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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Hey 300 wsm, That does not sound good for me. What is the country like around Juan Miller or Upper Eagle Creek? How is it to hunt? Can you get around? Or is big canyon country? Are there any camping spots? Somewhere that I could camp with horses? Seems like alot of questions I know but any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hey have2hunt, Did you see any Javelina? I have a tag for Javelina & plan on heading down in a couple weeks. What is the country like around Juan Miller & Eagle creek? I have never been there. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Tracker

    Unit 27

    Once again Scott. Thanks for taking us along. Looks like a great day and some good looking country.
  4. Tracker

    Check out this 2 pt!

    What a great buck Amanda. Can't think of a better way to spend the day.
  5. Tracker

    Unit 21 Buck

    Twelve days in Heaven- We should all be so lucky! Great buck Big Rack
  6. Hey Brian, Is your family originally from Arizona? I am a Payne from Utah? Craig Payne
  7. Hey SunDevil, Who is your cousin that works at Christensen arms? I know those guys. I guided a Pronghorn hunt and a Bison hunt that we filmed for their outdoor show. I live about 10 minutes from their office.
  8. Tracker

    Trail camera pics

    How cool is that! What a find!
  9. Tracker

    Apply for New Mexico now

    Thanks vizsla-dog, got a bunch like that, hoping for something a little bigger.
  10. Tracker

    Unit 27

    Scott, It is great to have you back on line. I love going along with you on your hunts. It looks great country. Big, rugged & beautiful. Bear, Lion, Coues & Mule deer. Did you see any elk? What about Javelina? I have a Javelina tag for 27 & was hoping to get down before the hunt but the closer it gets it looks like I will not be able to come much before the day before the opener. Not wanting to know your secret spot but any help with a starting spot would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Tracker

    Busy Week

    Great looking lion. Was it a tom or female? Who is the hound man? Looks like a good looking pair of Red Tic hounds. Always good to tree one quick but I dearly love to watch a good hound trail on dry ground. For me the best part of the hunt is the chase. Keep up the good job.
  12. Tracker

    Busy Week

  13. Tracker

    Apply for New Mexico now

    Sounds great, I didn't think they excepted app's until Feb. If you were looking for a better than average elk hunt which of the 16's is best? I have horses and pack gear. I hunted unit 2 next to the Jic. in the late 1980's with no luck. have had a couple buddies draw Valle Vidal elk tags and had great hunts. Lots of elk but not any GIANTS. Or maby the 16's are not the answer. Does anyone know much about units 12,23,34,36,37? Any help would be appreciated. I know this is all about Coues deer but does anyone know about the Mule deer in unit 2B or 2C?
  14. Tracker

    dec hunts

    Does anyone know why the change in unit 23? Muskeg, have you had some bad luck in 23? I applied for 23 this year & did not draw, just wondering if i need to change my focus. Thanks, Tracker
  15. Tracker

    dec hunts

    Whats the story unit 23? I noticed they cut the tags. Tracker
  16. Tracker

    Scouting Pics

    Great looking buck Scott. I drew a Javelina tag in 27. Not wanting to know your secret spot but could you give me some advise as to where I could start looking for a Javelina? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Tracker