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About racer85304

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/25/1986

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  • Interests
    Archery and predator hunting

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  1. racer85304

    Rim road 300

    just curious due to the govt shutdown
  2. racer85304

    Rim road 300

    Does anyone know if the rim road is closed? Me and family want to go camping and fishing at knoll lake this weekend but cant figure out if the rim/lake will closed or open. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
  3. racer85304

    4A archery bull

    My dads bull also in 4a from last year. Both our first time hunting 4A. Shot a few days apart and less then a 1/4 mile from each other.
  4. racer85304

    4A archery bull

    This is the bull I took out of 4A last year. I was drawn again this year for the same unit.
  5. racer85304

    draw results?

    cc hit on 3/21 for elk. Whats the earliest anyones card got hit?
  6. racer85304

    gps touch screen

    I have the rhino 650 and it is a touch screen. while i havent been in heavy rains i have used it while it rains and the screen gets water drops on it and it works fine. I do try to keep it out of the rain as much as i can but it has gotten somewhat wet and worked.
  7. racer85304

    Wife's 4A Archery Bull Add pic

    awesome!! I got one in 4A too!
  8. racer85304

    First 4A elk hunt and 2nd elk

    I had to pack it out since I was in an no motor vehicle area. Hard work does pay off.
  9. racer85304

    First elk on the ground

    congrats awesome elk!
  10. racer85304

    First 4A elk hunt and 2nd elk

    Thanks everyone. I passed on a spike friday evening and another small bull on sunday morning. I was in bulls every morning and night. I either passed or was getting busted due to wind and them coming from wrong direction. I had to pack him out about a mile and half to the truck. skull, horns, and hide weighed more then half my body weight. we roled the hide up like a tube sock and cut off at 2nd vertebrae because thats what someone told us to do for a shoulder mount. later I find out i could have cut off more to save my back a little. but it was an awesome feeling walking through the forest all the way back to the truck with the horns on my back.
  11. racer85304

    First 4A elk hunt and 2nd elk

    This was my first time ever hunting 4a for anything. My first elk was a spike. I know have a spike, javelina, Black bear, and now this bull elk. All where shot in 5bn with a bow other the the bear that was with a rifle but 5bn as well. I was going up about every 2-3 weeks to 4a since end of may hiking around to get to know the area. each trip other then the first trip up there, that one was just driving the roads to get to know the area, I logged about 10-15 miles on my gps of hiking into areas. sometimes more since i started to really know the area and didnt need to use the gps to get to some areas. My bull I shot sunday evening the 16th
  12. racer85304

    swimming bear

    Thanks for taking the time to vote everyone. I didnt win for the voting part in the US & CAN section but I was choosen for the grand prize which was Reconyx HC600 trail camera packaged valued at $700. Again thanks to all that took the time to vote for me.
  13. racer85304

    Can use your vote please

    Thanks for taking the time to vote everyone. I didnt win for the voting part in the US & CAN section but I was choosen for the grand prize which was Reconyx HC600 trail camera packaged valued at $700. Again thanks to all that took the time to vote for me.
  14. Im confused when I click on the link I get f150 raptor but it says f250 raptor. Are they making a 3/4 raptor or just a typo?
  15. racer85304

    Rhino 650 gps radio?

    I did buy it already. I did buy it from cabelas due to the fact that they have a 90 day return policy if they do not work for the hunt. only bad thing is I will lose my gps hunting maps I bought for both units. We have used them on our last scouting trip and while we havent been real far away from each other we where about 0.6 miles from each othere and they worked great. they were really clear compared to our midland radios we had before. I know the .6 miles isnt far but they seem to be better then our midland radios are as far as clearity. The biggest reason for the radio was being able to see each others location. well mainly for my dad since he tends to get lost in his surroundings real easy. We have been always been taking turns as who hunts what days and have hunted together or I drop him off at his location and pick him back up on my way back. But we are planning on hunting seperate this year and this is our only option to locate each other. Although the gps is working great even though its been short distances the gps hunting maps i bought for it the best thing i have ever bought in the past few years. Thanks you guys for all of your feedback. Justin