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Everything posted by Sneaker

  1. Sneaker

    Duwane Adams ?

    Man thats disappointing to hear. I know some great honest guides but others don't do that group any favors. Add this to the others black eyes for guides from just my memory: 1. Powerline buck, 2. Forgot where the reservation line was Bull, 3. Big Muley/Coues Hybrid buck fight, 4. Buffalo location fight, 5. You shot my antelope fight, 6. Helicoptering antelope conviction 7. Governers tag(?) big bull shot in town/close to houses
  2. Wow, that is some dedication especially with no cams and the abundant water this year. What a buck.
  3. Sneaker

    New IPhone 14 with satellite communication

    Sweet. It says Tmobile is trying to do a network wide satellite connectivity as well which will be awesome. No more inreach.
  4. Sneaker

    2022 Alaska Dall Sheep

    What a ram. I don't think my skinny framed body could handle that pack out, no matter how much or how long I trained, that is intense.
  5. Sneaker

    Post them up!

    That must be why no posts, everyone is ashamed of themselves lol.
  6. Sneaker

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Well, Unit 1 is going to have double the quota harvested by the time all the results roll in by end of day this friday, you know what that means, going to go to a draw for Unit 1 next year. Crazy how fast that happened. One week of a free for all is too much time.
  7. Sneaker

    Any Velvet Pictures Yet?

    Sweet! , what hunt/tag was that on?
  8. Sneaker

    Fishing big island HI need recommendations

    If you are into spear fishing, I just went with a guide on the big island a week ago and it was awesome but I've gone spear fishing 4 times before. It takes a pretty specific skill set and has kind of a steep learning curve, for the obvious reasons of: the swimming/snorkeling with waves, diving with a wetsuit and weight belt, ear equalization, holding your breath, the spear gun, and not being scared of sharks lol. But it is a blast, especially in Hawaii with the water clarity and abundance of fish. I got a 12 lb Omilu (bluefin travalley) and a nice Roi(Peacock Grouper) at close to 40 feet deep along with other easier to come by catches. We even got a chinese place to cook up the Omilu for us that night, yum.
  9. Sneaker

    Any Cameras Out There?

    My kids asked me the other day if we are going to do any. No kids, we aren't, because Game and Fish doesn't like you, or fun. No fun allowed.
  10. Sneaker

    AZGFD offering 12 Limited tags.

    The odds are definitely not in our favor...
  11. Sneaker

    Any Velvet Pictures Yet?

    Asking for you guys that have been out scouting to post some bull picture updates, please, thanks.
  12. Sneaker

    Sold Prime Nexus 4, 70lb, like new

    $570, I verified it has not been registered with prime yet.
  13. $650. Got the bow at a banquet for my brother but he decided to get a different bow without trying this one, was donated by Ross Outdoors. It looks new except it came with some marks on the cams from moving the adjusting bolts, and slight markings where they must have had a rest mounted to it, see pics. Maybe they had it as a show bow in the shop? I'm in Kingman but could maybe ship or make it down to the valley sometime.
  14. Sneaker

    OTC hunts for 2023

    I admit I’m being lazy. Does anybody know if the approved regs are going to bring back much of the January 2023 deer units/hunting that were closed last year/this year? I lost track of all the changes and proposals and what the future is going to look like.
  15. Sneaker

    Another Drought Year...

    Every year we have a tag it seems to be a bad dry spring/early summer. Looks like another pretty bad one this year for most of the state, especailly the area through 10, 18s, 17s, 19s and 20s. Pretty much nothing in the state over even 50% of normal moisture. Nothin in the forecast πŸ‘Ž. Trying not to be sad. Last year was tough enough, shaping up to be another bad year. This is last 90 days, percent of normal map:
  16. Sneaker

    Another Drought Year...

    How studly we talking?
  17. Sneaker

    Corner crossing in AZ

    Notify the owners of the Boquillas, ORO, X-One, AHA, or Fort Rock ranches before you do it, with time and your way points, and we will cheer you on with popcorn ready to see how she goes!
  18. Sneaker

    Corner crossing in AZ

    The game and fish office in Kingman has told me that it is NOT allowed. The unit by unit hunt area suggestions on game and fish website also kind of support this, essentially calling every checkerboard ranch area private and inaccessible without permission. Not sure if it has ever been legally tested here though. It’s a shame that the way to find out is to get a citation and go to court. I can think of many places in northern AZ where corner hopping would be very very nice to be able to do.
  19. AZ has the best system out there. The old guys in town swear it doesn't work, not fair, but that is just because they don't understand all the nuances or math, they "never get drawn", yada yada. But it is just all flat basic statistical chance once you understand the whole system. You just have to play the game the correct way if you want to hunt more or in better places, just have to adjust you apps accordingly. Its a thing of beauty really. May the rain fall and the odds be ever in your favor!!!
  20. Sneaker

    Any Velvet Pictures Yet?

    I'll be honest, this thread makes me want to cry a little inside knowing I won't be getting any more scouting trail cam pics to share with you all, and visa versa. All cell phone "from the Road" and backyard pics only from now on boys and girls!
  21. Sneaker

    Another Drought Year...

    Still looking bbaaadddd for moisture πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž
  22. Sneaker

    Sold Prime Nexus 4, 70lb, like new

    Draw length is quick adjustable from 23.5 to 30.5 by just moving the set screws. 34” axel to axel
  23. Sneaker

    Sold Prime Nexus 4, 70lb, like new

    Bump, this guy could kill your 360" bull this year for you!