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Everything posted by Workman

  1. Workman

    What is this?

    Most likely a game and fish catch tank, judging by the way it looks with the fence around it.
  2. Workman

    What Camo Do You Prefer?

    Ive been wearing Kings desert shadow wherever I'm at in AZ for years. This year I've been wearing Kuiu and I have to say, it is the most comfortable clothing I own, it's like I'm in my birthday suit!
  3. Workman

    In denial

    Lots of fluids and vitamin C. A couple snorts of fireball works good too, kills what ills you! Pretty sure Walmart carries it.
  4. Workman

    Could not believe my eyes

    Congrats to you bud!
  5. Workman

    Could not believe my eyes

    Awesome work bud!!! I'd take a lion over a bear any day.
  6. Workman

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    The bullet! Haha I've seen your shooting Dick!
  7. Workman

    AZGF bonus points!

    I believe you will get the loyalty point after 5 consecutive years of putting in for the same species, i may be wrong but from what I understand it goes into effect on the 6th consecutive year. Miss a year of putting in after that and it's gone for another five years.
  8. Workman

    AZGF bonus points!

    Taking hunters Ed gives you a point, putting in and not drawing a tag gets you a point for each year not drawn, and putting in for the same species for five years in a row gets you a loyalty point.
  9. Workman

    Raccoons in AZ

    202 red mountain and Val vista
  10. Workman

    Brother's Unit 31 Bear

    Nice bear! What kind of supplement is that that he likes so well?
  11. Workman

    Youth hunters and grades

    Take the door off his room, take the cell phone, take the x box, assign chores, take the clothes And shoes he likes away, take the Internet, and most of all TAKE the kid hunting!
  12. Workman


    You nailed it!
  13. Workman

    This post is for the dogs

    Meet Bruz, the latest addition to the family. He's a goldendoodle, 8 weeks old..
  14. Workman

    Tikka t3 hunter

    I've been shooting a tikka t3 lite stainless in 300wsm for the last few years and I love it! I had the trigger lightened up and a muzzle break put on it which makes it very enjoyable to shoot. I also love the action on it, it's the smoothest action I've ever used.
  15. Workman

    unit 8 Bulls? Let me see'm!

  16. That's awesome! I can still remember my first dove kill.
  17. Workman

    Mosquito repellant

    That's right buddy zero bites! Dryer sheets are where it's at for repelling Mosquitos, they work wonders. I noticed you over there clicking the igniter on your thermcel every so often, I didn't know your gun was blowing it out though. Another plus to the dryer sheets is they smell pretty good too... Unlike you my friend I smelled like a country flower leaving the field yesterday, you, well let's just say you smelled more like a mules backside!
  18. Workman

    T-minus 169 hours

    Yeah buddy!!! Heading for 3c in T-minus 96 hours!
  19. Haven't been out shooting at em yet but I've been getting a few with the jeep driving by the Dairys... It Seems to be doin the job pretty good!
  20. Workman

    New to this

    IMO it's much harder to get within bow range, that being said, when you do get there and miss on a opportunity like I've done too many times, it HURTS! Congrats on letting one fly, I'm sure its a safe bet to say that you're now hooked.
  21. Workman

    Need some advice

    Get over it, that's public land for ya. Just be thankfull your camera was still there in one piece and not bashed in like some assfaces do to them!
  22. Workman

    Curious, how you do it?

    For me it's a lifestyle, it's just what I do. I was blessed to be raised in a family that lives for the outdoors. My grandpa was a lion/bear guide out of Tonto basin and my dad, well he was grandpas right hand man untill he started his own construction company. That being said pretty much everything I know about the outdoors has been passed down from generation to generation which Im very greatful for! I take nothing for granted, I'm 27 and have seen and been through way to much to take anything for granted. I've been working for my dad since i was 14 during my summers off from school, ive been full time now for 10 years and finally made it to a supervisor. When it comes to time off for hunting... Well that's not a problem, my dads/boss response is usually "where are we going, when do you want to leave, sounds good I'll get my trailer ready". As far as my equipment goes I've had some hand downs from gpa and dad both, and spent a lot of my hard earned money on quality gear as well. I'm blessed to have a great job, be financially stable, and have a boss who loves the outdoors more than I. If it weren't for my family and how I was raised I would not be able to do half the hunting, scouting, fishing, and other hobbies I do.