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  1. Mason

    Preference or Bonus

    A lot of good responses boys. So far the 2 I like the best are the even and odd birthdays, and squaring the Bonus points. Seems like if they combined the two people with high points would have a good chance of pulling tags.
  2. Mason

    Preference or Bonus

    Thanks Singleshot. To clarify, yes I have a daughter that drew a unit 1 Bull tag this year without any points. This is my point exactly, is it right that she got that hunt when people with max points got skunked? The guy who talked about the fringe units has a point, but those would be the units that would not require very many points to draw on a preference system. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy that she drew the hunt, it is just I see the cracks in the system.
  3. Mason

    Preference or Bonus

    Very well put Bud. I think your ideas are very good, maybe a waiting period is the better solution. I also completely agree with you about the poor boys. I am VERY DISSAPPOINTED at the G&F for raising a resident tag the same percentage as a non-resident?! Where is the justice in that? We as hunters do not want to see our passion turned into a money game, and we need to make sure that we let the proper people know that. I really hope that we can come up with a good solution so that everyone can have a chance to enjoy the thrills that a quality hunt provides. We need to quit being so dang selfish and try and work together to find a solution. Lets not leave it up to the G&F, because if we do it will definately revolve around money!
  4. Mason

    Preference or Bonus

    Thanks for the input and I couln't agree with you more. There are definately too many holes in the "Bonus" point system. As for the guy calling his tags, something needs to be done there, like letting me put in with him! Thanks for the response, I really would like to come up with a good proposal for the G&F this coming year.
  5. Mason

    Preference or Bonus

    In UT a guy with no points cannot draw before a guy with points right? That seems to me the way it ought to be.
  6. Mason

    finally after 28yrs!!!!!

    And I had the nerve to be upset of not getting drawn with my 15 bonus points!!! Congrats and make it worth the wait! Please tell me I don't have 13 years more to wait.
  7. Mason


    Lark, I started a new topic today called preference or bonus, check it out and let me know what you think.
  8. Hello all and congrats to those who had a good draw. Now seems like a good time to get some input on this topic to me. I would like to know how you people feel about Arizona going to a preference point system instead of a bonus system. I actually had good luck in my family this year on the draw but I know that there are many others who did not fare so well. To me it does not seem fair that a person can draw a Bull Elk tag 3 years in a row before another guy can even get one! I would like know that once every 4 or 5 years that I could hunt rather than rely on my so called "Bonus" points to help me out. It seems to me that a Preference point system is much more fair and I believe that most people would agree. There are several different ways to structure it and I would like to have your input on this. Many other states use a preference point system and they seem to work very well. Lets toss this around and come up with a good solution, I'm sure that the Gaame and Fish Dept. would really love our input(haha). Thanks all, Mason
  9. Mason


    Looks kinda like an antler to me. If it is that hard to tell at this time of year I doubt that its the kind of buck you are looking for anyway?! Good luck and have fun!
  10. Mason


    Lark what happened?
  11. Mason


    Good draw year for my family. I got Nov. 31 coues, my wife got a 22N cow tag, my 2 girls got 31 Oct. coues, and one of them drew a unit 1 Nov. Bull tag without any bonus points! She is 10 years old and shes so excited she cant wait to start shooting. It is gonna be a very busy Fall, thank goodness.
  12. Mason

    anyone near safford

    Howdy bud, another boy from Safford. I also got some hits on my cc, looks like we got 3 deer tags and 2 elk, just waiting to here which hunts.
  13. Mason


    Hello all, its been a while. Just called on my card and it looks like all my family drew our deer tags and we also pulled 2 elk tags!! Does anyone know if they have already done the antelope, I have 15 points and was kinda hopin? Can't wait to see exactly which hunts we got!!!! GOOD LUCK ALL!!!! Sorry guys I also wanted to tell everyone that I got my buck officialy scored by Kirk Kelso and he went 131&7/8!!! I am sure glad I got him last year when there was something for them to eat. Good luck guys!
  14. Mason

    Unit 27

    Hey Scott, go get em! Bill and I went out today. We saw 16 deer, 4 of them being bucks. One was a definate shooter, just got out a little to quick for us. The rut is definately kicking in. All of the bucks we saw were chasin. It's really windy here tonight, I'm really hoping it lets up for tommorow. I'm picking up Bills son in the morning. He only has one day to hunt and he has never killed a buck before so I'm gonna look until my eyes bleed trying to find him a good un. I'm so freakin excited it's ridiculous! It's a neat oppurtunity to try and help a guy get his first buck. I wish you good luck, and I'll give you a report tommorow night. Let's cherish this hunt, if the weather doesn't start raining we're gonna be in bad trouble. Go get im buddy. MACE