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Everything posted by Sneaker

  1. Sneaker

    Fall away rest help

    I decided to go drop away this year. My bowshop guy convinced me to do a ripcord even though I had researched something else I wanted that he didn't have on hand. I don't like it at all but its a little too late for changes this year. Mine was hitting the fletchings a little. He just move the nock point up a little and that seemed to fix it.
  2. BLM in proposing 4 possible travel management plans for the areas surrounding Kingman. I attended a meeting tonight. Some of their options call for closures of over a thousand miles of different dirt roads. The units affected are 15a and 15b, 16a, 18a, 18b, and perhaps some others. Hualapais, Musics, Cerbats, and Blacks are the major mountain ranges. Here is the link that leads to all their info: https://eplanning.blm.gov/epl-front-office/eplanning/planAndProjectSite.do?methodName=renderDefaultPlanOrProjectSite&projectId=89275&dctmId=0b0003e880fa3423# Map you can leave comments on for roads you have specific information on: https://eplanning.blm.gov/EPLCommentMap/?itemId=fdd39ecb6e17493ba78efc4e09cf2bc2
  3. Sneaker

    2018 Rut Predictions

    The problem is, the state is so big and conditions so different, it seems like every year guys report different things across the state, and even within the same unit. "Not rutting yet, no bugles for us today" While guys somewhere else in the unit are saying "They were on fire!" I haven't spent nearly as many Septembers in the woods as others here, but it seems very hard to predict anything, anywhere. I remember a couple years ago, it was a good rain year, everybody was pumped that it would be an awesome rut, but it turned out to be a very quiet year by most accounts.
  4. Sneaker

    General OTC Bear

    We all feel your pain in one way or another. Some of my childhood spots have long been desecrated by others(I had nothing to do with it Sounds like it is time to start over and scout a new spot away from the masses.
  5. Hopefully, for your sake, they don't get too many good storms now or during the hunt or sitting water could be rough!
  6. Sneaker

    2018 antler growth

    In my limited opportunity areas there are lots of ribs showing and the upper age class bulls are reflecting a tough year on their head gear. But boy is it green as can be out there now! At least they should be fattened up a little bit by harvesting time:)
  7. Is this still allowed or was it banned with the recent reg changes? I know it was being considered at one time. If banned, when does/did it go into effect?
  8. Sneaker

    Archery Hunting within 1/4 mile of a building

    Found it, looks like it will now be statewide ban, I believe these are part of the approved new rules that would go into effect next spring or fall: "The Commission proposes to amend the rule to prohibit the discharge of hybrid device, arrow, or bolt while taking wildlife within one-fourth mile of an occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge or building without permission of the owner or resident, to increase consistency between statute and rules. This language mirrors statutory language under A.R.S. § 17-309, which prohibits a person from discharging a firearm while taking wildlife within one-fourth mile of an occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge, or building without permission of the owner or resident. This change is in response to customer comments received by the Department"
  9. Sneaker

    Over the Counter Elk Tags

    Pretty sweet thing you have going on there. Is that how Lance at TLO does it too, private land access?
  10. Sneaker

    Found my 18a shoter!!!

    If anyone knows the private property owner there south of the Seligman gas station, saw what I'm pretty sure is a booner over there a few weeks back standing on the boarder of 18a, 19b, I saw someone with the tag on IG post a pic of him after I saw him. Has huge flat cutters that go straight out in front.
  11. Sneaker

    Found my 18a shoter!!!

    If anyone knows the private property owner there south of the Seligman gas station, saw what I'm pretty sure is a booner over there a few weeks back standing on the boarder of 18a, 19b, I saw someone with the tag on IG post a pic of him after I saw him. Has huge flat cutters that go straight out in front.
  12. Sneaker

    still have hope

    Yeah I have been following him too, not sure how he seems to always find the cows.
  13. Sneaker

    2018: What’s ur bull goal this year?

    After gathering more info in scouting, hoping to be able to set a goal of 340+, but we'll see, depends on what bulls there are this year in my areas.
  14. Sneaker

    15BW Sheep

    I see sheep cross the sheep overpasses from 15C to 15BW every once in a while. I always assumed they we going to or coming from a sip in the river. There are three game and fish drinkers in the mountains its looks like that you should probably go scout. And that is the end of my knowledge on the area.
  15. Sneaker

    Same deer shot by two hunters

    I say kill shot most of the time. Unless you know someone else just barely shot the animal. I know a youth hunter that hit a 6x6 bull in the vitals from 500 yards in unit 8, bull fell and did two rolls down the hill a little ways, as they were celebrating, they hear another shot. They book it over there, and there is a grumpy old 60 year old guy standing over the kids bull that would not, and never did, back down or explain what happened... My friends ended up taking a picture and leaving the mean geezer there on the side of the hill to contemplate his actions...
  16. Sneaker

    Favorite Trail Cams

    If you want cheap, $28 Tasco baby! You're welcome. I have been using these and they work just fine. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Tasco-8MP-Tan-Game-Camera-Low-Glow/55614224
  17. Sneaker

    Hit list bull ! Maybe!

    From the looks of it, he was hit list worthy last year and gave everyone the slip. Good luck this year.
  18. It is nice how things seem to be pretty predictable now, but it also seems like it is a little less exciting for some reason...
  19. Sneaker

    Always Good Idea to Watch for Changing Regs

    Wow this is surprising, first I have heard of it. Surprised it didn't come up and become a public issue during the proposal stages. We always hear from the department how the cat numbers are doing just fine. So much for buying a lion tag for everyone's summer scouting trips...
  20. Sneaker

    RaffleTags and Trail Cams

    That was kind of strange about Davis. He was very pro-ban, and even made a motion to ban them, then withdrew his motion, then he didn't even vote against the motion to keep them. Its interesting that it wasn't until he saw that he was going to lose the vote that he completely flipped sides...
  21. Sneaker

    RaffleTags and Trail Cams

    I didn't know parachute plane scouting was a thing people actually did lol.
  22. Sneaker

    RaffleTags and Trail Cams

    Nobody has supported the ban out of the first 8 or so speakers.
  23. Sneaker

    RaffleTags and Trail Cams

    Blue slips lol, I went back and listed to it again. I have a feeling they are going to vote something into rule.
  24. Sneaker

    Steven Rinella

    I like listening to his perspectives and have learned alot about the politics of hunting and public lands from his podcasts. I don't agree with all of his positions but he is a really good word smith and goes on some really unique adventures..
  25. And double check that you're a 1/4 mile from a water source?I just take a survey transit and shoot a line. Calculate the land lay and set my cam. Most quarter miles are more like 300 feet. The rule doesnt specify land lay or as the crow flys.300 feet is a quarter of a quarter mile.but how is it measured? Walking steps or a straight line? What if the water source is in a hilly area?You go ahead and explain that to azgfd that you put it 300 feet because you're a surveyor. Let me know how that goesI dont run cams on public water as it is. But I think its a good point, how do they measure? And Im not a surveyor. I just stayed at a holiday inn express last night! The G&F were very clear at their workshop that this, being a fair chase rule, would apply to public AND PRIVATE land. It would basically become an illegal way to hunt, anywhere in the state, unless they adjust their proposal.