spots on the way to water, sitting water, good old fashioned spot/stalk/crawl...you name it, I tried it. Everything except the cow decoy got me within a 100 yards. Those antelope may still be running today! You are going to have a blast. The best part about archery antelope hunting here is that you can and will have chances all day. Enjoy!
  11. Lucky Draw

    Little Girl First Time Kaibab Doe

    Way to go! That hunt is a great experience for kids (and parents, too)!
  12. The Arizona Chapter of SCI is holding a drawing for a Kimber handgun. Thanks for your support; proceeds from this will help offset some of the costs for the upcoming Junior Deer Camp near Arivaca. https://www.azsci.com/product-page/kimber-380-ticket Tickets are just $10 and the 200 tickets should go fast. Thanks again, CWT.
  13. Lucky Draw

    Got the Muley Buck I was After!

    How did I miss this one? Wow! Congratulations!
  14. Lucky Draw

    WY leftovers

    Congrats on the antelope. I hope deer and elk visit my final resting place!
  15. Lucky Draw

    Heat's 7W Archery Bull Elk Hunt

    Love a good story like that and love those unique bulls. Congrats!
  16. Lucky Draw

    Unit 27 stud bull!

    Nice job!
  17. Lucky Draw

    A few coues

    Wow! Thanks for sharing.
  18. Lucky Draw

    Daughter's First Elk

    That is just outstanding. Good luck with the thumb!
  19. Lucky Draw

    Unit 13B Archery Mule Deer

    Wow! Way to stick with it.
  20. Lucky Draw

    7W Archery Bull

  21. Lucky Draw

    A Walk In The Park!

    What an adventure! Great job capturing it all.
  22. Lucky Draw

    2017 September Archery Bull 6x6

  23. Lucky Draw

    My AZ Bull

    Love the ones with character. Congrats!
  24. Lucky Draw

    Buck of a lifetime!!

    Wow! Congrats!