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Everything posted by lonne

  1. lonne

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    So shouldn't new regulations be focused on companies making wildlife feed instead of banning baiting for hunters?
  2. lonne

    My bear

    Definitely got me on that one !!! Nice pics You will never forget those moments that is for sure
  3. lonne

    Archery Lope

    Do not know much about Lopes but that sure is a nice looking one !
  4. lonne

    Short but sweet.

    Very cool story and some very nice looking bulls, that one you got sure has character
  5. lonne

    Where to for 2013?

    There are alot of pigs in 37B.
  6. lonne

    Colorado Bear

    Awesome, I bet they do not like it too much when you creep up nearby while they are eating...they might get a little upset if they think you are coming to eat their gut pile too :-)
  7. lonne

    AZGF will be back in to lawmaking in 2011

    In which section are they going to discuss baiting? The Game and Fish post does not make it clear that this is on the agenda...
  8. lonne

    Winter Trail Cam in AZ

    Do you lag bolt yours in? If yes, do you have to back the bolt out a couple turns every once in awhile to keep the tree from growing around?
  9. lonne

    Winter Trail Cam in AZ

    What happens to your trail cam when you leave it out all winter in AZ? Batteries die? My Bushnell Specs: Operating Temperature is from -20 C (-4 F) to 60 C (140 F) Storage Temperature is -30 C (-22 F) to 70 C (158 F) I would think it rarely gets this cold in AZ unless there is a big snowball on the camera... What are people's experiences?
  10. lonne

    Winter Trail Cam in AZ

    This post was meant for trail cams...not taxidermy...oops! I'll delete and move if I have the option
  11. lonne

    Another Year Another Bear

    Awesome. That woulda scared the daylights out of most! I like the orange color on the neck/back or is it just the way the light is hitting it?
  12. lonne

    My Nov is free!

    Justin, I don't know Lee unfortunately - but I did work as a contract software developer at Choice Hotels for awhile and there are a few hunters there and it is a great company...send me your resume also. The position you are in is tough and getting contracts/jobs around December can be difficult but usually companies are hiring in the new year...
  13. Any good NRA or hunting lawyers out there? I would sure like to exercise my right to hunt and camp without a fire this weekend...to support my family I also do not need a $5000 fine... See map attached. This order is in effect until Aug 31...that covers a large portion of the Fall Non-Permit tag as well as the current Spring Draw tag. OK I'm pretty upset, ok frankly am pissed. I can understand regulations of no fires because of extreme fire danger but disallowing access to the entire forest? I am ... very ticked off... So if you have a Spring bear tag, this has to be one of the best weekends to go bear hunting because of the heat... My cousin who was going bear scouting with me this weekend and drove up before me just called me to tell me he cannot access the area below because a big sign is posted saying it is closed. One place I was scouting since April has already been closed due to a fire and now this area...So effectively all the scouting I have done has gone down the drain... I've been scouting in 22 and planned to go this weekend and this area is completely closed, and I do not see anything about hunting being allowed. I saw on AZGFD website today that some places in Tonto NF were closed including Fossil Creek and Hackberry Mountain area, but nothing mentioned about whether hunting is allowed or if my area in Tonto NF was affected: http://azgfd.net/art...onditions.shtml The closure order is here: http://www.fs.usda.g...prdb5375194.pdf Neither of these two items listed allow hunting, in my interpretation: Persons with a Forest Service permit specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited act or omission. Persons engaged in a business, trade, or occupation in the area who are authorized by the US Forest Service, the State of Arizona, or the County of Gila, its employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors.
  14. lonne

    My 2012 Crazy Bear Hunt

    That is a really cool story!!! Thanks !!! You had a lot of guts to go after that bear right away...must have been truly scary with it coming straight at you. I have read a few stories of wounded bears, that figured out what was going on, and waiting in the bushes for the hunter. Awesome the front half turned out ok!!! Hopefully you had some help packing it out...
  15. Being out in this heat separates Da Men from Da Boys and puts hair on your chest. If I can handle it and you want to stay home that's your prerogative. By the way if you have not noticed being up at high elevation is actually a few degrees cooler...said with alot of sarcasm.
  16. It will be interesting to see what kind of extremely restrictive firearms regulations are introduced if Obama gets elected for a 2nd term in office. The way it always goes. First term, be conservative so you get re-elected. Second term, legislate like crazy and leave a legacy because no re-election to worry about...
  17. The initial post has fueled alot of good discussion in a lot of directions but really just want to have forest that was scouted open to go hunt, and do it responsibly. Hi Bill - I am definitely on one side more than the other, but I never said it was black and white. We all have a good question here. Where do we draw the line? I feel the line is moving too much in the wrong direction, and options not being explored on the other side. Do I have the answers? Definitely not. But, sometimes answers our found in discussions like this. Cannot say this would be that time, but you never know when a great idea comes along. As far as feeling differently. I do not have a cabin. But I do have a 3 1/2 year old son. My wife and I were just 5 miles from the Sunflower fire camping when we smelled smoke. We thought it was a campfire and did not notice the large black cloud on the horizon. The Forest Service, to whom I'm grateful, did come flying in sirens a blazing, and it took us a few minutes to understand what was going on. I thought someone was hurt. The Forest Service personnel arrived, and were very professional and telling us to leave right away as there was a fire rapidly on its way. If the winds were right it would be on us in no time and they were already suggesting helicopters out. We packed up our camp so fast (< 15 mins) and did not even feel good about doing that. I almost could not find the keys to my jeep and almost left it there. Let me tell you we felt some serious fear driving out of there, knowing that we were on the only road out of there and the fire was less than 200 yds from the road all the way out. So, I have been there, just a month ago. What would I have done if I could not have driven out on that road? Good question...I don't know. Would I have hiked out? Is this smart? Having experience in search and rescue am one of the first to know this is not a good idea from all the countless that walk off in the Supes every year and never come back...I know the trails in that area very well, and I put in 20 miles alone the day of 9/11 in Manhattan. Don't think I would have been a dummy to just hike on out without alot of water and a very good plan ...STOP Stop Think Observe Plan...now with a forest fire coming...what would you do...Damned if you do damned if you don't like you said... Now, in regards to the closure. They closed an extremely, extremely, extremely large area to everyone. I do not think that is fair. Will it solve the problem for now? Maybe. There is always lightning and many things we do not understand. Last year I was up by Kinnikinnick and saw a tree on fire in the middle of fire season. Called in the Forest Service and it became understood it had all the signs of a lightning strike. That tree and the ground around it was like a hole to h*ll, the fire burning stench coming from it and the ground smoldering and smoking. That could have started a h*ll of a fire with just a single wind. My dad was with me and he was shocked...we were scared to be standing there waiting for the Forest Service fire patrol. That was a dry lightning storm by the way, at 7,000 feet, no rain, according to the Forest Service person. Will closure educate people not to start fires? No. Will closures probably get worse before they get better? Unfortunately probably yes. So we better start thinking of some better solutions. I am annoyed like anyone with Forest Service driving up and down the road looking at everyone as though they are fire starters. But, I would take that any day to them closing down the entire forest. I planned hunting that area for a long time, scouted it a lot, and my camping trip was going to be 100% fire free. Neither do I smoke, nor anyone that was going with me. If this happened next year, and instead of them closing the forest, there was a Forest Service feller checking on everyone down the road, I think I would be very happy about that now knowing what it feels like to have the option completely taken away. Would it stop people from hiking in and starting fires in the backcountry? No, but I sure would hope hose doing something like that would be even smarter. Do not take peoples' freedoms away. Make people smarter, not stupider. It is scary how many people do not even know how their food traveled to the grocery store...
  18. +1 It is called slow adaptation...slowly brainwash them and they will fall in line...
  19. lonne

    3rd bear attack

    Thanks. Results from the DNA tests: http://azgfd.net/art...rd-attack.shtml The headline seems to say opposite from what the body says...
  20. lonne

    3rd bear attack

    If you had a long talk with a Department employee it certainly must have put you at ease. Glad you have a friend in a high place and have enlightened me and probably others...I would just like to know what the law says, like a lawyer would, that's all. Rather than depend on a phone call. I don't know you, and I don't know your friend in a high place. You are someone with knowledge of the law and a friend in a high place, so I give credence to that. I also give credence to what the letter of the law says, as it is most likely to dissolve any remaining questions.
  21. lonne

    3rd bear attack

    So what about the anesthesia? Obviously this has been discussed before so what are the pros/cons of doing it that way? Is there more info on this lab in Wyoming? There are some grad students in this country doing some amazing things through programs funded by universities and lives depend on it. Not sure a 14 year old and a brake job is the best analogy but certainly there exists argument between a grad student paid $20-30 an hour versus a professional $150-300 (someone with a resume and 10+ years of experience and an extensive background and proven track record). Think there are many more factors to be considered here and certainly some history behind why Wyoming is being used or has been chosen for this...But, how quick is the turnaround? What is the guarantee of certainty? Etc...
  22. lonne

    3rd bear attack

    OK, found this, which goes along with what has been said: http://www.azgfd.gov...ublic draft.pdf Which contains the following quote: The annual female harvest limit comprises female bears lethally removed through Department action (e.g., nuisance) and female bears harvested by hunters. It does not provide answers to questions exactly as I asked, but it does state that female bears (nuissance or not) removed by the department are counted against the annual female harvest limit and not necessarily the unit season harvest limit (?). It would be useful to know where in permanent regulations or law this was written... Couldn't find it described in detail in the Spring Regs
  23. lonne

    3rd bear attack

    Not disagreeing at all 1 uglydude, just trying to understand where it is written. In fact would be quite happy if it is as you and bowhuntaz1 states. Maybe the answer to the following question would sum it up. Is it written somewhere in the regs 1) when a sow is counted against the unit annual harvest limit and 2) when a sow is counted against unit season female harvest limit and 3) when a sow is counted against both?