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Everything posted by BML

  1. BML

    Camoflaging a blind

    Cut some of the surrounding brush, trees, bushes etc and place them up against your blind. That's pretty much it. Make sure you get inside it and look out, checking to see if any of the brush might block your shooting lanes. Some blinds will actually have places where you can weave stuff into the blind to hold the brush on. What you really are trying to accomplish is breaking up the outline of the blind, much like camo clothes break up the human body outline. Accomplish that and you are set. Good luck!
  2. This is really why I want to get some ideas before I head out! haha. My daughter won't last long if something isn't going on. She's been asking me to take her for a while, but I really want to try to at least improve my odds a little before we go. It's not really the end of the world if we don't do well. We'll still be out enjoying our time together!! Thanks for the tips guys.
  3. BML

    Left Over Tags

    I drew a one of the rifle cow tags. I haven't hunted elk with a rifle in 10 years. This should be fun!!
  4. Got my book in the mail yesterday. Haven't had time to really look through it completely, but just flipping through it was impressive. I was even pleasantly surprised to see that a couple of my antelope fawn pictures made the final cut!!
  5. BML


    Daryl, Congrats on taking the plunge! As far as gear, it depends on the style you like. Every workout can be done using the resistance bands. If you don't like the bands, you will need a set of dumbells and a pull up bar. How much weight is up to you and your goals. I use the plate style weights, but if I could afford it I would much rather have the fixed weight dumbells. Much more convenient since you don't have to stop and change weights all the time. Most of the exercises are done with little or no rest in between so having to stop to change weights kind of sets me back. I have enough weights to go from 10 pounds all the way to 35 and use all of them, depending on what I'm doing. Also, depending on how flexible you are (or aren't) you might need a yoga block or two. There are a few awesome stretches in yogaX that can be tough to do safely without a block. Nutrition is critical with this program to really achieve good results. They claim that their products are specifically designed for the P90X program, but I have been getting great results without them. I use supplements, just not theirs. A good multi vitamin and recover shake are absolutely critical. The rest is really up to you. Good luck and keep us updated with your progress!
  6. Hey Marvin, How do I find out if I have already ordered the book? To be honest, I thought I ordered one when I entered my antelope, but can't remember. Thanks.
  7. BML


    ggpwr. Congrats on being a 3 time graduate. That's pretty impressive. Mark, Thanks for the tips on the cook book. I will have to check Barnes and Nobles and grab it. A quick update on my progress: I just started week 5 on Sunday. I have followed the nutrition plan nearly to a T and it shows. I took my 30 day pictures Sunday and compared them to my day 1 pictures and was very surprised to see some great improvements. I can't say that I have bulked up really, but my body fat percentage has gone down considerably. I am pretty excited to see how much more I can improve in the next 4 week phase of the program. If anyone out there is looking for a program to get fit, this is the one. It's intense, but if you can dedicate yourself to it, you will see amazing results!!
  8. BML

    Santana Outdoors NEW website and

    Website looks good! Do you guys sell guns by chance??
  9. BML

    Antelope Fever?

    Great video Jack!! I had a similar thing happen to me in the exact same spot as the very first buck in that video. My truck was parked there in plain sight, but the buck was so thirsty he came to drink anyway. I snapped a bunch of good photos of him. He was a pretty good buck, too, with a broken horn tip. Thanks for sharing!
  10. BML

    Which truck

    53000 miles right now on the original brakes. Haven't taken the tires off to look at where they are though. Between the overdrive and the engine braking system, I rarely ever have to use my breaks when towing. Not hard braking anyway. The truck downshifts just like a manual would.
  11. BML

    Which truck

    That's hand calculated. My console readout is usually a touch over 1 mpg on the high side.
  12. BML

    Which truck

    First off, I had a Chevy with that 6 liter and it was the worst truck I ever owned. I had a 7000 pound trailer and got pretty much the exact mileage and speeds you got. Traded it in and bought a 2008 Dodge quad cab diesel 4x4. It's the new 6.7. I tow a 27 foot toyhauler, fully loaded at 11,000 pounds. I can go up sunset at whatever speed I want to really, but I rarely tow faster than 60 mph. The true test is the hill on HWY 260 from Camp Verde to Payson. Top speed for me when I am fully loaded is around 45-50 depending on traffic and if I have to give up some momentum. Only issue I've had with my truck is the diesel particulate filter keeps clogging up. This is simply because I don't drive my truck everyday and when I do it's just down the road and back to pick up my daughter from school. Have to drive it like I stole it every now and then to burn the particulates out of the filter. As far as fuel economy it's ok. If I keep my speeds down around 60-65 on the highway, I will get close to 20mpg. If I cruise at 75 it drops considerately to 15-16 or so. Right after I bought it I took it to WY for and antelope hunt. It had 5000 miles on it already when I bought it and I averaged 18 mpg for the entire trip. When towing, I am right around 13 on most trips. I have seen it go as low as 11, but only once. I should also mention that I run 33 inch KM2 mud tires which will affect fuel economy some.
  13. BML

    Blinds and or Decoys.

    I used a similar version of the zebu decoy when I killed my antelope a few years ago on the archery hunt. I know a couple guys that have used the zebu successfully. I'm trying to talk my brother into using the ghost blind this year. It really looks like an awesome product. I also have a similar product to the montana decoy. Biggest problem I have with mine is the wind. It's very hard to keep steady in the wind. I've been able to hold bucks with it while I snuck in, but never been able to actually get one to come to the decoy. Biggest tip I can give is when to actually show the decoy. If you get into a group with a really rutted up buck you don't need to show it right away. Make sure all the does are looking the opposite direction and then throw it up. The buck will see it and if he's fighting mad, he will come in charging hard. I've never really had that opportunity in AZ, but in WY the hunt is timed just right with the rut. I couldn't believe how many bucks came running at the decoy. Only problem was, they would run so dang fast I could never get a shot off with my bow!! haha
  14. BML


    Chris, I skipped the fat burner phase when I started and went directly to phase 2. I agree with you. I think I am too skinny, but you have no idea how hard it is for me to gain weight. Last summer I hit the gym really hard. I was eating 4k+ calories a day and it took me 4 months to get from 160 to 170. Problem was, it was 10 pounds of fat. I had some life issues and a minor injury which didn't allow me to work out for a month and I immediately dropped all 10 pounds back to 160. I am pushing myself as hard as I can right now with P90X. I choose weights so that I fail between 6-8 reps. Some exercises I am failing at 5-6. I do all my pushups and pull ups to failure. Even after all that, though, I rarely get sore afterwards. I get a little stiff, but that's about it. I drink EAS Myoplex recovery shakes within minutes of the end of my workout. The first 3 days I started, though, I didn't have the recovery drink and I was very sore. I figure the recovery drink was why I am no longer getting sore. The only thing I have never tried is Creatine. I am going to get some tomorrow and give it a shot. Quick question for you regarding post work out. The recovery shake I drink right now has 26g of protein. Should I consume more protein than that right after? Youngbuck, Thanks for all those tips. You've pretty much suggested everything that I am currently doing. I eat a minimum of 6 times a day and finish the day with a Casien shake before bed. I like the ON products as well. Right now I also supplement with a mass builder shake from SEI. It's pretty good, but not cheap. I take a multivitamin every day as well. It wasn't that long ago that I had the metabolism that your friend has. I managed a fast food restaurant for 8 years out of high school. I ate fried food and drank soda all day long 6 days a week and never tipped the scales over 140. I can still eat that way if I wanted to, but I just don't feel very good when I eat like that anymore. It won't add an ounce of weight, but I have no desire to eat that crap anymore. It's just me and my daughter in the house, so staying on track with eating really isn't that difficult for me. My biggest problem is that I just hate to cook and I need new food ideas. I'm one of those guys who has to cook from recipes with specific instructions or who knows how it will turn out!! haha. How do you have enough energy throughout your day eating so few carbs? I am in the delivery business, so I am pretty active for 8-10 hours a day at work. Then I come home and work out. I also run 3 miles a day, 3 times a week. If I didn't eat carbs I would never make it. In fact, there have been days where all I want to do is nap and I know it's on days where my meals were low carb meals. Thanks again for all the tips, guys. I appreciate it.
  15. The GFD should be sending you a map of the unit. I know they do for the archery hunters. If not, I would call and request one. It's a great map that really tells you exactly where all the public and private land is. If you have questions regarding a specific area, let me know. I live in 19A. Congrats on the tag and good luck.
  16. BML


    Thought I would bring this one back to the top. I started week 4 yesterday and so far I really enjoy it. Currently taking EAS Myoplex for my post workout shakes and they work well. They are a little pricey, but I found them at Walgreens buy one get one free so I bought a few weeks worth. Once they are gone I think I am just going to get the P90X recovery drink. At $2 a serving, it's pretty much the same price or slightly cheaper as all the other recovery drinks I have seen. Nutrition is going well, but I am getting bored with it. So far I have only been eating out of the nutrition guide, but there's not a whole lot of variety in there. The food is good though. I really need to find some good healthy recipes though before I start cheating on the diet because of the lack of variety. One big thing I struggle with is trying to gain lean muscle mass. I am 5'10" and only 155 pounds (down 5 pounds since starting). I really don't want to lose any weight. I have the classic "skinny fat" body style. The whole balancing act of calorie intake vs calorie burn really sucks! lol I typically burn close to 1000 calories a day between work, running and working out so I have to eat a lot. I am just afraid of eating too much and adding more fat. One thing I know for sure is I feel great! I am excited to see the final results at the end. As always, tips and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks again.
  17. BML

    19a archery antelope

    Fain ranch is still all open to hunting, but it is a walk in only ranch. As of last year, Bob burris' ranch, which is off 89A between the Prescott Airport and Chino was also open, but walk in only as well. The Perkins ranch, north of Chino Valley, on Perkinsville road is open as well, but they will charge a trespass fee and only allow a limited number of hunters each year. I will PM you with some phone numbers. As of 2 years ago, the GFD sent out maps to all tagholders for 19A. They are great maps. I would call them and ask if they are going to send them. If not, request one. As far as I know, almost every singe hunter that paid for access to Perkins in the last few years has filled their tags. There are always lots of antelope and very little hunting pressure. If you have the dough, it's worth it. If you like the challenge of the spot and stalk hunting, there is plenty of huntable land still in 19A that hold great numbers of antelope. Congrats on the tag!
  18. BML

    Sick of the Arrogance

    Totally agree Mr. Quimby!! I waited almost 10 years before I drew my one and only archery bull elk tag in 2009. Here's the end result: A lot of guys gave me crap for "wasting" my tag on a spike. I couldn't care less what guys said. I hunted hard for a week and took the first bull that I had the opportunity to shoot. Plus, I got to spend a full week in elk camp with my dad. It was just him and me for the whole hunt and I couldn't have asked for a better hunting partner!!!
  19. BML

    Chino Grande Ranch 19B

    There has to be more to this whole story. There's no way in heck that rancher is making his decision to lock up the gates based solely on the "possibility" of a solar energy farm. According to the article in the Daily Courier the solar farm is still just in the "talks" phase. It's not even 100% that it's going on that ranch. Even IF it does go out there on the ranch, it's going to be years before all the permits and bureaucratic nonsense gets all straightened out so that they can actually start building out there. They close the ranch after the draw in 2009. They threaten to close the ranch in 2010, but left it open. Now they close it up for good, before the draw. I think the GFD did the right thing by just closing the unit to antelope hunting.
  20. BML

    Warrior Dash!!

    Just thought I would extend an invite to anyone brave enough to join me in the Warrior Dash!! Check out the link: http://www.warriordash.com/?gclid=CIDFh_G846cCFSU6gwoduncyIA This is my first time entering and I can't wait! I have some family members that have done it in TX and they loved it. My wave time is at 2:30 on Sunday, May 1. If anyone wants to do it let me know. Hope to see a few of you out there enjoying the fun!!
  21. BML

    Warrior Dash!!

    Hey Jimmer, As of now Saturday is all sold out. I didn't find out about the race until about a week ago and the earliest start time was 2:30 on Sunday. Apparently this race is very popular. I did contact them and they told me to keep checking the website for Saturday wave times as people will occasionally cancel or need to change their wave time. Good luck if you decide to go! Dodger, Have fun and good luck! I want to do the Muddy Buddy race when it comes back to AZ. Looks like a ton of fun.
  22. BML

    Warrior Dash!!

    Come on Jay. Don't wait until next year!!!
  23. BML

    Poll: For or Against

    So far 6 people have voted for the ban. I would really like to see those 6 post there statement as to why they think it should be banned. I'm not trying to get the debate going, but would really like to hear BOTH SIDES of the opinions. You points/opinions are just as valid and welcomed as the "against" folks and I would sure like to here them.