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Everything posted by lonne

  1. lonne

    My bear adventure

    Hope you get him Gray Ghost
  2. lonne

    6b bear

    Cool story, nice work!
  3. lonne

    Dagestan Tur

    Really nice!
  4. lonne

    Alaska Black Bear Hunt

    Fun read, awesome ! Thanks...
  5. lonne

    Snowshoes? Need advice...

    Not sure about the weight, but MSR Denali Classics should do the trick. Buy the extensions also. Lonne
  6. lonne

    Bear Opener

    I hear that Kidso. When my cousin and I were trying to call in a bear last May, literally right when we were setting up our stand a black timber rattler sprung to life next to me as well. LOL
  7. lonne

    What is this?

    Does anyone know how to make a water catcher like that? Closest thing I can think of is a used satellite dish or something unless you hand make it...
  8. lonne

    My new speargun camera mount!

    Awesome!!! I only got to go spear fishing with my brother-in-law once in Hawaii...it was a blast. Although born and raised in Arizona and basically knowing just how to swim for survival, I often wondered how much sharks were coming around from the bloody fish I had and my poor erratic swimming. LOL
  9. lonne

    Beautiful Hike

    Nice job
  10. lonne

    35A December Help

    Canelo Hills should be a good place to start...what are others' thoughts?
  11. lonne

    Treating a dog for a rattlesnake bite?

    Friend of mine thought his dog was bit by a rattlesnake. Turns out the dog just had a bunch of foxtails deeply buried in its skin that swelled up and looked real bad, dog was miserable. Another friend of mine's 2 dogs were bit by rattlesnakes twice...he gave them penicillin and it cleared up
  12. lonne

    Javelina Roast

    I'm hungry, thanks
  13. Hahaha that's awesome...that is pretty darned funny that 2nd pic has you smiling. I was just gonna ask where is the spoon pic? You could always reenact one with the hide. Way to go
  14. I saw one pretty cool recently. It had a nice wide surface area for water catchment, and then underground hoses to a trough. Still looking to find the design for that somewhere if anyone has one.
  15. You will get something! Excited to see...I set some water up on some land someone I know owns and was very excited to see the results...it was alot of work...I did quite a bit more than 5-7 gallons, and I'll just say that water was gone in a very short amount of time, the animals were thirsty. But if I ever get drawn archery for that area I will do it over again Lonne
  16. lonne

    Bears cooling off from 100+ degree temps!

    Those are some beastly bears
  17. lonne

    Big Browns bear

    Adam, you put alot of hard work in over the years...boots on the ground, gasoline, blood sweat and tears. I know truthfully it was not easy. But walking in there this year, you sure made it look like it !!! Great work man...have a very Happy Fourth of July you deserved that bear
  18. I know a couple guys that tagged out archery bear this year right after your post and they sure made it look real easy... :-)
  19. lonne

    Big Browns bear

    I have to agree with Kidso. Adam you needed to top the bear kill sexiest pic...I need to be spitting my drink out right now. I'm disappointed. You guys rock...way to make it look easy ! Nice bear Adam and great job!!! Way to get yer a out and git er done!!! Lonne
  20. lonne

    The Lucky One

    Keith, you're awesome man ! Way to go...I think you need a TV show like Steve Rinella and a few endorsements from only the best hunting companies...LOL...you show us all what it takes and yes sometimes it is so hard but you do have a knack for making it look easy. And I know how you feel sleeping like that in the open in bear country...! It is so nice to sleep outside. It's 99% safe until you get that 1% chance one hungry curious and smart bear that knows you are alone and wants to take a bite like the one that bit that fellow sleeping in the cabin they were building last summer. I slept in my 1 man tent last weekend with my pistol very nearby, and while no bear got curious, some red winged fire-ant looking thing must've taken about 20-30 bites on my stomach...ouch. Funny what I was nervous about and funny what got me. There are some mean bugs and critters out there in the summer... Lonne
  21. No, but I drank two gallons of water Saturday trying to :-)
  22. lonne

    Early Summer Bear pics

    Those are really cool pics of some great looking bears!!! Big time bummer no tag...you can sell your spot and blind fold someone into it. LOL
  23. lonne

    Arizona Cell Phone Coverage

    Last year I was hiking out to a really remote spot. I had great cell service with my Blackberry. I upgraded to a new one, and now the very same exact spot? You guessed it...no service Alot of cell companies making cheaper and cheaper antennas... There is hope with Google Loon. But then ... we will never be disconnected from the office... with positive comes a very negative...
  24. lonne

    Antelope in the Pines

    Yep...have seen them goats in the pines also