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Everything posted by BML

  1. BML

    Greer cabin rentals

    Thinking about taking a long weekend in Greer around the end of May. Looking for some references on cabin rentals. Basically just looking to get away for a few days. Only thing really on our "to do" list is some fishing. I've done some searching on the web and there's a ton of options to choose from. Anyone here have a recommendation?
  2. Travis give be a call when you get a chance. I just went through months of research on cameras before we bought ours. I can point you in the right direction. Blake
  3. BML

    2nd Annual Shootin' The Moon Tournament

    Sweet. We will be there!
  4. BML

    A new State Record...Flathead!!!!!

    You guys are gonna have some competition this go round cause my boat will be on the water too!! I smell a lot of side bets!! Bring It!!
  5. BML

    Bowfishing tournaments

    Heck I even took her for a spin. Does that make her easy too?
  6. BML

    Greer cabin rentals

    Thank you for all the recommendations. I appreciate it!
  7. BML


    Been at lake pleasant the last three weekends and in my opinion the spawn has not really taken off yet. There's been a few here and there really hitting the surface but nothing crazy yet. I imagine if these dry cold fronts quit blowing through the action should really start heating up. Hopefully when it does we will be there with bows in hand!
  8. Well I guess anything is possible.. I talked to Gary this morning and he did confirm only 2 fish.. Hes thinkin it had something to do with a little front that moved through. I can see how Things can change from shore.. If those fish arent up on top/on the shore line you'll never see them.. If i was going to shoot shore line I'd take a 6' A frame ladder and wade out a little ways and get up high. Its incredible what youll see once you gain elevation on the fish!! When your in a boat, even in January, youll usually see more than 2 carp in a day!! Ive been shootin ducks at roosey and wished i had brought my bowfishing bow!! We figured it was the front too. My buddy fished every night on the boat last week and they killed a lot of fish. We joined him Friday night and 4 of us only managed 8 fish. We still got on plenty of fish but they seemed to always be in 4-5 feet or more of water. My girlfriend and I are new to bowfishing and had a heck of a time adjusting to shooting that deep. It's a lot of fun though!
  9. It entirely possible! We hammered the fish along shore at pleasant last Sunday. We went out this past Friday night in the boat and did OK. Slept in the truck so we could shore fish yesterday and it sucked. Fished the exact same spot as last Sunday. The fish were deep. My girlfriend killed one and lost one. I never fired an arrow in the 4 hours we fished.
  10. BML

    Pleasant... From shore

    Ill be the first to tell you this girl is deadly with her bow! She has perfected the art of shooting fish that she can't even see. She out shot me all day. Final score was 7-5 in her favor. We also lost 4 fish each. The kids had a blast too. Her son Austin carried all our fish to the "fish pile" so we could stay on the hot spots. All in all it was a great family day on the lake!
  11. BML

    Uniquely shaped pig skull

    It's actually a sow. Funny too because she didn't really look any bigger in the head than Kaela's pig when we had them side by side. They both weighed about the same too. Just something to add to the fun of chasing pigs I guess. You never really know what you're going to get!
  12. BML

    Uniquely shaped pig skull

    Got our rifle pigs finished up and had them all on the table next to each other when I noticed one that really stood out. This was my rifle pig. It's by far wider than all of them and look how steep the forehead is! These are both my pigs from this year. They are on the table at the EXACT same angle yet look how different the two are. I have a total of 7 skulls now and the other 6 are basically carbon copies of themselves.
  13. BML

    Uniquely shaped pig skull

    Here's a pic of all 4 from this year. Mine on the right and my girlfriend Kaela's on the left.
  14. BML

    The sweep is complete!

    Well, we did it. Filled our 2nd tags a couple weekends ago. We managed to capture 3 of the 4 hunts on film. Here's a recap! http://azhuntingadventures.blogspot.com/
  15. My Savage is shooting .2's consistently with the following ingredients Norma brass Federal 210 primer 46.0g H4350 140 AMAX .030 off the lands I have several other loads that shot .4 and .5 too.
  16. WOW!!! I can't believe you had to talk him into shooting that deer! What an amazing buck! Congrats to you and Steve!
  17. BML

    The sweep is complete!

    Andy, It was brutal out there. Temp was 15 when we unloaded the rhino. Wind was blowing 15-20 mph so im guessing the wind chill was single digits. We knew the pigs were within a square mile or so, so we hiked up and down every draw, cut and canyon trying to bust them out. Not going to lie, we also did it partly to avoid freezing to death!
  18. BML

    The sweep is complete!

    I'm not sure what ammo it was. It was my buddy's gun who filmed us. As far as performance it was awesome. Kaela's shot was a few inches behind the shoulder and quartering to. She had no exit but did not require a second shot. I shot mine through the shoulders. I missed the front shoulder bone barely and smashed the opposite shoulder. I lost the entire opposite shoulder and about half the front shoulder from bullet shock. No second shot required either. I'll use a .22 mag again for sure if given the opportunity.
  19. BML

    The sweep is complete!

    Thanks guys. Let me know if anyone has trouble with banner ads embedded in the video. Youtube doesn't agree with my music for copyright issues and is automatically putting in the ads. Ill try to get it fixed.
  20. BML

    2013 javelina hunt video

    Thanks for posting that up Kevin. Ill get my video done eventually. Haha. Had a blast yet again!
  21. Had a couple requests to share my experience in Mexico earlier this month. Had a great time for sure! I suppose by Mexico's standards our ranch wasn't a very good one, but I still had a blast. We saw 60 or more deer every day with roughly 20-25% of them being bucks. There were 6 bucks taken during the week we were there ranging from 93-99. No one saw a legitimate 100 inch deer. Can't wait to get back there again next year! Here is a link to the short version of the story on our blog. http://azhuntingadventures.blogspot.com/
  22. BML

    Gettin it done!!

    Cool short video of our crazy season so far. There's some up close and personal action at the end, and that was just a scouting trip from this morning! http://azhuntingadventures.blogspot.com/?m=1
  23. BML

    WTB bowfishing gear

    Looks like we have found what we need. Thanks again to everyone for the tips and offers. I appreciate it.
  24. BML

    WTB bowfishing gear

    Looking for two whole set ups or even parts to get us started. I'm willing to consider any old bow without cams. Maybe someone has an old wheel style bow in the garage they want to get rid of? 27-28 inch draw, or obviously adjustable will work. I'm looking at an AMS style reel, not the button push styles. I'll probably buy new arrows and heads. Thank you!