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Everything posted by racer85304

  1. racer85304

    Archery bear

    Good looking bear!
  2. racer85304

    gps maps

    I am looking at purchasing the az map from gps hunting maps but am unsure. I have always used my gps(currently a garmin venture hc but soon upgrading to a garmin rhino radio/gps) just for way points and if needed just took lat and long from gps to find my location on a map. My question is are they worth it and why. Do you really need the gps map with private land for az? Both my dad and i have the same gps but would have same ones when and if we upgrade to the rhinos. Does anyone know if i would have to buy two of the gps cards to do both gps or will one work for both of ours? Thanks Justin
  3. racer85304

    swimming bear

    Yes there is I will post the link next Thursday when voting starts.
  4. racer85304

    swimming bear

    I have entered it in a few contest to see what happens. First place is a reconyx camera package but it is world wide trail cam contest. It's a 700 trail cam package. Voting starts next Thursday. I have others pics of the bear but I never posted or sent those out due to the fact people claiming its their trail cam pic. It will also be posted in a magazine in a Oct issue of predator extreme.
  5. racer85304

    swimming bear

    Thanks. I was actually referred to this website after some people seeing this photo. So I decieded to post it here.