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Everything posted by Sneaker

  1. Sneaker

    Border Crossing

    We didn’t bring capes back, but the USDA guy working the Nogales border last week was a real jerk. Bossing us around all over the place. Was threatening us and acting like we were cape smugglers and going on and on about losing our vehicle if he found a cape we were hiding. I definitely got the impression he would have been very very strict about ticks if we had one to declare…
  2. Sneaker

    2023-24 archery deer tracking

    Guys have really whacked them up in my neck of the woods this year apparently, 15s are closed and 16a is almost closed, neither of them even shut down last year through Jan I'm pretty sure. I'm assuming sitting water was pretty deadly with how dry were were up until yesterday.
  3. Sneaker

    Mule deer hunting around Sahuarita

    The OTC structure and quota system all together is what I was talking about, they are a lot quicker to remove portions of the year from allowable hunt dates as well as a result I feel like too, in addition to the quota closures. I’ve talked to several guys in town that despite all of game and fish warnings everywhere were hunting or were going to hunt closed areas due to closure ignorance.
  4. Sneaker

    Mule deer hunting around Sahuarita

    Revised deer regs strike again.
  5. Sneaker

    Elk antler repair

    Does anyone have a good antler repair guy? Like someone they have used or follow on Instagram or something that posts examples of their work that looks good? And before anyone says it, no I do not agree that “if your taxidermist is any good he should be able to fix it”. I have seen way too many antler repair attempts that just look bad. It apparently is not the same as being a good taxidermist, and a “good” taxidermist will tell you the truth about that Also, my wife doesn’t want to keep her bull natural and broken so that’s out.
  6. Sneaker

    2023 Honda pioneer 6

    Front seat gets pretty toasty from the engine after a while though:) We like our Pioneer, but that’s the only complaint probably.
  7. Sneaker

    How old do you say he is?

    Fish cops recorded 9 rings, scorer counted 8, this is how I personally counted using the 4th year as the first very pronounced ring, but I’m not experienced at all.
  8. Sneaker

    No elk pics? Stories

    Yeah the success posts here have took a big nose dive over the last 5 years. I used to love seeing the posts and stories but people have moved to social media I think for that. I don’t do those so I come to look here and usually nada!
  9. Sneaker

    Post them up!

    Why doesn’t anyone post their successful hunts any more? There’s got to be dozens of active members that have arrowed a buck this year already right? Those of us that haven’t been able to hunt yet or haven’t killed promise to behave and only respond with positive comments, right guys?
  10. Sneaker

    Turnaround Times?

    It seems like the truly professional, organized guys have less than 18 months turns. If you think about it, if their delay is longer than that, they have either experienced a major operations problem, of they are taking in too much work. Take it for what its worth, but basically every full-time taxidermist that I have visited that has more than a 20 month turn time ALSO has a shop that looks disorganized, dirty, and is not managing their inflow and outflow well, and I usually don't like the look of their work anyway. Sounds harsh but its what I've seen.
  11. Sneaker

    Antler Growth

    They still had weeks to hunt, so they must of thought he was done or they would have waited a bit?
  12. Sneaker

    North of the ditch

    Who is your taxidermist?
  13. Sneaker

    Auction tag

    Real interested to see how the rain and growth do this year.
  14. Sneaker

    Post them up!

    Some mass on that 3 point!
  15. Sneaker

    Hunters Ed

  16. Sneaker

    Hunters Ed

    I really wish there was a better system or that game and fish would put on a field day by every office every quarter or something. Volunteer teachers seem like they are putting them on less and less and even though its mostly just the field day now, its very hard to get an open spot. I"m on my third child and as of 3 weeks ago, there was one single field day listed, and it was in New Mexico, and as of a week ago, there were three listed, the NM one, and one in Yuma in december and one in Tucson I think. I called the department and they said yeah, the volunteers aren't doing them much any more so we extended the deadline again to June 2024 now.
  17. Sneaker

    How long until cards are hit??

    2 youth tags charged.
  18. Sneaker

    How long until cards are hit??

    If they don't get charged by noon, I'm ready to restart the "can we please discuss outsourcing this process?" debate again.
  19. Sneaker

    Anyone thinking of selling there truck soon

    I have a 2017 Silverado 1500, Z71 crew cab, 91k miles, greenish grey color. Aftermarket bumper, bilstein shocks. My new truck should be here Beginning oh July so I can sell soon.
  20. Sneaker

    Another early monsoon?

    I read a study a couple years ago and it was saying once you get past like a 12 days forecast, scientists have not been able to find a way to reliably predict weather, and the historical average of the weather for that calendar day was a better predictor than anything else.
  21. Sneaker

    Archery Turkey

    Nice! Almost makes me want to look into spring turkeys haha.
  22. Sneaker

    Boom!! Brown Gold

    Man nice! I struck out pretty hard this year on my annual day-long shed hike in a new area. Found one tiny sun baked rag horn.
  23. Sneaker

    In Reach?

    I still run an older model inreach. It sometimes has longer delays on sending and receiving, not fast. But for checkins and sos it does the job just fine.
  24. Don’t waste your time on 15a/b. They have some elk on the res boarder during the summer but are on the res by the time the rut starts. In 18a, a lot of private property, some scattered housing and some big chunks of private (x-1 ranch) that you need to stay away from. Elk are pretty nomadic there and roam far and wide and are few and far between in most of the unit. Honestly summer scouting won’t help a lot, sad to say. Where they are now or even in August is little indication of where they will be come late September, they usually make big moves to rut. I would spend more time looking for elk and bugles(at night and early morning) just before the hunt to be most effective.