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Everything posted by BML

  1. BML

    Chevy Truck Owners

    Thanks guys.
  2. BML

    Bonus Point Bummer

    Same thing happened to my brother a couple years ago. He has a ton of bonus points for antelope and decided to go for an archery tag. He was nearly guaranteed a tag with the points he had. My dad filled out his app and shorted the check by .25. He was obviously rejected and he did lose his loyalty point. I joke around with him and tell him that's what he gets for not paying for his own tags!!
  3. BML

    just some cool pics

    Those are pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.
  4. BML

    First Big Velvet Blackie

    I'm sure it's just the camera angle, but the facial features make him look pissed off!! Great buck!!
  5. BML

    KAIBAB Bucks and "HD" 200+" 7x7

    WOW!! Year after year you guys put some monsters on the ground. Congrats to you and all your hunters.
  6. BML


    Nice bucks!! I see you are from Dewey. I live in Prescott Valley. If all those bucks are from around here, you guys really know what you are doing. Shoot me an email if you ever want to get together and talk hunting. coues09@gmail.com Congrats to all the hunters on some great bucks.
  7. BML

    my grandpas northern az buck

    That's a great buck in any unit, but a monster for 20A. Congrats to your gramps!!
  8. BML

    Long Range Rifle pics

    You guys are all making me jealous!
  9. Is that the one with the crazy mass? I have that picture as well. Awesome buck!!
  10. My now ex wife's cat loved to urinate on my backpacsk when he got into the garage. To this day, I still have no idea why, but whenever he got in there, he went right to them and did his business. After the second time, I had to start putting all my hunting gear inside cabinets, but occasionally I would get busy and forget to put all my stuff away in between hunts. To get the smell out, I usually had to wash it with scent killer detergent a few times and let it air dry each time. Then I also had to store it outside for up to a week each time. Eventually the smell would just go away.
  11. BML

    The Big Boyz

    Awesome bucks man! Is those some sort of food plost you planted? Interesting how green they are and they seem to have borders where the growth just stops. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  12. BML

    2 for 4 so far!

    Thanks for the comments! Almost made it 3 for 4 this evening, but it just didn't work out.
  13. It was a tough hunt this year with the weather, but we managed to find a few deer. My hunt was a bit of a mixed emotion hunt. I took my 4 year old daughter on her first hunt and really didn't know what to expect, other than to not get much hunting in! Even still, I knew the experience would be an awesome one. My daughter goes with me on all my scouting trips so I knew it was time for her first hunt. We also had JT, great young man in camp for his very first deer hunt. His parents are very good friends of mine and I promised him and his dad last year that I would take him on his first deer hunt if he put in for the tag. I was a little worried that I had my daughter in camp and wouldn't be able to really show him a good hunting experience, but I also knew that my dad and brother would help as well. This kid is only 14 but he is well liked and well respected among my family. Late morning of day one, my daughter and I rolled into camp. We unpacked some gear, jumped in the rhino and headed over to a nice canyon that I knew would just be a short hike to get to a good glassing spot. We glassed about 30 minutes or so before the "I'm bored", "I'm cold" and "Daddy I have to pee really bad!" started. :lol: I was able to get another 20 minutes out of her and started packing up. One last quick check revealed 2 does that appeared out of nowhere, as coues usually do. I unpacked the 15's and the tripod and set them up. I told my daughter Ryanne she better give it one more look in case a deer just woke up from it's nap. She looked up through the binos and snapped her head over to me and in her loudest "quiet voice" said "Daddy there's a deer!!!" "No way!" I whispered back to her. She looked again and said "There's two deer!!" What an incredible experience that was. I was the proudest man alive at that point!! Shortly after that, it started to sprinkle on us so we hit the road. Unfortunately, we didn't make it far and the skies opened up. Even with the roof on the rhino, we were soaked and freezing by the time we made it back to camp. She never complained a bit the whole way, but she was unable to make it to the trailer where there toilet was! :lol: "Oh well" I told her. "At least you were warmer than I was on the way back to camp"!! My dad and brother showed up after we did, and about an hour later JT's dad dropped him off at camp. We hung out for a couple hours until the rain broke and we were off again. My dad stayed in camp with Ryanne so my brother and I could take JT out. We went back to the same canyon Ryanne and I saw the does. We glassed for a few hours before decided to call in a night. Just as we stood up, a spike blew out of a little cheater canyon to our left. JT got set up but we couldn't get the buck to stop. Finally, he stopped but the angle wasn't good. JT let one go anyway, but it was a clean miss. Day 2 was awesome. My dad headed out alone and my brother Charlie took JT with him. I waited for Ryanne to get up. We had breakfast and decided to jump in the truck and do some driving and glassing. A couple hours later, I was surprised to glass up my brother and JT a ways off. They must have seen me coming because both of them were waiving me over. I parked, grabbed Ryanne and we hiked all the way over to him. My brother said he had just shot a deer. He knocked it off his feet, but it still managed to get up and move to the other side of a big cedar. JT couldn't get a shot. He was bummed, but he knows that it just happens that way sometimes. So Ryanne and I set up the binos and watched them head over. Out of the blue another shot rings out and I hear my brother yell out that he's down. Yet another hike with Ryanne on my back and we were all there celebrating my brother's biggest coues to date. My brother: JT, Ryanne and me Last night produced nothing but high winds and chapped lips! haha This morning we had hope that we would get JT on a buck before we had to go home. My brother stayed in camp with Ryanne and my dad and I took JT to an area we had seen some smaller bucks in the past. As hunting goes, we never saw a deer. We headed back to camp, had breakfast and started packing up. My brother then said "We aren't done until JT get's his deer!" Charlie said he could stay through tomorrow to help him. A quick phone call to JT's dad to get the OK and then another phone call to JT's boss(yes the young man is already working) and with two "Go for it's" Charlie and JT left again. Unfortunately, my dad and I had to go home. At around 3:00 my brother called to say that he had done it!! The wind was howling like crazy so my brother tried to find a good canyon with a thick brushy bottom. He found one and after an hour or so of glassing two little bucks came busting out of the bottom. They were winded!! My brother said it all happened so fast. He was able to get them to stop some how, said "250" to JT for the yardage and "BOOM". The buck went 10 yards and piled up!! It all came together and we all couldn't be happier. I am just bummed I couldn't be there. JT Thanks for reading my usual long winded story. Sorry about the pictures. They are all cell phone pics. I don't have any from the cameras yet.
  14. BML

    Checked camera today

    Man that really sucks. They obviously wanted that thing bad!! As far as the bolts go, I know of a FS guy in unit 8 who wrote tickets to hunters during the archery deer season this year for those screw in steps. He actually hid near the stands until the hunters showed up. After confirming ownership of the stands, he wrote a ticket for EACH STEP that was screwed into the tree. He did it to several different hunters too. He was obviously trying to prove a point. I don't use lag bolts or boxes, but I do use big heavy chains. It's a lot more weight to carry around, but I have yet to lose a camera, knock on wood.. They can still be stolen, but so far I have been lucky.
  15. BML

    Kade's first buck

    Good shootin' Kade!! Congrats on your first big game animal. There will be lots more for sure. Tim, You should have told everyone about the hike involved with those pigs. I am pretty sure after that day I had a great idea of what sheep hunting is like!! :lol:
  16. BML

    Junior Kiabab Hunt

    Absolutely awesome man!! Congrats to Greta and the 3 other kids in camp. I have 6 more years to wait until my daughter has her own tag. I can't wait.
  17. BML

    Items For Sale

    I have that same stove and it's awesome!! Figured I would throw that out there for a little plug.
  18. BML

    My son's first big game harvest

    Very cool! Congrats to your son. The smiles tell it all!
  19. Well I have decided that I am going to take my 4 year old daughter on my deer hunt in a few weeks. She has been going with me on all my scouting trips all summer and she really has fun. Not exactly sure how I am going to hunt since I know her patience level will be very low! I might try some glassing early morning until she gets bored and then maybe take a break for a while and go sit in a blind on a trail or water for a while in the afternoons/evenings. I will more than likely bring some toys for her or maybe even bring a mini dvd player and let her watch a movie if she wants to, even though she's not really big on TV. I will basically let her dictate how things go. I am actually pretty excited about taking her. I know I probably won't kill one, but who cares. I have a daughter who loves to go into the woods with me. What more could any dad ask for!!
  20. BML

    What am I doing wrong???

    I hope you get it figured out soon, because I want to see some of those 100 inchers!! This was my first year hanging cameras in coues country and I did fairly well. I did, however, hang most of mine on water sources. Most were springs in the bottoms of nasty canyons that I knew no one would hike into. I hung a camera on one tank only and I did get great pictures. I chain up all my cameras and so far haven't had any stolen. I also tried a salt lick for the first time this year and man did it work!! I bought a bag of rock salt from Home Depot for $4 or so. I found a good spot not far from a well used tank. I picked a spot under a really big cedar tree so the lick itself would be shaded most of the day. I had to do some branch cutting/trimming but it seemed to work well. Dug a 2 foot hole, mixed the salt with the dirt and then filled the hole back up. Then I hiked over to the tank and filled up a bucket full of water. I poured the water over the salt just to get it going. Don't know if that did anything, but I did it anyway. It took a few buckets of water to get the ground nice and saturated. Here are the results! I also have lion, elk, bear, bobcat fox and coyote pictures from this exact same spot, along with lots of coues and muley does. This camera has been out for months now and these two bucks and a spike are the only 3 bucks that have hit this salt the entire time!!
  21. Thanks guys! I know we are going to have fun. She has been in deer camp several times (not actual hunting though) so far and she loves to go camping and riding. Early this summer, when I started scouting for the archery deer hunts, I started taking her with me to set up and check trail cameras. She had a blast! I took her into some canyons that even some of my buddies wouldn't go into. Of course, I had to carry her in and out parts of the time, but she never once complained. She always asks me when we are going to get the pictures of deer so she can look at them. I don't really have any areas that I know I can take her on a small hike and glass up some deer, but I will try to find one some time in the next couple weekends before the hunt. If not, I will probably just sit in a blind somewhere until she gets too bored. It's going to be a great trip! Can't wait.
  22. BML

    Stew Recipes

    Actually turned out pretty good! I think I may have lost some of the good flavor when I started adding spices and stuff. All in all, it ended up a little bland, but was still really good. I will probably finish up the rest of it for dinner tonight. Thanks again for the help.
  23. BML

    Stew Recipes

    Chef, I am putting your recipe to work as we speak. Hopefully I don't butcher it too much! lol Thanks for the help. Gino, That's how I usually do it, but with roasts. Trying to broaden my horizons a little and try an actual stew. I'm getting tired of boxed meals!! hahaha.
  24. BML

    2010 High Country Archery Deer

    Beautiful country!! I have always wanted to do a high county CO hunt. It's on my hunting "bucket list" for sure!! Congrats on the huge doe too!