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Everything posted by hunt4horns

  1. hunt4horns

    lion season

    Lark, your getting all worked up again. Thats 2 days in a row. Don't let ignorance draw you in, listen to that comment again and you will roll over on your back with giggles. Just like TJ said. If i have a tag in my pocket and it's open season then I'm actively persuing the kitty. Besides, how does one demonstrate "activley pursuance". Hmmmm must have to have hounds. If you think about it the general hunters are far less likely to corner a cat than one that has the dogs doing the work for ya!
  2. hunt4horns

    Digiscope pics

    12 is my vote.
  3. hunt4horns

    My brother got his mount back!

    Everyone of those mounts look great. Good job to your family. And by the way Dollar is doing great now that I broke him from his chewing problem. Loves to be out at the river almost got kissed by a rattler.
  4. hunt4horns

    Robbed of a Perfect Game...

    One thing we need to remember is that they get one chance to get it right and its all done in milliseconds. How often do we have to look at it several time from different angle to get it right. Now in this case, it was just a blown call. I know the ump. must feel terriblt.
  5. hunt4horns

    scope problems

    Agctually you are somewhat lucky. Don't know if the gun was empty but being left on the tripod I assume it had a chance it was pointing in your direction. So when you look at the big picture it could of been a devistating accident.
  6. hunt4horns

    Mounts back up for sale

    I know this sounds stupid but what is ttt ?
  7. hunt4horns

    Round One

    The back party of the body looks a little too tall to be a cat but might be decieving.
  8. See what people go through, you know as well as i do that is fake.
  9. hunt4horns

    Boycott "Los Suns"

    I am against illegals as well, however just like the gun law Obama would love to have. If they strip our rights to have guns you know as well as I do that the criminals will still have guns. The wetbacks were illegal then, they are illegal now and will still be illegals in the future until they become legal citizens. This new bill 1070 only affects the legalized Mexican American more than anyone. Thats the whole point. You don't see illegals protesting, it's the Mexican American you see protesting to avoid be harrassed because of their ethnic background. It's called profiling whats so hard to understand. I know many of you would love it if there were no Mexicans here even if they are third or fourth generation legalized. I never knew this site was so racial. I know many people of various races that won't be back here. Why don't you ask Ernesto why he left the site for so long ? Are you guys trying to do ethnic cleansing here as well ? And as for the Suns, I think they wore them shirts in support of the Latino community.
  10. hunt4horns

    New Horizons in a Familiar Unit

    Looks like Casey is trying to keep the trigger finger warm in the sunlight !
  11. hunt4horns

    300 Weatherby WSM for sale

    I won this gun in a raffle and has never been shot. I would like to get $550.00 for it but am open for offers and trades.
  12. hunt4horns

    300 Weatherby WSM for sale

    Oops. it has a synthetic stock and 24 inch blued barrel. It is the Vanguard. . .
  13. hunt4horns

    Success photos from the past few hunts

    Hey Jim, first of all Great job and Excellent bulls, Congrats. Maybe during the Nov. hunts you would consider a guess the score contest on one of them beast for the winning of a Mullins Outfitters hat.
  14. I just did this gun last weekend, all by hand and many hours. Give me a little feed back if you would. Maybe different ideas etc. . .
  15. hunt4horns

    Camo job on 7mm mag

    Okay, graph paper, blue painters tape, the wider the better and exacto knife. Lay out several strips of masking tape on something smooth like glass. Using the graph paper draw out several different patterns and different sizes. After you have about 3 or 4 pages of patterns cut them out using the exacto knife. Now you will have a page of cut out patterns. Now lay your paper over your layed out masking tape and start tracing your patterns that you made. Once you have what you think is enough patterns drawn out on your masking tape get to cutting them out with exacto knife. (Yes this is time consuming). Heres the painting process. First shoot a good primer on your gun or stock or whatever it is your painting and let it dry over night. Then shoot your base coat first. In my opinion it looks better to shoot lighter colors first. Let your base coat dry over night and the next time you have time to work on it start laying out the decals you made by using the axacto knife to lift your tape patter from the glass. Place them randomly all in the same direction until you have about 30% of the gun covered. Then shoot your next color preferably the next darker color and let it dry over night. Then lay out more decals using the same method maybe even overlapping then slighly and periodically. Then do it again on the next color and coat and so on, but remember do not remove any of the decals (tape) until you have finished with your last color. Some people may use more colors than I did. After you shoot your final color let it dry overnight and remove your decals and there you have it. I used a matte clear coat when I was finished to give it a dull and even look. Krylon camo's seem to work best but use your own judgement on paint selections. Good luck and let's see them when your done. Thanks guys and appreciate all the pm's I received. I may just take you all up on some of the offers but give it a try first. If I can do it you can do it too! Chris
  16. hunt4horns

    dead elk 6x6

    I agree, not too likely you will ever see that rack again if they find it. Unless you buy it of course.
  17. hunt4horns


    C'mon Mike thats your wonderful President !
  18. hunt4horns


    It really only makes sense if you think about it because one of the bi-laws drafted in the proposal is requiring everyone to have some kind of coverage. And if the illegals are not allowed access to buy some type of coverage we are back to square one with UDC's. They will be the only ones without coverage and you as well as I know they will still visit emergency rooms and get flown out of the desert on a very expensive helicopter ride and you and I would be the ones stuck paying for it! Thats whats driving health care up !
  19. hunt4horns

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    Amanda, give us a little hint, has the correct answer come up yet ?
  20. hunt4horns

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    113 7/8
  21. Stop by and see us a little more often Michael .
  22. hunt4horns

    Glenn Beck?

    I agread all the way up to the Ann Colter !
  23. hunt4horns

    whitetail or mullie

    It's a bugle mouth bass (carp) !
  24. hunt4horns

    Monster Muley 236" 9x11 Down!!

    +10 Well put !