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Everything posted by Sneaker

  1. Sneaker

    Explain Kaibab Antlerless Table?

    Sparky, the G&F is only using "Winter Range/Vegetation Condition", as a specific metric in the decisions table, nothing of spring or summer feed. Of course if mr. yearling had a ton of feed at 8,300 ft elv. during the summer he should be in better shape at measurement time.
  2. Sneaker

    Draw Questions

    ^ You are going to have to ask this guy
  3. Sneaker

    Explain Kaibab Antlerless Table?

    Most of us all understand the basics of wildlife conservation, thank you. I'm trying to discuss the specific changes for 2016. This is a brand new table and part of the guildelines that has never existed before. I'm trying figure out if I agree with how they are going to change the treatment of the doe hunts going forward. It seems alot of it is relying on winter feed quality(to determine if the herd is too large or too small). We have to have faith that our biologists have it under control as far as the correct measurements, relationships between winter range and the herd etc since it seems like a huge factor.
  4. Sneaker

    Explain Kaibab Antlerless Table?

    It just seems like it is too slow to really help the cycle get back to or stay at equilibrium. If the herd got overpopulated, then had 3 bad years, of forage, weight, body fat metrics etc, then by the fourth year nature would have already been bringing the herd way down in population. But on top of that, then they increase doe tags(generally a multi-year decision), because of the prior three years of bad metrics and therefore fourth, fifth, and maybe sixth years instead of the herd starting to rebound/recover, they get hit with increased doe tags.
  5. Sneaker

    Elk-Rifle before Archery

    Bad Idea
  6. Sneaker

    Thousands of pictures! Help

    Sounds defective. I use all $50 cameras and have had similar issues if I didn't clear branches well enough and it was really windy, but never that bad.
  7. Sneaker

    Water Hole Ethics

    Putting a sign/note up stating your intention to hunt there doesn't do very much for you in my opinion. It just shows others that you think it's a great place to hunt, and depending on how it is worded, that you think the note gives you some upper hand on hunting it, when it doesn't.
  8. Sneaker

    Best shed day ever

    So I took my girls out to a new area today, and boy were they good luck! Found quite the honey hole. Went on a hike with them just before lunch, we didn't find anything, and they got pretty tuckered. They both fell asleep in the truck after lunch so I stopped the truck and went for a little hike, and the sheds just started popping up everywhere. Before they woke up from their nap I had found half a dozen. Before they finished a movie on the dvd player I had found another half dozen. I really could not believe what I was finding. Then to top it off, on the way out while driving down the road I spotted the base of an antler sticking up through the grass on a hill over a hundred yards away, and it was a great 4 point! Then 40 yards away a knarley thick 6 point! 15 sheds in about 3.5 hours in an over-the-counter, non migratory unit.
  9. Sneaker

    Lake Powell

    We caught catfish whenever we felt like it 24/7 last summer from the back of the houseboat. Anything that would stick to the hook, little catfish bait paste rubbed on it, money...
  10. Sneaker

    My bobcat is all finished up!

    Very nice!
  11. Sneaker

    bowhunting boots

    I like lightweight hikers or trail runner types, but I can't stand stickers. Has anyone tried these shorter type shoes with gaiters? Something like this maybe? http://www.mountaingear.com/webstore//Footwear/Stamina-Gaiters/_/R-236573.htm?voucherCode=979100&id=236573pews%2Fmd&gclid=COOt9Zv0vcUCFY-EaQodyRwALQ
  12. Sneaker


    What size? Can they fit rifles/shotguns?
  13. Sneaker

    max points for non res

    It is my understanding that they change the hunts(at some unknown and varying interval) for which they allow a less than max tag or tags to be drawn. Only thing I have ever found in writing is that 20% of total sheep tags for all hunts together can be given in the max pass. Does anyone know of anything written that would speak otherwise? That some hunts will always go to max holders? Never seen such a rule so that would be interesting to know. Has 22 never had a non-max tag?
  14. Sneaker

    Amandas dog Julie

    Sorry for your loss. Julie had very personified facial features and coloring. Thats one of the craziest and saddest lion stories of all time.
  15. Sneaker


    Lance throws down the law! If the animals don't get to it while fresh, the hard dried carcass on the exposed/air side can be mostly intact for a quite a long time. I went through the process of calling G&F out with such a find last year, they inspected and I ended up getting to keep the unique bull.
  16. Sneaker

    New life to old chalks

    I did the same thing recently and ended with a similar result, with a different tone. Tough to get them exactly right with just a couple stains.
  17. Sneaker

    G&F Campaign

    They have a tv add now as well I saw last night.
  18. Sneaker

    Do rage broadheads suck?

    The "big hole" argument can only get you so far. There is a point where you hit diminishing returns. You have to start to lose penetration and pass through potential at some point when cutting surface becomes too great, both before and after initial impact.
  19. Sneaker


    Some people can't afford a Kuiu and a lifted new truck. In college I hunted archery deer in jeans, had duct tape holding my quiver to my 15 year old bow, and was rocking a Dodge Neon on the dirt roads north of Tucson! At least he asked.
  20. Sneaker

    You tell me, how timely is this rain?

    My side of the state, 16a, 18ab, and 10, it doesn't look like enough rain to make water run much or fill tanks etc, just enough to give the grass a little drink. Looks like central and eastern AZ are getting some more today which is great.
  21. Sneaker

    New Guy/ Few shed pics

    Nice sheds, but nothing compared to what appears to be a certified desert beast in your avatar!
  22. Sneaker

    Broadheads for elk

    I've seen and heard of too many guys that have had blades bent way back against the shaft when using mechanicals on elk. Go fixed, lots of good, very similar options.
  23. Sneaker

    unit 10 early bull rifle tag soup???

    Statistics would say yes, there are probably many. Now how many want to talk about it is a different story haha.
  24. Sneaker

    Buck all finished up

    Awesome, did he do some staining on the antlers for you?
  25. Sneaker

    Best outfitters unit 10

    Craig Steel at Exclusive Persuit +1, from Kingman as well