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Everything posted by bluedevil99

  1. bluedevil99

    Upcoming Season

    Hey sometimes you have to venture into uncharted territory lol
  2. I just want to put a word out there that I am looking for a hunting partner for the upcoming season. I am located at Fort Huachuca and pretty new to the area. My dog will be completed with training by the time the season opens for waterfowl. I am also looking for a partner for hunting of any other kind as well.
  3. bluedevil99

    Upcoming Season

    Well hey if you would like to link up sometime and talk that would be great. I'm hoping to get in on some dove hunting too here as soon as the season opens. I go up to Payson on the 31st to get my dog and then I am up for anything. But yeah it would be nice to meet a hunter here on the fort.
  4. Well the title pretty much says it all. I am definitely new to the area and new to the draw thing that is going on here. I missed the deadline for the big game tags for rifle but I am thinking I might be able to snag a second chance one? Am I correct in this or way off? Basically I would like to find some information on hunting the area. I am up for anything from squirrel to mountain lion to deer and bear. It would be nice to find someone in the area to link up with and essentially show me the ropes. Also how is the area for upland bird and waterfowl? I'd love to get out there and get my dog retrieving some downed birds. I have him in training right now up in Payson for snake familiarization and overall gun dog training. But like I said before I am open to anything and would be nice to meet some people in the area that are into the same.