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Everything posted by hunt4horns

  1. hunt4horns


    I thought these would have sold by now. There still a good glass for the guy not wanting to spend 1500.00.
  2. hunt4horns

    I’ve been doing it wrong all these years

    You scared the shed right off of him !
  3. hunt4horns

    Tool boxes for sale

    PM sent
  4. hunt4horns

    What's He Score?

    Yeah that was my question. How long after first photo.
  5. hunt4horns

    Cabelas Dehydrator***SOLD****

    If Cody don't take it, I will.
  6. hunt4horns

    Got a new bow? Buy this bow case!

    I agree, if your shooting anything beside Mathews and Hoyt your leaving a lot on the table and need to catch up.
  7. hunt4horns

    Determination Pays off

    Nice job young lady and too you for keeping her in the game. That's how it's done.
  8. I have that exact scope on my 7mm rem mag and it has quickly become my favorite scope and without smashing other brands just know I have many to compare it to in that price range and even higher. Great product for sure. Very clear on all setting. The only thing that I would like to see different is a zero stop on this model but not a deal breaker.
  9. hunt4horns

    spot the 2

    Actually there's 3
  10. hunt4horns

    Buck down. Story. Plus something weird

    I would like to see what Amanda has to say on this one. She may have seen something similar.
  11. hunt4horns

    Unit 32 Questions

    Heck go to deer creek with everyone else and just get away from hunters and you will have a good time. Just go deeper and further from the rest and let the lead fly. Great place for a family to hang out and enjoy yourself. Good luck and sorry for the negative remarks you'll hear from some.
  12. hunt4horns

    2017 Draw Results

    Ah got it !
  13. hunt4horns

    2017 Draw Results

    And you know this how ?
  14. hunt4horns

    Free Appliances

    Class act and very generous. Good looking out for people in need.
  15. hunt4horns

    Horse Traded! Thanks

  16. hunt4horns


    Let me know if the 08 don't sell, I am interested as well.
  17. hunt4horns

    Toyota 4x4, 1992

    Dude put in on craigslist and them cartels from down south will give you your asking price. No joke just go drive I-10 and watch and see how many are being towed to Mexico.
  18. hunt4horns

    Unit 1 camping areas

    plus 1
  19. hunt4horns

    Late 10 experiences

    Best time I ever had was in unit 10 late rifle, seen some toads unfortunately it was after I had already smashed a 360". I have a great Huntmaps water proof map that is very detailed and your welcome to use it.
  20. hunt4horns

    Believe it or not

    Right on !
  21. hunt4horns

    Believe it or not

    Wasn't a mistake
  22. hunt4horns

    Believe it or not

    That wasn't my friends tag, that was myself. The original post was referencing his friend so I chimed in to show it can happen. And in my opinion probably the only way it could happen was what game and fish told me happened. Otherwise yes mathmatically impossible.
  23. hunt4horns

    Believe it or not

    Nope not a bit. I don't play them games. Have nothing to prove other than it does happen.
  24. hunt4horns

    Believe it or not

    Yeah I did.
  25. hunt4horns

    Believe it or not

    Bought many, didn't work but have been drawn 2 more times since then.