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Everything posted by bowhnt

  1. bowhnt

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    dang Tim! glad I picked my trailer up from you on Thursday! not sure that big sucker would have stayed grounded. might have been the Ark junior!!
  2. k you got me! just ordered one
  3. has anyone used one of these while wearing a pack & a bino harness? is there any interference?
  4. bowhnt

    Short-term trailer storage near Unit 9 or 12A

    the hardware store in Valle has a storage yard (unit 9 storage). also the Flinstone amusement park in Valle.
  5. bowhnt

    Need help finding a LR rifle

    check out redhawkrifles.com. I have a couple of friends who have bought one of these & they are absolute tack drivers. out shoot the one I had built here locally & for less money!
  6. bowhnt


    I have a T/C Pro Hunter you are welcome to try. shoots 110 grns of Blackhorn 209 & Barnes 250grn T-EZ FB (blue sabot) bullets. topped with Leupold 4x12 scope w/bullet turret out to 300yrds. I have no plan for this rifle until end of September. it will be used as a backup rifle for my daughters muzzleloader bull hunt.
  7. bowhnt

    Trailer Service

    thanks Tim for getting my stab n cabin ready for my elk hunts! brakes working fine so far. I will let fellow hunters know about your trailer service.
  8. bowhnt


    great work out but be careful & not push yourself to hard to often. my daughter & her boyfriend both do crossfit. he even teaches & competes. the danger you need to lookout for is Rhabdomyolysis. my daughter pushed herself so hard that she caught this & was in the hospital for a week. some very scary times! shes ok now, & still does crossfit but watches for the signs of it coming back. im not saying for you guys to stop crossfit but read up on Rhabdomyolysis & don't ignore the warnings. im told that most gyms who offer this workout even have cartoon posters on the wall that make fun of this. for your families, if for nothing else, PLEASE do your homework on this. can be deadly if you ignore the signs! good luck & please be careful.
  9. bowhnt

    Feedback for TSX &. TTSX

    I load the TSX 85grn for my 6mm that my wife & girls shoot. group great @ the animals just flat drop in their tracks!
  10. bowhnt

    Danner Pronghorns Good or Bad?!

    I have 3 pair. all different on insulation for different types of hunts. trick for long lasting is keep your feet out of the camp fire! change into something else when your back at camp.
  11. 95 grns retumbo with 185 grn berger vld's
  12. bowhnt

    Muzzy Elk in Colorado

    I have 2 that I use. 50 cal Johnston (ultimate) muzzleloader. they make one with open sights if needed. 50 cal T/C Pro Hunter Encore. use only the Johnston muzzleloader now. would like to unload the T/C. no pun intended!
  13. I used the Spit-Fire T-EZ FB 250 grn (blue sabot) with 110 grns of Blackhorn 209, out of my T/C Encore Pro Hunter, to take the bull in my avatar @ 206 yrds. The only steps he took after the hit were backwards, before he dropped. I also took a mule deer buck on the Kaibab with this load @ 90 yrds & he dropped in his tracks. Many options out there & I tried a lot of them, but it all came together when I switched to the Blackhorn powder! good luck!!
  14. bowhnt

    Muzzleloader bullets

    check out bullets made by Parker Productions Inc.
  15. bowhnt

    **Sold**PSE Bowmaddness

    pm sent
  16. bowhnt

    multi-pin sights for old eyes

    I don't know if there is for a sight but there is a peep that has a lense in it. mine is made by Specialty Archery. kind of like reading glass's. the guys at archery headquarters in chandler put one in my bow a few years ago. it was nice to be able to see my pins clearly again! I put one in my wifes bow last year & she was amazed! there are different powers available just like glass's. im sure a shop in your neck of the woods will have one. makes shooting fun again. good luck! sucks getting old!!
  17. bowhnt

    remington 700 sendero nightmare

    what caliber? I had the same problem with a 300 ultra mag I built. tried to shoot nothing but a barnes 165 grn bullet. many different combos of powder, primers & brass...same results! I was about to sale it when I talked to Les Szabo of Red Hawk rifles. he had me send him the gun & he got it to shoot sub .500 MOA just by going to a heavier bullet. now I shoot 185 grn Burger VLD hunting bullet. good luck & don't give up. everyone I know, who has a Sendaro, found a load their rifle liked & they shoot awesome!
  18. bowhnt

    Goulds state record!!!

    Bowhunting in AZ record book has a category for the Goulds. both spur lengths added together is total score. most Goulds only have one spur or none. very lucky to harvest one with 2. congrats on your bird!
  19. bowhnt

    ISO: A good Taxidermist

    Brett at Game trail. he has done numerous mounts for me & my hunting buddies. including some life size. started out working for Mark Plunket. learned from one of the best!
  20. bowhnt

    What bullet weight

    I havn't had the chance to try these out on a Coues yet...but they work well on mule deer, elk, antelope & javalina. the load for my encore took the bull in my avatar @ 206 yrds Thompson Center Encore Pro Hunter 50 cal 110 grns of Black Horn 209 Barnes 250 grn T-EZ loads avg 1988 fps Ultimate (Johnston) 50 cal Muzzleloader 180 grns of triple 7 magnums (3 pellets) Parker Ballistic Extreme 300 grn loads avg 2323 fps good luck on your hunt!
  21. bowhnt

    WTS: Alliant RL-25 Powder

    I can use up to 2 lbs of IMR 4350 Tried to send u PM. says u cant receive any more. Please let me know if there's any left. Thanks!
  22. bowhnt


    posting this for a co-worker MEC "Grabber" progressive shotgun shell reloader 12 ga 3 charge bars included 3 powder bushings included $175
  23. go ahead and apply. you never know. if not drawn... you will get a bonus point anyway.
  24. bowhnt

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    I have been hunting AZ sense I was 12. cant even come up with an accurate number but I have been lucky enough to harvest 11 of the 13 big game animals we have in this state. some with rifle, bow, handgun & muzzleloader. javalina mule deer coues deer elk antelope mnt. lion marriams turkey goulds turkey bear desert big horn buffalo still need a rocky big horn & rio turkey