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Everything posted by BML

  1. BML

    WTB reloading press

    Yeah slim I just missed it. Antlers do you know which Lee press it is? Is it the metal cast style or aluminum?
  2. BML

    RCBS rock chukar

    dang Doug you beat me to it. Put me in line if Doug doesn't take it please. Thanks.
  3. I've got the LRH but its not for sale. I have a free bore issue with mine. In reality, though, its only an issue because I've been heck bent on getting it to shoot a jacketed or "aggresive" bullet. These types of bullets really like to be up against the lands and I cannot achieve that. I've moved on and once I get some time I have some other bullets/loads to test. I really like everything about the rifle though. I did take it to a smith and have it bedded and cleaned up the forend a little to make sure the barrel stays fully floated. With any rifle I always tell people to really think about what they want to achieve with a new gun. You can get great accuracy with many different rifles on the market today. Depending on your needs and shooting limits you could get a great gun/scope combo for $1000.
  4. BML

    WTS a handgun 45 cal

    Don't know why that keeps happening. I deleted them all a couple weeks ago. Email me lanoue25@yahoo.com Thanks.
  5. BML

    WTS a handgun 45 cal

    My dad is looking for a handgun in that price range. Pm me your number and I'll let him know. Thanks.
  6. BML

    Spartan Race

    Hey all! I know this is a long shot but here goes. Some of you know I have been running in the newest sport craze of obstacle racing. There is a race called Spartan Race this Saturday the 11th, at Rawhide in Chandler. I have been invited to run in the Hurricane Heat as a 2 for 1 deal if I can find a partner on short notice. The Hurricane Heat is the first heat of the day bright and early at 6AM. This is where the founders of the race will race with some of the regular joes like me. I MIGHT be able to get them to let me race later in the day, but I'm not sure. If you want to do it, I need to know ASAP. Final registration total should be somewhere around $85-$90 I think. Check it out here. www.spartanrace.com Let me know if you are game!! lanoue25@yahoo.com
  7. BML

    Spartan Race

    I hear that alot when I talk about these races! lol
  8. BML

    Antelope units??

    Doug is right on about the hunter with 22bp. He should apply alone. I'd go with Terry in the 5's. I think yotebuster is right with 19B, but with the land access issues that's a tough one. If you can somehow secure access to some private land you have the chance at a giant out there.
  9. BML

    Shame on you

    Yeah, how this thread is still alive and the Gino thread gets nuked is beyond me. Then again, I don't think any thread should ever be deleted. That's just me though.
  10. That's sweet Josh!! Great job.
  11. BML


    dang sorry man. I'll delete a bunch. You can email me if it's easier. lanoue25@yahoo.com
  12. BML


    I know that tank very well. I would guess with goldfish someone just dumped them there. I am pretty sure there is a species of catfish that will burrow deap into the mud and lay dormant when the water dries up. Then when the water returns they come back. James shoot me a PM and let me know how you did on the tank. I'm always curious to get other people's experiences with areas I know well.
  13. BML

    76 hours and counting

    Back in late November I ran across a very large herd of javelina in unit 21 while out predator hunting. I went back to the spot and did a full day of scouting and was able to locate a very well used trail that these pigs frequented nearly every day. I set up my trail camera and this is what I got. I had pictures of these pigs every single day for almost 5 weeks before the season started. Heck, a lion came through one day and the pigs were still there the very next day! So about a week before the hunt started I set up my ground blind and anxiously awaited January 1st. My girlfriend drew her very first big game tag this year and I thought for sure this was going to work and she would at least get a shot at a pig. First 2 days we sat 19 hours in that blind and no pigs!! lol No big deal, I thought. That's just hunting. Second weekend found us both in the blind for yet another 19 hours and still no pigs!! They just seemed to change up their pattern just enough to have us fooled. So after the second weekend, I decided that sitting trails for pigs was not any fun and I pulled my blind and decided to change tactics. I have been able to hunt several different days after work until dark. My girlfriend and I just spent all last weekend battling the wind glassing all day Saturday and half of Sunday. Found a new coues deer spot, but still no pigs. Long story short, I have 76 hours of hunting time chasing these little pigs and still haven't tagged out!! Personally, at this point it has become somewhat comical between my girlfriend and I. She's losing her confidence in her "guide" lol. She's done for the season, but I still might be able to get out for a couple hours the next couple days after work. Of course I REALLY WANT TO KILL ONE, but I'm having a blast even with my horrible results so far. :lol: Congrats to all of those that have harvested their pigs so far.
  14. Awesome deer man. Congrats again.
  15. BML

    Flying The Crack

    That was freaking bad a$$!!
  16. BML

    Journal of My January Hunts

    Good luck to you and your dad tomorrow! It's really cool reading the updates. Every time I see you've posted I get all excited thinking you've put another great buck on the ground.
  17. BML

    Javelina Question

    There are others here with MUCH more field experience than me, but I don't think it's all that abnormal, especially for the boars. Typically, though, there will be more than one. Hard to say from just your story, but the others could have stayed where he came from or could have been where he was headed. You never know. The fact that you saw a good herd in the same spot 2 weeks prior tells me that the rest of them were somewhere close by and you just didn't see them.
  18. BML

    Javelina Question

    It was probably a loan boar. The rest of the herd was more than likely somewhere close by though. I've seen that often. The good thing is that you spotted pigs in the same spot multiple times. Now you know where they live. Make mental notes of when they show themselves, the direction that they feed and where they go to bed up. It will pay huge dividends once the hunt starts, as you will have a great idea as to what they are going to do. Good luck on your hunt!
  19. BML

    Tough Mudder

    Anyone racing in the Tough Mudder this weekend? I'll be there with my cousin. We start at 12:40 tomorrow. I did the Warrior Dash last May, but that was a walk on the beach compared to this one. I'm excited, nervous anxious, you name it!! lol Good luck if you are racing!
  20. BML

    Tough Mudder

    There's one coming up called Spartan Race on February 11th. It's an 8 mile obstacle race. It's in the late registration phase so its fairly pricey at $138. The next one after that is the Warrior Dash on April 28th. It's only a 3.5 mile race. I did that one last May and it was just a HUGE party!! Lots of fun. That one is in the early registration phase so its only $60 until March 4th. I am for sure doing the Warrior Dash. I'll do the Spartan Race if I can get a team of 4 together soon.
  21. BML

    Tough Mudder

    Here's one of the monkey bars over the ice cold green water. Normally monkey bars wouldn't be an issue, but this was somewhere around mile 10 when everyone was just about toast. The bars spun and inclined and then declined. Second shot, If you have any pics of you and your wife competing, post them up! Glad to see some more folks who ran it as well. We had a blast!
  22. BML

    Tough Mudder

    Here's a neat little sequence. Shows just what 10,000 volts of electricity will do to a grown man! So far so good here. I'm half way through and haven't been hit yet. Only some of these wires are live, but no idea which ones they are. A few steps later and BAM! I got hit in the left side. Felt like someone just kicked me in the ribs. A few more steps later and I got hit on both forearms at the same time!!! Dropped me like a bag of bricks. Then came the worst thing I have ever felt in my life. After getting hit with two at once, I couldn't get back to my feet. I started crawling through. I thought I was done and one hit my right behind the left ear!! You can see it in this pic. That one basically put me face first into the mud and for a second or two I couldn't move at all. I guess you could say I crawled or wiggled or whatever until I finally was able to get back on my feet. Last one is of me finally on my feet walking across the finish line. I'm still a little dizzy when my cousin comes over laughing. She saw the whole thing happen since she wussed out and skipped the obstacle!!!
  23. BML

    Tough Mudder

    haha. That's my cousin. She ran the Warrior Dash with me too. She gets lots of looks out on the course. She also gets lots of offers to help her climb over the 12 foot walls, but she's a bad a$$ and always does it by herself.
  24. BML

    Tough Mudder

    Here's a quick before and after.
  25. BML

    Tough Mudder

    Blake, what is it?? www.toughmudder.com 12.5 mile obstacle race from heck. Designed by the British Special Forces. It was a freaking BLAST!!! I'll get a few pics posted soon.