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Everything posted by BML

  1. BML

    Kayak Tips

    Thanks Doug! I just missed out on a good deal, but I'm sure I'll find another one eventually. Thanks again for all the tips.
  2. BML

    Kade's first antelope!

    Nice job Kade!!!! Congrats and great shot!!
  3. BML

    Kayak Tips

  4. BML

    Elk Fever is spreading ...

    I'm leaving Thursday to help on my dad's hunt and our good family friend's hunt. The are hunting in neighboring units, so it will be somewhat of a challenge. I haven't started packing at all, but I don't need to bring much. Good luck to everyone!!
  5. BML

    Kayak Tips

    Probably more touring and mild whitewater for now until I get the hang of it and get some miles logged. Knowing my personality, though, I will eventually want to get into some more serious flows and test my abilities. I never really thought of fishing from one, but I don't really fish much anyway. lol Thanks for the tips so far. I appreciate it.
  6. Here's a quick story from my brother's antelope hunt, written by him: I have been fortunate to go on three different archery antelope hunts over the years with my brother and after wating for nine years it was finally my turn. The hunt itself was very hot and more mentally fatiguing than anything else. The first three days I hunted with my brother, Blake, and we bounced back and forth from sitting over a drinker and spot and stalk. The spot and stalk efforts were plentiful but this antelope was with 21 does and three other bucks, so saying it was a challenge to be in position for a good shot, is an understatement. We believed this particular to be the biggest of the heard, but I think he was probably the second biggest once he was on the ground. As luck would have it I was finally able to close the distance to 62 yards and made a quartering away shot that took out one lung and the arrow made a full pass through. The bad news, the shot was five mins before dark and instead of trying to put another arrow in him I opted to wait until the morning to recover him from where he bedded up. So I break down camp that night and go back in the morning and find out coyotes had bumped him shortly after I left him. The following hours were horrible as I couldn't locate the buck and didnt think he would have gone down into a canyon nearby. Hours later my brother and Tim (TAM) show up and find him right away in the canyon. I am very thankful for your help Blake and Tim and I appreciate it more than you know. Also, thanks to my employer for allowing me to take the time off for this hunt! I hope I don't have to wait another nine years to chase them again!
  7. BML

    Trailer light repair

    More than likely it's a wire that's worn through the insulation somewhere and is grounding out, causing a blown fuse. Easiest way to check is to look at your fuses. Find the one that's bad and then replace it. Turn the lights on. If it blows again, you have a wire grounding out.
  8. BML


    Awesome man! Congrats.
  9. BML

    Backyard pics

    17-309. Violations; classification A. Unless otherwise prescribed by this title, it is unlawful for a person to: 4. Discharge a "firearm" while taking wildlife within one-fourth mile of an occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge or building without permission of the owner or resident. *Is it just me or are there a lot of ways to get around this statute? I personally wouldn't want to risk it, but . . . That is a nice buck . . . No risk at all with archery gear. There is no 1/4 mile rule that applies to bow and arrow hunting. I've confirmed it with multiple Game Wardens just in the last month. I'd shoot that deer from my roof if he lived in my backyard.
  10. not going after yotes thats for my 22-250 but for long shots at coues, muleys, and elk. It seems like this is a place to start as a this rifle has a lot of features already built into it add to it a top dollar scope like a leupold, night force, or huskema just to name a few. I hand load and already have 300 win mag dies and other components but thanks for the reply roninflag if you could drop your friend an e-mail giving me some info I would be in much apreciation for input before ploping down hard earned cash for something thats not that good thanks Shoot me a PM with whatever questions you might have. I'm pretty impressed with the rifle so far.
  11. BML

    Early hunt dilemma

    I've noticed the same as well. Some bucks look to be on track with last year, but the majority are still growing.
  12. BML

    12a otc elk/buffalo

    Just talked to my insurance agent up here and he killed a buffalo on his deer hunt a few years ago. They got lucky though. They talked to someone up at Jacob Lake Lodge who had seen the buffalo a couple days prior. They decided to go look around mid day the next day and they were still in the same spot.
  13. I'm running the Tough Mudder in January of next year. Thought I would throw the link up here to see if anyone is interested in running on my team. http://toughmudder.com I know it's a long ways off, but registration costs go up the closer you get to the race. It also gives you plenty of time to get in shape!!! If you want to join the team, the team name is The Wolfpack--yeah I know it's cheesy but I needed a team name and I was watching the movie when I registered. I am currently taking suggestions for new names so I can change it! hahaha password is gohardorgohome Race day/time is Saturday, January 14 @ 11:00 AM Check out the website for ways to get discounts on registrations. I'm hoping to get a big team together to make this an awesome event!!
  14. BML

    awesome find on my scouting trip

    That's pretty cool man!! I live up here in 19A and spend quite a bit of time hiking around antelope country. I've only found 3 of those ever!
  15. BML

    Bear Season Friday

    I'll be out for a couple days, Saturday and Sunday.
  16. BML

    savage predator

    I do have that rifle and for the most part it's a great rifle. I'm having a little trouble developing a load, but only because I am trying to shoot a bullet that doesn't already have a lot of load data like the Bergers or Sierras do. I don't like the cheek piece, but it's removable. No big deal there. I've never shot it with the break in the open position. Recoil is very minimal with it closed. I'm not sure why it's even on that particular caliber rifle anyway. It doesn't do anything for accuracy whether open or closed. Overall I am very happy with it. I've shot several groups in the .6 range and several more in the 1 inch range. I am looking for the load that gets me under .5 and I am just about there. Let me know if you have any specific questions.
  17. BML

    Suprise Bachelor Party!!

    Me tooooo! lol I've always wanted to kill a typical 4x4 like that.
  18. BML

    Change Up?

    I'm doing my first backpack hunt this year. The over abundance of people pushed us out of our normal spots last year so this year we are ditching our proven hunting grounds for the solitude of a backpack hunt. Having said that, though, I am also going to try to stick my first mule deer buck with a bow in a few weeks. I've hunted coues deer with my bow and rifle for the last 6 years or so and this year I'm changing it up and going after a mule deer. If I don't get it done, then it's off to the backpack trip for coues. Good luck to everyone this year!!
  19. BML

    Happy Birthday TAM!

    Happy Birthday buddy!!
  20. BML

    Arizona Python!

    Looks like a ball python to me too. I used to own several.
  21. BML

    WTB Ground Blind

    Hey all, My ground blind was stolen during last year's archery hunt and It's time to replace it. Let me know if you have one you want to sell. Was just going to buy a new replacement, but figured I ask here first. Thanks!!
  22. BML

    WTB Ground Blind

    Thanks for the tip, Clay. Brian,, Do you have any issues with that camo pattern and how dark it is? Or does it just look really dark in the pictures? Thanks again
  23. BML

    WTB Ground Blind

    How's the quality of that blind you just got? Prices are cheap and that typically means you get what you pay for. Just curious. Thanks for the link!
  24. BML

    Leupold RCX 1 & 2

    Cool. Let us know what you get!
  25. BML

    Meat Wanted

    There's a small chance I might be up your way this weekend. I'll bring all that antelope meat if I make it that way.